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Mosaic Mar 2015
My mother stands with an axe
In front of my sister's door
As if she can chop
                            down her defiance
like a tree

It's late
Home is somewhere before memories
and after a tomorrow that'll never come
And now I'm climbing over a fence
That's gutting me like a fish
With dogs in the distance waiting their turn
                        Flashlights Swirling
like carousels
But there is no childhood
These are just train tracks
And home is something I'll never know
Seán Mac Falls Feb 2015
Chaste lovers wonder  .  .  .
How bodies weather the cold,                                                                            
  .  .  .  Never knowing touch.
Kit John Parish Nov 2014
untamed but given
a new life of the same grey
seen to be seen
known to grow withered
of grief-stricken faded memory mist
missed, that ceases to exist
lifted to float of drying drift
which rips at the seams
at falls apart
Elizabeth P Jun 2014
We've had our fun
But the conversations are done
Time for the parting of ways

I betrayed you
And made you hate me
I know, I see

Our last messages
Bitter indeed
I knew we wouldn't last long
We had lost our momentum
And I had lost your trust

So I understand it is time to say goodbye
To have a nice life
So I'll say it, but I won't mean it
And to be honest
I haven't cared in a while about you
I did at one time
But not now...

Our relationship just became too stale
For me
Or you
There's the truth...

— The End —