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MisfitOfSociety Jan 2020
Breathe in. Breathe out.
Expand. Contract.
Awaken perennial spirit.

The we. The I.
Somewhere between the eyes.
Wake up from your slumber,
And remember:
The self and the other.
A B Faniki Jan 2020
The book of life is
Made with stone tablet on it
is Ten commandment
© A B Faniki 001/06/2020  all rigth reserved . A haiku about one of the great things in life books
Kenshō Jan 2020
Ill walk one hundred thousand steps in the night
I made the flight with no map or light

Stumbled through brier and thorn
Upon my soul like a garment, torn

Yet my mind is like a stallion
Stampeding with my battalion

The spirit of the heard(herd)
Is trans-Luci-dating the power of the third

I'm stuck here now on earth
But the lines are getting blurred

Each letter a note to the infinite song
Channeling the word of god all along
A B Faniki Jan 2020
there was once an ordinary man named bobby
who felt like he's three in one body
when he is asleep he feel
like a spirit with holy soul
and yet in real flesh he is no clergy.
© A B Faniki 1/02/2020 salvation is for all not just for the poius religious one we could draw strenght from out spirit and soul to make it possible for salvation to reach us.
Victor D López Jan 2020
I hereby resolve,
To make no resolution,
For the coming year.

Take days as they come,
Embrace opportunities,
Brighten other lives.

Make no promises,
But do what you can each day,
To walk in the light.

Shine the light of truth,
Where darkness slithers freely,
That all may see clear.

See things as they are,
Not as sophists would paint them,
Give help when you can.

Let your purpose be,
Leaving something of value,
When your journey's done.
linked haikus
Wahed Dec 2019
To touch a sky of infinite words,
i reach for one that describes you.
To feel a sea of limitless feelings,
i search for one which belongs to you.

As the clouds break,
And the sun shines.
As the waves rise,
And the moon smiles.

The beauty which is you...
The fear which is me...

Together we shall find,
what it means to be alive.
Together we shall destroy,
So that we may take flight...
Victor D López Dec 2019
Pure hearts never die,
They stop beating and ascend,
From whence they have come.
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