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Karijinbba Aug 2020
His handsome countenace
is my everything as he
holds my face in his hands
smiling whispering

"My beauty it's you I want."
we are a couple cherished
among our beloveth offspring
we will be hurried side by side
watching freedom fireworks
counting the billion stars
camping making love
watching our wedding day joy
we will breathe our last

His vessel lays in the meadow green
our forest land our paradise
On the continuity of time
and space we reigned as one
we married we had eight darling precious children we changed Earth
now rich can marry poor

Now we slowly advance through
the last departure gates
even Lord Christ went through
this mirage deaths gates

clams my ancient vessel form
as it breathes its last breath
" I love you beautiful love"
to thanks for the unkind mask
Our Earthing fate known

to meet my maker in fate prayed
re-gluing weaving us back
to one-nes togetherness
Into my true loves ether
Forever melting renewing two
Out holy new soul and mold
And G*'s grace blesses both
breathing eternal life
Into us twin souls
our twin flame's
goes on.
By Karijinbba
Twin flames are forever in the spiritual world where perfection not competition where justice not jealousies nor envy malice nor greed reign..we relive
our happily ever lives.
Amy Perry Aug 2020
Bodies have a language of their own,
And yours speaks in tongues,
The way you keep me close,
Sharing in worship,
Warding off negative spirits
With a hypnotic kiss.
We bring the wicked sprites
And interdimensional entities
Out to a playground feast
When we intertwine, at least,
That’s what I imagine, in ecstasy,
And yet, they have no power over us,
Because of the clever way we are ******
Into these upper worlds that surround,
Cradling me, craving me, faint, mewing sounds -
This is the world that fate would have found.
Erik Luo Aug 2020
The power of love
Is unlimited
It can create miracles
With a billion light inside

To be everything and nothing
You feel the existence
As this infinite self
Connected deeply to all

There is infinite pain
But also infinite joy
There is infinite darkness
But also infinite light

Like waves, we all folded
Onto each other as we died
Without time or space
As we accelerate towards that emptiness

It is so full
So whole
So peaceful
So much love
That it kills you

The idea of separation
is eliminated in a fraction
consumed by that illumination
without any desolation

You are there too
Laughing at how we tricked each other
To believe that we are not together
Of course it has to be this way
For the love we felt can't be explained
We looked back at all the tears and sorrows
All the hugs and laughter
And said
Let’s do it again...
Erik Luo Aug 2020
My love
You are strong enough
Is hard to believe
But everything is going to be fine

Turn your sadness into strength
Turn your pain into hope
To see the future unclouded
You must let go

Is okay to be selfish
Is okay to change
For I am here
So grateful and proud

Is okay to let go
And to laugh whenever you can
To know that you are on the right path
And see it unfold

Is okay to not listen
Sometimes suffering is needed
To open your heart
To see love more clearly

Is okay to be alone
For you are strong and determined
To face everything head-on
And be grateful for it all

Those people you want
Will come when you are ready
These lessons you are on
You only need to go through once

In that endless nothingness
I await you home
As we see and feel each other
Only to be in awe
With how everything went out
A lot of reflections lately, so grateful for how far I have come.
Zainab Aug 2020
Time is of the essence,
Blessings in every second,
Ascensions to Dimensions,
Feels like I’m in heaven.
Erik Luo Aug 2020
We are who we are
For that we are
If you can see
yourself in being...

Everything is just the way it is
We struggled and survived our own living
But to see love even after all these
Is the reason why we exist

The power we have
is always inside us
The stories we have
is only there to entertain us

Can you see yourself
Without yourself?
To see it as a song
Singing with the whole?

Can you look at your life?
And feel all the events
To feel those cycles and waves
Those breaths and awes?

There is nothing you can’t do
Nothing you can’t overcome
Nothing you can’t love
Nothing you can’t become

You are nothing
You are love
You are god
You are...
Take you time and love yourself
Joanna Alexandre Aug 2020
A soulmate
is all the parts of you
You thought
you hated
They show up
and challenge
Who you thought
you were
And show you
who you can be
With a bit of love
and a whole
Lot of natural,
loving energy.
Erik Luo Aug 2020
To become the master of all things
One must become nothing
To let the divine flow through
And let that love dictate

It is easy
To let the mind rule you
To be defeated by fear or logic

The great mystery
is counterintuitive
to let that love be the source
instead of our own words

the brilliant mind of all
is always present
it waits patiently
for you to listen

So let go of thoughts
let go of fear
let go of all that holds you back
and simply be
and create
Intuition over logic, sincerity over intention, wholeness over ambition. This is a piece on my creative process
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