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Geanna Jun 2018
Fly birdies, fly. We'll fly real high. we'll soar through the sky.
~ G.P.O
If you get the hidden message then you're most likely another broken soul
Kewayne Wadley May 2018
With the slightest touch I grow wings
And I am able to see the things I couldn't before.
A second chance to grab on with both hands.
I believe everything happens for a reason,
The path of your smile lies in wait.
Finding excess need.
The times I couldn't catch my breath.
The maturity of being open.
To elope in a touch that brings the next moment that much closer.
The pretense of spending my time soaring known that you were the reason why.
The full disclosure of trust in a none apologetic moment.
The only problem is figuring out where we land.
Do we even have to come back.
Poetic T Oct 2017
We may not fly,
but were always soaring
    upon our own thoughts..
Lyvana Nyx Aug 2017
Dreamer's wings
Are fragile things
Made with threads of hope

Warming skies
Soaring so high
Threads become rope

Fear erupts
Doubt corrupts
******* in, cannot cope
A rhyming poem, I don't often do any sort of structured poem because I tend to loose flow whenever I try to make it fit such a pattern.  It's alright I think.
Jasmin A Jul 2017
Nothing can upset me more than the ground
Although, I've only touched the sky in few places
The clouds tasted sweeter over the ocean
But you, your air, it's sweeter and I'd rather roam your skies
I haven't been on in so long.. J.A.
I look out the window
I see the sky
I watch these birds fly by
They glide with the wind
Rise up against the swells
Where they go no one tells
It is all a mystery
The way the birds fly
The reasons people always die
The reason I'm always alone
Remains completely unknown
Atleast to me
It may be easy for others to see
But I know not
This is my plot
And im alright with it
So long as I get to watch
For watching brings no pain
It is only in the actual act of soaring
That one can ever fall
So whats the point of trying at all?
Just a random poem I thought up.
Cruelty and savagery explodes upon our streets
violence multiplies in every part of society
nobodies safe in the urban jungle or their homes
promises to cure the soaring carnage has failed
deaths go on as the young rule many no go areas
where is the law and order to protect the people
why are the taxpayers pockets endlessly drained
there is still too much ground left blood stained!

Emergency services being attacked on their call outs
hospital staff assaulted in Britain's A and E units
trying to help all the thousands of drunken revellers
as those giving support are being put under pressure
decision makers seem to live in a different dimension
as their statistics down play just what is happening
out in the harsh concrete and tarmac jungle no control
if gangs and criminals power grows evil will take its toll!

Law and order has been dissipated society breaks down
as with official bureaucracy we all shall drown!

This could apply to anywhere on our overburdened earth!

Who really is in control where the few rich rule the majority!
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