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James Jarrett Mar 2014
You unleashed the fury
To rain down on you
****** and savage
Fire death and hell
But her hands of love
Fluttered down like angels
To save you
Her wings
Wrapping softly around me
Her whisper became
The wind in my ear
Calling me with her love
And I forgot for one moment
Who you were
Who I was
And who can shoot
The wings off an angel,
Katie Stam Mar 2014
I should apologize?
I think you're the one who should.
Though you're such a stuck up brat, I know you never would.
Maybe you'd say your sorry once I told you how I cried when I got home?
How my little brother saw me sobbing, and I couldn't tell him why when I got home?
You'll never know how awful it was, and that's the part that kills me.
I want you to feel mortified, ashamed, I want to tell your entire family.
You shouldn't be able to sleep at night, thinking about what you've done.
But it wouldn't be over yet, I wouldn't have had my fun.
I'll tell my friends, your friends, all of creation!
I'll never feel alone again, not for my life's duration.
But I know if I told you, you would only scoff.
Make a joke out of it, you *******, you would just laugh it off.
So I haven't told anyone, it's a secret between me and my journal.
For now, I guess, I'll keep the pain internal.
My first poem.  It's a bit of an angry one.

If I could be but a burning sun,
I'd scorch you with my wrath.
All your labour and all you loved
Would sizzle in my heat,
And turn into steam.

What I can't have,
Why should I let you keep?

If I was but an ocean blue,
I'd envelope you in my foam.
Grain by grain I'd wash away
The foundation of your home,
Claiming it for my own.

I need to breach your comfort
So I can have mine.

I need to pour onto you
Like torrential rain.
I need to chill you to the bone,
Like some haunted wind.
For you cannot, should not
Have that which I cannot reach.

You snatched it from under my nose,
And it kept screaming my name,
But you muffled its voice.
Your cruelty knows no end,
So now you'll taste mine
And I promise the pain won't fade.
Ceryn Mar 2014
I got to let go now
but not sure which way to go
or which road to tread on
when I know I still need you
by my side to carry on.

I've been pushing them away
regret is all that's left to stay
perhaps, I need some time to grow
to bring back my lively glow
'cause I have thrown my days away.

Somehow, I want to tell you much
or make you feel my scorching touch
my heart races as I see your face
or even just upon hearing your name
it doesn't really go away that fast.

You left me waiting, wanting to be free
but all you ever made me see
I got no chance to feel true love
all I deserve is some game of luck
in your love, I'd be forever stuck.

*I didn't mean to be so foolish
I didn't dream to be enslaved
In love, I've always been so stupid
But my heart will always feel the same
Yet time will come that we'll both come to know
You'll have to regret your make-believe show
Take your own pains away and let go
Because I am not going to be there anymore.

— The End —