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Ani Feb 2021
like the waves
like the stars
like the trees or like the grass.

like the cundle beside you that gives light to your darkness

like the plate on the sink half empty and now *****

like the cup of coffee that you shared that specific morning

like the rain and like the clouds
like the sun and like the snow

like the book you've just read
or the movie you've just watched

like the arguemnts that reminds you true love
like their touch or their kiss
like their hug or their lips

that's how beautiful life is.
hard times but this is beautiful
Teddy S Jan 2021
Everyday is stressful
It’s hard to talk, I’m anxious all the time, my grades aren’t good enough,
The list goes on and on
But at the end of the day, I can relax
Night is my favorite time because no one bothers me
No sisters always in my space,
No moms and grandmothers who keep asking for things from me over and over when I have work to do,
No constantly helping people through their problems,
No constantly trying to please everyone,
Just peace by myself as The Office plays on my TV deep into the early morning,
Just time for me,
I read my favorite books,
Watch my favorite shows,
And turn on my favorite music as I get lost into the rabbit hole of an amazing fantasy world
Ashlyn Rimsky Jan 2021
There is no rush,
Only breath.

There is no stress,
Release that notion.

Just let it be,
        let it be.

Listen to your heart beat,
Dance to its song.
Sway to its rhythm
Like you should have all along.

Make an intention,
Set it to motion.
Keep your head
Above life's commotion.

This day is a gift,
This life is a light.
Your soul is a beam
That can brighten the night.

Smile like a full moon,
Shoot like a star.
Be the best you,
The true you that you are.
Con Dec 2020
oftentimes we think
that just because we’re not swimming,
we’d stopped moving.
overwhelmed by the vastness of the sea
oftentimes we forget
that we are allowed to just float,
be thankful for the skies
and let the wind do its job
to take us to the shore
taking my time
facing the skies
Daivik Nov 2020
the winds, they blow

Moments elapse
While I have a doze

Where do they go?
I do not know.
Amanda Hawk Nov 2020
Wrap myself up in Saturday
Tighten the day around me
Relaxation should be fashion
With a stage of people lounging
Letting the week fall away
Wouldn’t that be luxury
A runway show
Of casual mornings, easygoing evenings
Affordability in the convenience
Drink down fancy coffee and hot chocolate
As Saturday becomes a world renowned designer
Of my relaxation
Favorite day-Saturday
breathe, my dear
stay up
as long as you wish
we don't want the heavy
to stay here
so breathe, my dear
take in the world you missed
Vaampyrae Sep 2020
Today, I will cool my heart with a bottle of patience, compassion, kindness, and love.

Repeat this when you feel the anger bubbling up.

I mean, don't we all get worked up sometimes?
Doesn't the world get too frustrating sometimes?

It's okay.
I know how that feels.

But remember that anger is the enemy of the heart.
Anger destroys all that you've worked so hard to create,
so accept the reality that you cannot change the world.

You are merely a speck of all creation,
so why make an enemy out of it?

Be its friend. Be part of it.

Love against all odds, even when the voices tell you otherwise.

Let love cool your heart and mind like the ocean shore.
Allow it to heal all your wounds.

Rest. Smile.
Laugh at the world’s absurdity.
Live in all of life’s simplicity and beauty.

You don't have to be Buddha or Jesus to do this.

Just breathe.

Breathe in

Kindness and

Breathe out hate.
Breathe out that what does not heal you.

Only with all of these can you begin to make a positive difference in the world. No matter how small.

So start with your heart.

Be patient, be compassionate, be kind, and most of all, love.

Hold that bottle close to your heart.

All else follows.
A note to myself when I feel angry. This seems more like prose than poetry, but I just wanted to express my heart today.

I’m generally an angry person, and growing up, I’ve always let anger consume me, but now I know better.

It's okay to feel angry and tired too. We're flawed that way. But don't forget you are more than your anger. You are loved, and that is what you deserve, just like everyone else.

I believe in you. You can do it.

Find your inner peace. It’s there. You just need to look within.

Natalija Aug 2020
I'm lighting candles
I have to.
To clear a path
To see.

Darkness is fun
But to live there
You sometimes have to run

I don't want to run
Take a walk
Observe all around

Light up your candle
We share that path.
Live and follow your candles.
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