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Olivia Feb 2021
Time pervaded with regrets
is your biggest enemy

We are all just but
longing for mercy

Looking for a way to escape
the inescapable.

Yet we stand here
as if we are

It was nice looking at the stars in the sky
The streets felt safer with you in my arms
Like new lovers, we made a promise to love one another
On cold nights, we kept each other warm
What went wrong with us
Wish we could go back to where it all started so I wouldn't have to lose you now.
Junnie Feb 2021
Those  "I love you"
Turn into "I loved you"
Ila Feb 2021
I told you it was hard to love you, this will be one of the regrets I have for life.

I told you it was hard to love you, but that couldn't be further from the truth.

I told you it was hard to love you, and for that I am sorry, I did not know what I was saying in that moment.

I told you it was hard to love you, and now I realize the impact it can have; you possibly thinking that for your whole life.

I told you it was hard to love you, but now I can only hope someone comes along and helps you prove I was wrong.

I told you it was hard to love you, but I hope that I explained myself well enough that you don't think that it is; I hope I was able to take it back.

I told you it was hard to love you, and now I wish I could say sorry, but I have no way of contacting you anymore.

I told you it was hard to love you, and now, this is the only way I can say sorry.
I'm sorry for all the things I said. I hope you don't think that for the rest of your life because it is simply unture. You were so easy to love.

"i am not asking you to love me, you shouldn'y if you think it would be difficut. It shouldn't be difficult"
Amanda Kay Burke Jan 2021
Everyone says
"Do whatever makes you happy"
Don't mention the cost of it though
You do not know the price until your choices
Come collect and tell you what you owe

In moments you don't realize
Consequences of what you do
Only after it's too late
You can see what would have been best for you

Some decisions too expensive
Until you get the bill you won't know
By then you can't go back and choose
Different directions to go

So bear in mind that every action
And mistake is a tattoo
No matter how costly our regrets
Every one we can never undo
An old one from 2017
mimi Jan 2021
Words come crashing in tides,
Our past regrets haunting.
The world is becoming broken
And we’re left beyond repair.
Sometimes we think we feel love
But in the end it’s all thoughts.
Each day we wake up afraid
Of our mind and our flaws.
Praying the sun will set,
And the pain will end in soon,
But really it’s not even done.
All hope has been drained
So finally we are feeling numb
With no pain to ever recall.
Jason Oct 2020

Young and in love, two kids with a lollipop.

The future is theirs, a sundae with a cherry on top.

Honest and innocent, immature and insecure,

Both happy and scared, both hearts sure.

Nine months spent together, three spent apart;

Missing, Longing, and Waiting:

One year til two broken hearts.

3 days left, 2 heartstrings severed by 1 lie.

"I talked to her!" Said her friend, "Come over, let's have a beer and get high."

"Well?! Why hasn't she called?  She's barely written..."

Jealous and wicked, she lies, "With another she's smitten."

The room spins, the floor falls away, the lights start to flash.

My cigarette just burns, the beer tastes like ash.

I expected to be abandoned, I always knew I'd end up alone.

Fool, I stayed when she said, "You're too drunk to go home."

I didn't deserve a second chance, nor should I have wasted,

But I couldn't speak, twisted, conflicted, and consumed by self-hatred.

I blamed her and her friend, I tried to hide it by running non-stop,

But in the end, it was my hand that broke the lollipop.
© 08/10/2020 Jason R. Michie All Rights Reserved

EA Jan 2021
Im scared of
Losing someone
Im the cause
why I
Lost them

I did that
Nathan MacKrith Jan 2021
This is not my skin
I will not, can not fit in
suited for some other guy
Left here to wonder why

Why the hand-me-downs
a shortage of cosmic gowns
too many orders in my size
a flood seeking my prize

To find which is my skin
have what’s out match within
a fit made perfect right
no pinching not too tight

chafing ended the tightrope
walker’s life scratched hope
for feeling something without
ends in a flight of doubt

I am sure this is not my skin
they tell me doubt’s a sin
well king of sinners am I
watch my eternal life die

ever wonder where I belong
on which fork turned wrong
where direction unravelled
took a path well-travelled

By those in others’ skin
outside differs from within
wearing the suit of some guy
merchandise we did not buy

stand here middle of the road
burdened by my heavy load
left here to wonder why
my eye cannot find I

Aye, this is not my skin
a shell I try to fit in
like a hermit crab’s shell
my personal little hell

flames fan desire to know
where did my true self go
for surely there is another
my misplaced other

who also feels within
“this is not my skin”
I wonder how, wonder why
I cannot trade with that guy

Left here to wonder why
suited for some other guy
I will not, can not fit in
this is not my skin.
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