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As I rotate without and within
When I’ve died I’ll be born yet again
I’ve come and I’ve gone
Like the dusk and the dawn
Can a cycle be said to begin?
my friend came by the other day
as a leaf in the wind he has blown
from street to street
            town to town.

a wanderer he may be
but not at heart--
he longs to be attached
to a tree
                               any tree.

in spring and summer the leaves
     are green and

summer slowly dries them out as the tree
                    prepares for winter.

my friend the dry brown leaf
blows in his perpetual autumn.

we all grow in our own time
and season:

winter dormancy

         spring regeneration

                   summer fulfillment

                             fall  preparing for the
          ­  inevitable
season of death.

these seasons of the soul
are the very essence of our existence.

     they teach us

        temper us

        fulfill us.

but there are those who do not see
the purpose of the seasons.
to them winter means only




spring means only




summer means

                             beauty to mock
                                the heart in

i trust in the wisdom of the seasons.
nature teaches us lessons in her cycles.

let the  l
fall to the ground.
let it rot into cold




spring will come.

bleak gray will become bright colours
                  of spring.

the beauty will fade again but will
reappear in winter's own stark beauty
though it may be cold and gray.
then spring will come.

          spring-will-come !!!
©2024 Daniel Irwin Tucker
Sunil Sharma Sep 2024
Few maple leaves
on the wooden surface,

contrasts with the polished
brown of the semi-circular deck

the playful wind drives them
the grass hugs the dried skins, giving
them a final home, in the back-garden.

they are reborn as tiny
in the same yard
the spring!
Inspired by the sight of fallen leaves and their final journey in nature where there is nothing wasteful.
manas May 2020
Castles of sand,
on a magnificent beach.
With stroll of Time,
great heights they reach.
A palace of dreams,
with towers of smiles,
Here lurk emotions a Bit too coy
like love Madness and infinite joy.

Castles of sand,
That live no more.
Destroyed by waves,
pounding sea shore.
From oceans of reality,
with waters of jealousy,
Bring winds of grief-
from Gulf of hypocrisy.

Castles of sand,
standing once again.
Resurrected from fall,
and its endless pain.
Rebuilt by hope,
Strengthened by belief,
decorated with faith
and secured with relief.

Castles of sand,
On a sea swept shore,
Waiting to fall,
And relive once more.
More poetry on Instagram-> sorted_manas_stars
follow back poets only
Douglas Balmain May 2020
What is waiting for my weight—
for the matter I carry,
for the energies bonded within me?
What is lying dormant—
anticipating the day
when my body lays itself down—
so it may drink from my cisterns
and eat from my stores?
What will come into Being
from my ceasing to Be?
Amanda N Skaggs Mar 2020
Bowed heads weeping death
Spotless lamb reborn three days
Trumpets sound return!
OswinPotts Mar 2020
Tick tock around it goes,
the clock shall soon strike twelve
and the one I knew for oh so long
will be but a passing dream.

His face will change, his body too
but not his mind or soul.
He’ll fight to stay, but burns so bright
that in the end he’ll have to go.

This is not the first time,
and will not be the last,
but new memories will form
and my time with him
shall soon be ancient past.

We fought, we lived,
we learned, we loved,
we walked among the stars,
but in the end one life can never be enough
for the man who lives a life so different from ours.

He’ll soon move on, and start anew
he’ll leave us all behind.
Searching every face, day in, day out
we put trust in all his lies, and wait forever
for someone who’ll never come back.

Tick tock around it goes,
the clock shall soon strike twelve,
and once again he is no more,
replaced by someone new.
Pagan Paul Nov 2019
Lay me down upon the moss,
cover me with autumn leaves,
rest my body in the forest
to be swallowed by the trees,
and let the fleeting moments
whisper my name to the breeze,
as the cool earth welcomes me,
let me go with comfortable ease.

© Pagan Paul (27/10/19)
eleanor prince May 2018
waves orchestrate
bruised kisses

dazed moon’s
beclouded stare

teal canopy’s
torn sinew

tidal riposte
homeless debris

shattered fins’
bullied silence

callous world      
spawns grinding

rabid avarice
fuels dueling

winds stir
shifting sands

light eclipses
night’s capricious

noon darkness
steep ransom’s

earth salvaged
true Son
a lonely shore on a tempestuous night had these thoughts come to mind about the state of the world and the high price paid for mankind's redemption - (Matt 20:28 Christ gave his life as a ransom for many; Matt 27:45 darkness at noon for 3 hours as payment for humanity is made)
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