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Jo Swan Oct 2018
In the new land we seek refuge
there is no war -
Am I free from my life’s deluge?
My spirit contains many scars.

Though we have found an oasis
I’ve been left in a depressed state-
Cursed to be born into chaos
Is this my bitter fate?

The past becomes a faded dream-
Memories of fear and terror
Is no longer what it seem.
Yet is my life any better?

Painful past I wish to forget;
Mind represses all memories!

(c) Jo Swan
Eric Babsy Sep 2018
The eyes that follow.
Down the hall I deeply swallow.
Is something trying to hurt me?
What are they trying to tell me?
The eyes that follow just beyond my bedroom door.
Do I dare to follow in horror?
I feel dizzy.
Quick has something stricken me?
The phantom questions that are neither seen nor heard.
I dare to question every spoken word.
Am I among the living?
What am I seeing?
Apparitions appear to me.
They are sending a message apparently.
They infiltrated my mind, body, and soul.
I used to take refuge in my home.
Now everything seems different.
Tell me who or what sent this.
My body has been taken over.
All I hear or see my system can not recover.
The eyes that follow have not released me.
Now my feet have hit the ground fleetingly.
As I try to flee.
The eyes that follow so evenly.
I have finally made it out.
The eyes that follow will they ever find out?
Steve Page Sep 2018
leave to remain
stay to move on
tear down to build
some space to call home

make new reminders
keep a fresh store
full of faint memories
with room for much more

drink to old allies
drink to forget
laugh with new friends
shake off your regret

this is tomorrow
a brand new today
this is fresh start
you're welcome to stay
There's room. Just shift over.
MicMag Aug 2018
Midst high rolling hills
Blanketed with farms
Sits an oasis nestled
In the mountain's arms

A secret garden there
Quietly awaits us all
Listen closely now
Hear its whispered call

This serene paradise
Offers nature's finest shows
Volcano looming cross the plains
Perfect cone and shining snows

Sitting in the shadow
Of the sometimes rumbling beast
The tranquil refuge whispers softly
Come and rest in peace
Inspired by a beautiful refuge looking out
to one of the most picture-perfect mountains I've ever laid eyes on.

I loved reflecting on the irony of this idyllic setting
forged by crashing tectonic plates and destructive eruptions.
courtney l p Jun 2018
the story goes
that van gogh would eat yellow paint
in hopes that it would
put happiness inside of him –
probably the same reason
he drank absinthe.

i never understood that level of desperation –
except i painted my fingernails yellow today
in hopes that sunshine
would flow from my fingertips
instead of the torrential downpour
that i’ve made a home out of.

but it only reminds me of van gogh
and new york city
and you –
lots of starry nights

who knew you had the power
to make everything feel so grey in your wake?

if you think about it,
all of us have our own yellow paint –
something we cling to for refuge
even though we know it’s killing us, slowly,
the temporary solace feels worth it
if only for a moment

and you were mine.

- courtney l. p.
the words i never thought
i would have the courage to write
Amanda Kay Burke Apr 2018
You are my dependable escape from this desolate planet
Arms a sanctuary for my frame
You supply shelter with reliable dreams
Comfort with your realized name

I am lucky to call you my friend
You are much more than company
Only a true lover can constantly provide
A refuge tucked away from circles I flee

I swear you are responsibly superhuman
You never seem to slow or drag your feet
I believe you could tear down the painful sky
Conquer each deadly setback you are forced to meet

I am not completely right, not completely wrong
You are merely mortal but carry strength of a god
Hurry up so you finish necessary tasks
When too exhausted to smile or nod

I watch you push sore muscles til they sting
Never complaining about rusty blades in your resolve
You work hard daily, hold us down to Earth
When life's puzzles grow too challenging to solve

I do not know how you manage to
Stand unwavering, anyone else would fall
I do know that on this royal journey of life
United love will conquer all
The ending feels a little sloppy to me, what do you think?
Love is a colourful City
Where Citizens are colour blind,
I have visited it too many times in one second,
Last time I went Seeking refuge the City was evacuated.
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