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I've listened to pioneers
I've talked to delinquents
Heard of rumors
Learned of facts
Theories of the curious
Laws of the illustrious
Everything is the same
And it's the same in every "right".

As long as we continue to abide
To break and to rule and oblige
Always on queue as we search for clues
We always do, but settle our dues
To live and to be exterminated
To be downtrodden, to be accepted
We live a virtuous yet infectious life
But not all are asleep-laid to rest every night.

Some give birth as the reaper does its work
Love forever blooms as cults of hate still lurk
Religious gospels countered by the sacrilegious
Funny how both sides argue on identical mediums
One nation, one race, yet we cancel each and erase
Its the start of the end,
but what does life has to say?
We all are on a constant search for meaning, but never asked the meaning itself.
Each day will blessings flow your way
From your sure and consistent pace
Like the story told of a speedy hare
And the tortoise who won the race

Your dreams need daily attention
Which draws them to your embrace
So trade your fitful stops and starts
For that steady, consistent pace

Yes, quick and powerful actions -
At times they may have their place
But more success is gained by far
From a stable consistent pace

So when you plan your daily life
Save some focused time and space
For the daily thoughts and actions
That keep your consistent pace
This is Prosperity Poem 106 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)

I've been putting some classic (old) parables and some new parables on my Mom's website for her.  As I built the page about the tortoise and the hare, I thought how effective (and prosperous) we can be when we act with consistent pace.

We all have different personalities, and some lean toward a consistent pace naturally.  My Dad and I can easily take a huge project and work a bit a day on it for 100 days.  Some others in my family...  don't naturally do that.
However, there is magic and power in a consistent pace!
Indigo M'kyauki Jan 2021

We know exactly how / Sabemos exactamente cómo
They know what they have done / Saben lo que han hecho
They are the white mother coddling her murderous child / Son la madre blanca que mima a su hijo asesino
Arming him to make him feel worthwhile in his usefulness / Armándolo para que valga la pena en su utilidad
Enabled this for centuries / Habilitación de esto durante siglos
This country has never been anything to be proud of / Este país nunca ha sido nada de lo que estar orgulloso
There has never been a reason to love this country / Nunca ha habido una razón para amar este país
People who look like me have never been seen as people by this country / La gente que se parece a mí nunca ha sido vista como gente por este país
A country founded on ******* and fear / Un país fundado en el poder blanco y el miedo
A rebellious child of a country seeking to find its identity / Un hijo rebelde de un país que busca encontrar su identidad
All while killing those who try to change the status quo / Todo mientras matan a aquellos que intentan cambiar el status quo
This country has never been great / Este país nunca ha sido grande
This country has no qualms about killing people it holds as non-essential / Este país no tiene reparos en matar gente que tiene como no esencial
A country that values money over lives / Un país que valora el dinero sobre vidas
And a certain race of lives over others / Y una cierta raza de vidas sobre los demás
Has never been a country to be admired / Nunca ha sido un país para ser admirado
I am angry.
Allow the rhythm
Relax in rest
Breathe in renewal
To stay at your best

Release the weight
Just let it go
Waves of renewal
Come as you slow

Your life is not
A speedy race
Renewal won’t come
At a frantic pace

There’s time for action
And a time to renew
Take time for renewal
In all that you do
This is Prosperity Poem 103 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
You can sign up for free weekly delivery of poems at Prosperity Poems (.com)

The time of the winter solstice is a time of renewal (in the northern hemisphere).  Worldwide, it's a time to pause and reflect, and take time to rest.  The winter and the new year are good times to choose what your priorities are.

There is a time for action and a time to renew, so take time for renewal in all that you do.  The rhythms of life will help you stay at your best.

New oneself,
new me
new you,
new us,
new world,
new life
new mindset,
the race of
ideas, new
days and
new ways.
New thangs.
But only
change, it's
divine. But
more ways
happiness is
positive vibes.
David Hutton Dec 2020
You see my flesh, you see my colour.
Painted by my father and mother.
I'm not your picture,
to be viewed for pleasure.
Beneath this skin there's a lot to uncover.
Buddy T Nov 2020
you’re every melody and every song
you’re the pounding in my head all night long
pounding, pounding all night long
bleary eyes and heavy cheeks
you’re the sore in my bones that make them meek
and every other week
another year come and gone, so long

the ringing in my ears
the salt in my tears,
tongue long against my face
catching them before they slip away
another race
down the roadway
to your doorframe
come 2nd place
but who’s to say
i kiss you anyway
2020 is almost over
Indigo Nov 2020
our faces

all covered with sweat,

as y'all be yellin’ at us with threats,

our hands covered

with cuts and blood,

while our arms and feet,

be caked with mud

every day,

we be prayin’ to god

for our freedom to come,

ignoring all y’all sayin’ that we were born scums,

someday imma finally

leave this place

cuz’ them folks ‘round here

be claiming that black ain’t no race

all y’all folks be hootin

while callin’ my folks *******

while y’all be sittin there

rifle in hand,

finger on the trigger

y’all whipped us

tearin’ our families apart

but my ma always be sayin’

that things like kindness

comes from deep down

in our hearts

i kneel

strugglin to breathe

as you chain my neck,

and hands

but y’all push me to the ground again

as imma’ tryin’ to stand

i reckon myself i ain’t

gonna give up now

as all y’all ruin

the fields we plough

some know what life

is like without the

cuffs and chains

but the feeling feeling of freedom

is never the same

and some

that deserve it most

never leave and die

and i know that though their body is gone

their spirit always survives
Since a lot of BLM events have been going on... I felt it right to share the new version of this poem.
SøułSurvivør Nov 2020
Looting. Burning.
Building's fire.
They rob and mob.
They do not tire.
Some are anarchists.
Some for hire.
The TV blasts. It is a liar.
An airplane skims
a telephone wire.

Where is it going?
Where can it land?
Every runway
shifting sand.
All citizens
are in their bands.
We are under
Judgement's Hand.

Alive with stasis.
All opponents
in their places.
No room for love
in those rat races.
We could be gone
without any traces.

No trace of culture.
No money earned.
All gain is stealing.
Compassion spurned.
Museums raided.
Books are burned.

Hard to watch it.
Trees are felled.
Racial violence.
Hatred sells.
gone to hell.

All hope is

Catherine Jarvis
Essie okoli Nov 2020
With bloodshot eyes and placards
We're on the streets for our sisters' plight
Marching ,chanting and praying
For our brothers that lost their lives.

We refuse to accept your lies
We continue fight for the truth and life
And some of you say it's our sister's fault
She walked right into this chaos
If she didn't, it would have saved us
The stress and rumors that are before us.

Same thing you said about our daughters
Who are still trying to write letters
Who are in classes and taught alphabeta.
They should have known this would happen
They should have known that this uncle
Would penetrate after he opens.

I wonder how unfeeling you are
How you sit back and encourage justice to wither.
I tried to accept that you would later
See reason with the victim's father
Or mother or sister or friend because we're meant to help each other.

Remember that girl you held and plundered is indeed someone's daughter.
I wrote this during the Black lives matter movement, never got to put it up until now lol. I hope y'all like it
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