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Carlo C Gomez Feb 20
Maternal midnight

Metallic lakeside

Freon heart, fayence mind

Eyelids of iron ore

Influence feet into the water

Into an embargo bay

Clear and innocuous, innocuously blind

Hills like white elephants on a polar plateau

Mosquitos on her mouth

Drink the blood of encryption

Change the tone of her voice

They pass behind the blue vein

Become infinite particles of her

Chloe Jan 19
It’s no secret, my want
for someone to take care of me
without their back to the wall
of a sunk cost fallacy
Don’t let me be a burden -
if you don’t want to, then quit
I miss the way you loved me
when you were mostly lying

Be alone with me again,
like when we were friends
and the benefits were worth it -
naked but not always *******
You’re never a burden
My identity is erased
It’s hard to love you or anyone
when I have nothing for myself
Hopefully this is the last one and I’ll see everyone in a few months, I’m exhausted. Happy New Year.
Postpartum is a myth
Postpartum anxiety is a myth.
You can’t have those 2 years later.
Get over it.
You can’t have depression and postpartum depression at the same time.
You can’t have postpartum anxiety and anxiety at the same time.
You can’t have both?!
Get over it.
What if I don’t wake up?
Get over it.
Oof that hurt…
Shley Jan 2024
The joy of my baby right before me
But I can't seem to feel it.

Loving husband on my side
But I can't seem to see it.

Precious friends with a lifeline
But I can't seem to grasp it.

A mist has settled all around
I must find my way through it.
amber Jan 2024
Throughout the process
My body takes a hit
I grip my thighs, look into my eyes
I don’t recognise it one bit

I grab my loose stomach and
Flinch at the tender touch
I run my fingers slowly through my hair
It’s too fragile for a brush

Milk soaked shirts and
Blood stained shorts
I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve cried
Just by exploring my thoughts

They keep pestering me over and over
“How do you feel?
There are resources to make you feel okay”
I tell them “I ’m just trying to survive the day”

Throughout the process
My mind takes a hit
I grip onto my mind, my thoughts send shivers down my spine
I don’t recognise myself one bit
Tee Dossantos Aug 2023
Monday Night..
After work and dinner
After providing space for big emotions (yours, your sisters and my own)
After working through the mess in my head,
Laundry needs to be done
But you are sleepy and need me to sleep

It's hard for me to be still, to not accomplish the tasks constantly laid out in front of me

but you need me to sleep

So I'll let the laundry sit, forgo the upteenth time I've walked through the house putting **** away today..

You need me to sleep, So I'll sit with you.
Joyfulgurl Nov 2022
I have a beautiful boy
And a body I don’t recognise  
I’m marked with lines like a map
That shows my journey
It was a one way trip
There is no going back

I have a beautiful boy
And a body I don’t recognise
That has gone through some resizing
But that’s hardly surprising
He needed the room to dance like he does
To grow and kick and move

I have a beautiful boy
And a body I don’t recognise
It’s aged and got tired
But that’s okay
I wouldn’t have it any other way
It’s worked very hard
to make those lashes
Those curls, that smile
That laugh
Rose Amberlyn Jun 2021
I'll always give my all for you.
I'll always protect you.

A wavering candle trying to stay lit.
Darkness trying to swallow me whole.
To set my smokey haze upon the room.

Even in the darkness I'd see you.
Even in the quiet I'll hear you.
Even in my deepest fears, I'll hold you.

I know not how to be a stone wall.
To keep all monsters out.
Aren't guardians supposed to?
To know the fear that those before must have faced,
Is heart sickening.
The fortress we thought we were sheltered in,
Was just a picket fence.
And now I stand.
Wood shaking in the wind.
I cry, I scream, I bellow into the storm.
You cannot have my little girl.

I will not let you.

Anxiety is mourning every possibilty.
I wear all black.
I walk in the sun, and see nothing but shade.
1 in, 1 out
Julie Feb 2021
Your belly
Next to mine
Smooth and soft
It subtly moves
As I gently touch it
Caress it
With tender admiration
Innocent and sweet
I listen to them
Rejoice at the sight
Of it ever so slightly
flowing over the seam

My belly
Next to yours
I cringe, look away
Try to hide it
As it’s flawed
It’s Not flat,
Not nonexistent
I’m afraid
Of what they’ll say
Should they catch
A glimpse
Of its imperfections

Yet without mine
There’d be no yours
It’s my womb
That carried you
It gave you shelter
And protection
A space to ripen and prepare
It’s my belly
That gave life to you
And still I reprimand it
Demand that it be
What is expected
Misty Eyed Aug 2020
I have lost myself,
Have you seen my soul

Am I in the darkness of night,
With the summer heat?
Am I in the the threads of fabric that
Get tossed in the wash?
Am I in the stretch marks on my skin
Evidence of what my body can do?
Am I in my own reflection,
Deep in the void in my eyes?

Will I feel warmth in my heart again?
Will I feel the flame of passion
Rise up in me again?

Will I ever be whole again?

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