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The idea of blogging
To let off some steam
To tell about your day
But this I will say
Is that I was blogging
Flogging my brain
For memoirs that I had
But this is said
Before I go to bed
Before I am dead
That this was a good day
The ups and downs
The memoirs that I had in life that
Will not lie!
For I will not lie
About my day!
So as I write my thoughts and experiences
Down for the whole world
This I say is that each day
There is a message between
Experience and experience
But dont just look at me I am just saying
Like a suppersayin!
Why are we different?
Because you are a brittle block of rotting wood,
And I am an immortal diamond within obsidian sand.
When angered, you will raise your hand,
But don't you dare raise it to me,
For I will stand like statue, your blow caught in my palm.
Tis true
Dan AC 3h
Her eyes held a universe of secrets waiting to be unraveled.
If I were to read these,
To my chorus teacher,
She would beg for more emotion,
In my pronouncing of every line.
If I were to read this to my math teacher,
He would find in it no sense,
Art is a subjective understanding.
Art makes sense to some and not others.
How would you now,
If you're favorite line in a poem,
Was nothing but a tiepo,
Your favorite writer forgo to catch,
Maybe I'm a typo to,
Just a random squigigle on the page,
A little piece of see glass in the waves.
You wouldn't.
Why do I stay on the bright side?
Because I fear the dark,
Knowing what it brings,
I find no peace in it.
Don't stray from the light, darkness has fangs and is not afraid to bight.
I'd like to think,
That I'm an honored member,
Of the elite poetry society.
Though I know,
I'm a long way from that,
But make sure you save me a seat,
Because no matter what, I'm coming up.
I do declare my work is the bee's knees. Though that's just me being brash.
I                                                                ­                                       Up
Used                                                          ­                                  Me
       To                                                               ­                 Picked
          Live                           ­                                         And
                On  ­                                                   Around
                   One                                        Came
                         Big                               You
                             *****                Until
It looks like a warn party banner
The songs you once played, the songs you once heard,
each one still lingers in my mind. Whenever I hear them,
you come rushing back from the deepest corners of my heart!
as above so below,
if gravity is not a construct,
which side would i burn
when i wash my face with tears?
which side do i address the papers to
when i bleed them with ink?

as above so below,
please, give me a sign,
how long must i keep doing this?
if i stop trying,
whose side will i be on?
please, give me a sign.
even a second feels longer than a lifetime.
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