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aha Dec 2019
a time
are too
and you
have to
'  '  '  '

'  '  '  '
on the
they can reach you
( ˶˘ ³˘(˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)♡
love yall
yall love yourself too

on another note i tried to make fingers but that was hard
so that's why it looks all wonky
Mnamri Dec 2019
If it's meant to be
It will work out

I hope it's meant to be
Even if I have my doubts

Sometimes you need to wait & see
Sometimes you need to shout

All my life I've been loved and free
But never felt free to be out

It's time.
Now I let myself fall

greeted by the moonlight
embraced by the pain

losing hearing but gaining sight
in delirium, becoming sane

this is my night
this is my right

no longer any his or hers
not even mine or theirs

just this
just me

not even that

an entity
Jonathan Moya Dec 2019
Let the black dogs run wild,
sharpen the knives for
some real back stabbing,
roundup the usual suspects,
the mystery is about to begin.

The cardigan teen with
his nose buried in his iPhone-
he’s a suspect- murderous thoughts
sprouting his blood-brain barrier.

The neglected son tethered
to a high ranking, paying
position in the family business
with nothing burdens-
he’s a suspect too.

Eight others are robbing
Peter to pay Paul
to pay Mary to pay Martha
to pay the extorting genomes,
on the verge of being exposed,
all dangling near disinheritance.

The old codger with the money
whose always leaving clean knives out,
knowing they will forever thirst
for meat and blood, the ******
that will do the work for him,
the job his lawyers failed to do

until the whole ***** gang
finds him splayed on the calico rug,
a Chuka Bocho clever in his stomach,
a Wusthof stuck in a vertebrae-
well, he was a prime suspect,
but now, obviously he is not.

Patricide is not always a family crime.
Point the finger at the mother,
daughter, sister, son, brother
but also the heart, soul, brain
of all others inflicted with hate
that makes everyone suspects too.
Nina McNally Dec 2019
"Dear Future Self," how are you?
Everyone is unique
And different--- "I'm sitting at an Airport bar,"
Relaxing, "drinking cheap whiskey." I hope in the

Future people are more
Understanding of others.
The truth is this world is not so
Understanding of people having different options. And
Reality is, why do we want
Everyone to think the

Same---we are all have different brains,
Everyone thinks and closes their
Live differently; be kind and maybe the
Future can be bright!

(Hold on, wait a minute, life is hard
And can **** sometimes, but
No one can tell you what to
Do and no one can
Say to you 'you're wrong'---

Understanding is key and
People need to realize we are all different!)
Written: 2019
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
Title, lyric, and inspiration from Fall Out Boy
julianna Nov 2019
Spin me ‘round
Watch me fall
See me fail
Tired tired
It won’t stop
I keep spinning
‘Round the clock
Hungry hungry
Time to eat
I can’t get off
Of this seat
Seeing colors
Hearing sounds
All I do
Is spin around
kain Nov 2019
It's too late
For me to be awake
But I am
And I'm still thinking about you

I'm intrigued
I want to see more
I want to dive deep
I'm standing at your edge
Watching my own
Rippling reflection

Will you let me in?
I think you will.
I can't stop wondering.
Traveler Nov 2019
To and fro I travel
Yet I find no place to rest
My heart is but a shadow
Darkness with a breath

Home is but a memory
As I lay upon hard ground
And dream of ancient glories
When I was once renowned

Now I am forgotten
Demonized by lore
Cast into a hell dimension
Just beyond life's door...
Traveler Tim
I wrote this laying on a hard mattress in the joint
with 17 year held over my head. I end up doing the whole 17.
Jenny Moran Nov 2019
it’s a trial you know,
standing by your side.
it’s a test of my strength,
my courage, my pride.
do I want to give up?
give up in us?
what us?
it never existed
it was all in my head
i let myself think there was a
meaning behind the bed.
but you were my demon
sitting deep in the dark
waiting to pounce
waiting for that spark
you took my feelings and shoved them aside
just because you were worried about you
and your pride
I am not significant enough
for you to spend your thoughts on
well yeah, that’s pretty rough
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