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Star BG Feb 2018
Where nature meets sky,
my eyes awake
to see a rainbow
wide and beautiful.

Where scene meets eyes
I dance with grace
to feel the breeze
touching oneness.

Where breath meets lungs
my heart expands
to feel inner power,
sweet and grand.  

We are all beautiful.
We are all one.
Inspired by John McFadyen  Thanks
Joseph Miller Dec 2017
One glorious moment
God said to me
"I am here"

Tears of joy
washed away my fear
as God revealed
the essence of the universe
a cosmic Oneness
filled with love
beyond imagining
the mystic sees
the infinite connection
of the ultimate power

But I, a mortal being
consumed by form
it seems
God withdrew
left me standing there
in a world separate
where matter divides
and boundaries form
to close the mind
and hide the truth

Yet grateful I am
forever changed
to find myself
witness to God
mel Nov 2017
d a n c i n g
with the rain
while i'm
f l o w i n g
in the
k n o w i n g
i will merge
with every
d r i p
i give the sky
a salty
k i s s
my tears dance
too in cosmic
b l i s s
to these
reminders of
our true
o n e n e s s
mel Nov 2017
are allowed
to (take) up room
just like all of the flowers
do as they (bloom) you shine
just like the moon
You are
(from) so afar
a hope that’s floating
in (each) jar that makes its
way (down) many seas;
You’re every hot
(day)’s helpful
(forget) all You
are recall that (You)
are made of stars and how
sometimes they can’t (shine)
bright, not (with) our man-made
city (Light)s; Your view of Love
may feel so dark (at)
(times) but all
will heal
yes all
know that
You're not alone with
cells in You that (call) you
home and every human feels
You too; You are not just (on)e single
"You" no, You are a part of (the)
(collective) - nothing in
(You) is defective
all You
try (Your) best to be
selective in your everyday
perspective untold (power)
rests in You ~ the earth
shifts (from) each of
(Your) grooves
& when You
(cry) it
tune; a
song (of)
(Love) that fills
each room and if
(You) can’t sing right
on key please (do) not
take it personally, this
does not (matter) to the
trees (You) grant their
hopeful Wish to
(breathe); the
will set
You free
(and) i will join You
hastefully (i)n this new plea
as it is (hear)d from every
sea (you)r wounds
scar perfect;
s o o n
You take bloom on each down day. if You forget you shine with light at times, please call on the collective You. feel Your power from Your cry of Love. YOU DO MATTER. You breathe and i feel You.
mel Nov 2017
think what i feel
i (sleep) in your mind
you're frightened
and somehow
my heart skips two times
distant (in) nature and
foreign in tongue
still you remind me
(my) soul isn't young
my life's just begun
the worst part is over
and now comes the Sun
you move and it shifts me
i feel your (heart) drum
deep in my lungs
we're connected
as one
everything you do grows in me too. these empty beds that we share are not lonely as your heart pumps stars right to me. your Soul is what i wear, i still feel you everywhere.
Star BG Nov 2017
I offer YOU a hug
anchored from inside heart, and eyes.

I offer YOU compassion,
wrapped in a breath and sent in a thought.

I offer YOU love to expand your being
to recall we are one.
First thought of the day
Michael Briefs Nov 2017
A labyrinthine
surrounds her soul's
From its dark
centrifuge churns
withering tempests
and wondrous omens!
Her elements
blaze and shift
in metamorphic
of anonymity,
while Delphic visions
with blinding truth!
Her cerulean dream
is conceived!
The integral moment
is seized!
into the
Christian Bixler Oct 2017
there a twilit orchard
is barred


now at my back there is
a fading orchard

now as I turn there is
an orchard
note on the third: this one was made in the process of composing the second. It is included here because of the sound and the feel of it, though the words are misleading.
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