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effie ebbtide Apr 2016
Who are you?
I am the one who makes sure you return.
What is your favorite color?
The way your flesh is soft.
How can we be sure?
Certainty fits into insanity.
What kind of ice cream do you like?
Is madness shared by many?
There is no way to paint pink. It is simply an illusion.
Oh my dear Hubcap !
for you I fear!
Laying here;
resting on a roadside,
Torn from your kin.
Subject to mother nature's
weatherly whim.
Your once grey metallic
reflective brilliance,
turned dour by
creeping oxidisation.
That fate gave
a deliberate curse
is clear.
Oh my dear Hubcap!
for you I fear!
floating in the dark
My mind is yet of
a puppeteer
*with no puppet
Pupils dilate,
control capsized.
bring you
close enough
to fill more
than your eyes.

**** the literary pretence!
fulfil my lust.
Give me your
sweet recompense.

Each touch
and caress,
types pure feeling.
Sensations that
give words no meaning.

We write this act
upon the world.
With sounds of
animal grammar.

Time can wait,
well past sunrise.
Our stanzas
on our bodies;
as we sleep in
each others eyes.
Christina Cox Apr 2016
And for some odd reason she hasn't had her coffee

                                                         ­                   And for some strange reason
                       she's hanging upside down

                                                                     And if for some little particle of time you see her right side up

                      Tell her hi for me and give her this little bitty cup
Ivory Grace Mar 2016
I don't know where it started, or how it began, but here I am sinking deeper and deeper.
With every breath my lungs become heavier and I sink even further.
With the burden of you and all you do, it's like a chain with a weight is atteached to my ankle, sinking deeper.
What's that?
An oxygen tank, some air to finally breath.
Yet, the tank only has 5 minutes left
And I'm left sinking faster than ever
rock bottom
I don't really know
Inflection detection in wording circumspection.
Emotion induction from sentence construction.
Thinking,reckless, breathless.

Intrepid interpolated  meaning interpretation.
Conclusive concussive membrane concussive.
Paranoid, panoramic, irrational.

Dogmatic denial Vexing act servile.
Divisional divisive delusional decisive .

Thinking,reckless, breathless.
Paranoid, panoramic, irrational.
Hear those droplets.
trickle and speckle.
Falling to the right,
strong against the night.
It’s only a light thing,
just some water on the wing.

Bedded down,
silent alongside.
warm and salty,
All too easy to hide.
It’s fallen from my vision,
a vision of you by my side.

Steady on into time as
part of me that isn't mine
Until the morning comes
and I touch down.
Then it’s time for me
to leave this town.
I was in a toga,
she was doing yoga:
I don't know her.
Handed me the sushi,
instantly I grew a beard;
It was bushy.

Her eyes mad a sound like
which startled a sardine.
The sky was aquamarine.
Some nonsense.
My pet theory goes running in the yard.
with it's, “is this what it is or something else?”
And self imagined self imagining
another's imaginary me.
Questions of will this be as it should,
or as it will be?
Tips it's head to one side in confusion;
then raises a leg n' does a ***.

My pet theory loves to go chasing  cars.
With it's “is what ever we have what we deserve?”
Blaming the other for the others need
while praising the “I” over all others.
Questions of are all creeds ,species
and kin truly brothers?
Tears the bumper from car;
Runs of to place it with the others.

My pet thero.... Oh, it's just
gone and laid a nice big
steaming pile of pretence
on the kitchen floor.
I don't want this pet theory Any more!

© 2016 Greg
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