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ryn Sep 2014

me•Amend me•
Alter me•Modify me
•Enhance me•Patch me•
Adjust me•Heal me•Correct
me•Reform me•Shift me•Renew
me•Remedy me•Rebuild me•Aid
me•Assist me•Change me•Rectify
me•Troubleshoot me•Revive me•
Assemble me•Calibrate me•
Service me•Love me•
Repair me
In dire need of servicing and maintenance... Spare parts are in short supply...
NitaAnn Jun 2014
Little Girl curled up in a corner
She is scared and alone
Tears are running down her face
No one to turn to nowhere to go
Little Girl full of bruises, cuts, and scars
Wondering what she did wrong
Mother is in the bedroom
She acts oblivious to what’s been done
Little Girl unsure of what's next
Afraid to move a muscle, afraid to make a sound
She covers her face, scared of what's to come
Little Girl look at what you have done!
When will you ever learn?
Soon your father will be home
Little Girl waits for her father
He loves her in a very special way
Every night behind closed doors
He shows her just how much he cares
Little Girl curled up under her covers
Longing for someone to hold her
She hurts all over, her mind is numb
And through silent tears she says...

"Little Girl, I'm just a Little Girl."
Tears fall down her she drifts off to sleep my friend, hold me
I am small...and needy.
NitaAnn Jun 2014
...on my self-worth:

I am worthless, or close to it
I twist my self-worth to depend on the people I care about, so the smallest, most unintentional slight is taken with too much sensitivity
I don't deserve to be cared for
I am *****, and bad
I am at fault

...on my relationships:

I trust people I shouldn't too quickly, and people I should, not enough
I am emotionally needy, seeking constant reassurance that someone cares
At the same time, I push people away, testing their caring
Relationships with my parents are superficial
Relationships with my young siblings...were strained; now, they are better, but I am still unsure about how they really feel toward me

...on my views about ***:

*** is easily used for power
*** is easily made to be about control
*** is painful and causes guilt
*** is a way to make people want and/or need you, to make them want to be close to you

...on my life in positive ways- what strengths have I gained?*

+For all my emotional neediness, I am pretty self-sufficient- I know how to run a household and take care of a family
I am compassionate and empathetic
I am not broken, even with all I have been through- this shows me that I am strong
I know how not to parent
Sydney May 2014
Its as if there is a vice grip
On my heart
And every time you kiss me
It squeezes me harder and harder
I feel stuck and safe
You're constantly there
Around my heart
And you know the power you hold
You know I am
As needy as an infant
As a senile old woman
As a *******
I need you to constantly tell me
"I love you I love you"
So I know you won't leave me
And if you do
I can hold that against you
That you love me
And my constant needing pushes you away
And I am just sorry that I am like this
Dorothy Apr 2014
But what about me!? What about my feelings!?
What about my needs!? It’s my heart you’re unknowingly stealing!

Don’t ignore my love, I’ll make you miss my presence
Show you what you’ve lost so you wished you never left it
Because I know you didn’t mean to drop my heart, here’s some glue
Now get to fixin’ I’m desperate

Obsessed and conniving with a plash guile touch
When did she get so vigilant with her fussbudget qualities?

OH babygirl you’re to much!
Stop wanting things you cant have, and don’t force someone to Love.
You fell for him big deal, doesn’t mean it was meant to be.
Don’t let this one guy devastate you
It’s your love and you can still give it out freely.

Lets not add another person with their heart locked down
’cause of a few let downs
All casually swimming in that
Pool of “I don’t believe in true love” crowd
They go around shut off from the world
Refusing life’s love passion pearls

Instead accept the ones who loves you now
More love will come your way, quit searching for a when,where & how
Let nature take it’s course and follow it
Restrict not your love just the need for it to always be accepted

Prince charming will be here to scoop up his queen
In the meantime enjoy having just yourself, figure out what life’s got to offer
Its right at your fingertips nearly bursting at the seams.

— The End —