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-df Jan 2018
sometimes i wonder
what you felt as i walked out
the door.

were you hoping i'd come back?
did you doubt our love?
or did it ever cross your mind to run after me?

i won't pretend to have no fault,
i was scared that we were too young to make this love last.

so by the time i had made up my mind,
i guess you had too,
my key no longer opened your door.

{d.f. | 01/23/18}
Brooklyn René Nov 2017
Everyone is born with a lock on their heart and a key in their hand. But my lock was broken. No one could fit their key in, for my lock had been damaged as a little girl and the key I was given had been misshapen. Until you came along, your own key and lock had been broken many times as a child and somehow the exact dent that had made it impossible for you to find a fit had slipped perfectly between my ******* and clicked. Unlocking something I never thought would unlock. And my key, a key that had only been used once before without success fit inside your lock with a click as well. Each lock opening to show emotions we had kept so tightly closed. And as I looked into your eyes, each other's hearts open on display, I realized that maybe our "damaged goods" are only damaged to the wrong people. Because for each other we were the exact fit we needed.
Poetic T Aug 2017
They wield the button as a weapon of
their verse, throwing words like a glove.
But it was limp like there inconsistent verse,
like a lefty throwing, right handed but worse.

Your momentary time of the month, I gave
you an emoji tissue to wipe off the embarrassment
of sweaty words you opened up on now behave.
needing a little dignity, reverse on your disembarrassment.

Either that or been known for your CAPSLOCK stutter,
seeing you tripping over yourself amid ridiculed clutter.
now see that light on the side, click it speak respectably.
now calm your rage, and talk respect others expectedly.
You always have one :)
Gabriel burnS Aug 2017
“I’m your key, Pandora;
I’m just as guilty
as you are”
K Balachandran Jun 2017
He set himself free out of the confines
he was in, after much misery and suffering.
To free his mind  out of jail's jagged logic
was, an exorcism of many kinds, for long.

But the rudest shock came when he found out
that the so called jail didn't have any lock at all!
Who then was the renegade, in the first place
that made him believe, he was a prisoner of life?

A pointer on " how to look" for all of us who deviate,
hallucinate and take it as  truth,without  any question!
How many still are locked up,in the dark confine of minds,
thinking there is no way out and the key is lost for ever.
Sarah Strack Apr 2017
Ive been packing up my memories in an enormous box
One of those old wooden trunks with heavy metal locks

Ive been thinking on the past and disregarding the pain
Ive looked at all the photographs; the image is the same

Ive shoved it in a corner, in my attic and my mind
A dark and dank forgotten place where it is hard to find

Yet sometimes I will think on it and dig out my old key
To look on my mistakes and know now that I am free
Not letting memories control me.
Tay Mar 2017
Hello World knocks on the glass
Are you there
I know your there
stares through the glass
Hello is anyone out there
looks out
Help I'm trapped in the delusion of my mind
People disappear as quickly as they appear
Things flash by
People Die
All before my eyes
Their eyes searching mine for any sign of distress
Help I'm trapped in my own world a glass ball
states out
Hello mind I know you are there
Hello World
I know your there
Your out there and I'm trapped in here
Hello World
I have no key you are the lock
You threw away the key
It's just a smooth surface now
No comfort or warmth from it
Hello World
You can't contain me
I  am free
Hello World
I found the key
You want to know what it is
It's what you will never have
It's Love
Your world is different than me
Yours is with Evil
Mine is Light
Yours is with Abuse
Mines with Compassion
Yours is Filled with Demons
Ours is filled with Angels
You report to Satan
I pray to God
Yours is ******
Ours is Justice
Yours is Painful
Ours is delightful
Yours is Lonely
And ours is Filled with love
Hello World
looks out defiantly
I'm not scared
You may have evil
But I have Light
You have demons I have God
You have Darkness I have Light
You have abuse  I have compassion
You have ****** I have justice
See now
Hello World
Are you listening
We're coming for you
World we are taking out the evil
Hello World
See I look from the inside out
But you look from the outside in
But where do you go
I can retreat you cannot
Forever time is frozen you on
That evil world
Hello World
Are you there?
Sometimes I wonder
Viseract Mar 2017
The things that I’ve been told,
And all the lies that spread
The rumours I watch unfold
Let torture claim my head

To open who I am
A lock that gleams so cold
To end where I began
To sell before I’m sold

A tragedy unfolds
Not all that gleams is gold
My actions deemed as bold
My habits have grown old

Tiring of this life
Aged before my time
I wish to say goodbye
Unlock a deep bloodline

The dark drowns the light
And the light no longer shines
The key, it gleams so bright
And now I bid goodbye
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