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ADS Apr 2017
You're so beautiful and you don't even know it that's my favorite part
Your laugh is so cute and innocent that's my favorite part
Your smile makes me melt and that's my favorite part
Your wall you put up falls apart when I'm around that's my favorite part
Your will to be honest about your insecurities that's favorite part
Your will to talk about anything that bothers you that's my favorite part
Your eyes make me lose track of time that's my favorite part
You feeling like you can be yourself around me is my favorite part
I could keep going on and on but I just wanted to make your day.
ADS Apr 2017
They both saw the brightest stars in one another eyes
But their stars never aligned
Because the light in their eyes
Were from the past which they could never revive
ADS Apr 2017
Everyone was out being jolly and happy
I sat there in living my biggest fear
Being completely alone with no one willing to lend an ear
Feeling like I have lost everything
All I had were my thoughts and my own ears
Telling myself I let down my family and peers
Letting her get away was my biggest mistake I ever made
She was with a guy that didn't deserve to see her tears
Seeing her everyday was a living nightmare
Because I couldn't take away her hidden tears
Everyday I tried my hardest to shovel my feelings into a shallow grave
Just to have them resurface by the water from my own tears

Everyday was a nightmare
I was bleeding internally while being kick down by people
That I thought actually cared
I tried my hardest to hold back my tears
But that night I cried for the first time out of feeling completely alone
Asking myself what could've I done
Why am I the one crying these tears I never deserved
Why am I so alone when all I try to do is bring joy to the world

I was mourning my own death for so long I forgot how to live
I continued walking forward in this nightmarish state
I was doing everything to make myself proud just to see light
In such a dimly lit place in my mind
What a dreary and dreadful nightmare I was living
But something reached out and caught me

One day my dreams were no longer about loneliness or fear
I looked back at all those nightmares and I saw a different version of me
I climbed mountains without realizing it
I killed many demons that were so much bigger than me
I was started feeling light and cherished
Cherished by my peers
Cherished by my family
Cherished by my friends
Cherished by her
Now I am scared to wake up because everything feels like a dream
This poem starts out about how I felt on January 1st, 2017 and goes through all the days that proceeded it up until now.
ADS Mar 2017
Tired and worn
Discolored mix of gray whites and blues
Distressed laces that once kept it together
Are Left in thin shambles laying so weakly through each disfigured loop

The stories they have carried me through
Stories of pure joy and happiness
Stories of pure depression and tears
Unfortunately their last story has been completed
For they have tired and can travel no further without falling apart
I have worn the same shoes off and on for four years and today I finally replaced them. Then I got thinking about all the things I have done in those shoes.
ADS Mar 2017
That moment of serenity I've been yearning for
It's been so long that it feels weird
I haven't felt as healthy as I do right now
Mentally and pyschically
Feeling like all the pieces are coming together
There's no better feeling
I praise you for showing me the light
When I was lost in such a dark place
It's been so long since I've felt as confident about life as I do right now. Schools going great. I got my first check from my new job and I got paid more than I expected. I'm hanging out with some high school friends this weekend. Getting myself back out on the dating scene. Or at least sooner than later. So life's good.
ADS Mar 2017
Don't worry baby
I'll give you the world and more
You're my everything
A promise to whoever I get married to.
ADS Mar 2017
Be a risk taker
Never be scared of failing
Failing makes you grow
I've been on a motivational tirade lately. Sorry not sorry
ADS Mar 2017
I can't reverse time
Always chasing those past times
Time to move forward
Don't live in the past
ADS Mar 2017
Some people live in a box called home
Some people drive around in a box
Some people think inside the box
Some people feel trapped inside a box
Don't get trapped inside your box
You are not a square

You are a beautiful circle
A circle full of life
A circle that gives and takes
A circle that loves and receives love
A circle that thinks outside of the box
A circle that sometimes get trapped in a box
A circle that realizes everything eventually comes full circle
Just an interesting idea I thought of. I feel like so many people get trapped inside their emotions that they forget about everything that makes them unique.
ADS Mar 2017
It chips away at me
Makes me hungry
Hungry to be successful
Hungry to be the best I can be
Hungry to be the center of attention
A hunger I can never satisfy
A hunger that eats away everything
It starves me when I'm content
It has burrowed deep inside me
I can't rid this being that consumes me
I can't drown it
I can't feed it
I can't see it
Because it's taken over every part that makes me me
There's no lonelier feeling
Its difficult feeling like I am one of the very few that has the desire too do great things.

— The End —