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Take me home across the ocean
Too far away to bear
Feeling trapped, going through the motions
But I don't really care

I've grown weary of grayscale gloom
Of mainland and its toxic waste
Heart heavy, I sense impending doom
Sorrow etched across my face

Take me home across the water
Through perfect turquoise waves
Home to where the air is hotter
But the breeze brings solace I so crave

Home to where the beaches
Wrap the island in a hug
Where the forest earnestly reaches
Towards the crystal sky above

Take me where the birds wing playfully
Wild and beautiful and free
Where the sun dances gracefully
‘Cross mountain and sparkling sea

Take me home across the ocean
I can't take it anymore
My perfect home has my devotion
Won't stop 'till I reach its shores

I fantasize of my returning
Why must I be stranded here?
My heart hurts from my constant yearning
No breeze here to blow away my tears

To go back home is all I need
I've never grieved like this before
My soul enduring constant bleeding
I'm broken to my very core
Missing home a lot today, so I thought I'd write about it. Nothing I ever write will ever be able to truly encompass its beauty though
Kuda Bux Jan 13
I smoke my last stick
throughout the night, the smoke fades
Tomorrow, I'll starve.
The damp morning brings wet rice,
jaundiced eyes, and collapsed lungs

The brown water wanes—
Black-head buoys and a poem:
Birds sing elegies.
The sky absolves once again
Amnesia reverberates.
Hebert Logerie Nov 2024
Oh ! Non, ils ne devraient jamais parler de Porto Rico
Borinquén, Porto Rico de façon aussi diabolique
Porto Rico nage dans la mer des Caraïbes
Avec d'autres îles comme Cuba, Haïti et la Jamaïque
Puerto Rico est un magnifique archipel des Caraïbes
Avec de hautes montagnes. Oh ! Oui, la belle Porto Rico
A un ciel bleu et blanc parfait, des forêts tropicales de bonheur
Des plages d'eau cristalline, et elle est l'une des meilleures
Porto Rico ne peut jamais être « une île flottante de déchets »
Elle est superbe avec beaucoup de potentiel. De nos jours
Certains clowns ou comédiens fous doivent avoir beaucoup de nerfs
Pour insulter une Boricua aussi douce avec un peuple plein d’amour
J’irai bientôt à Porto Rico à la recherche de ma belle Sainte
De mon Âme, de ma reine. Je deviendrai un artiste pour peindre
Le sourire de cette île paradisiaque. Borinquén chérie, mon amour
Javier Solís a raison. Tu es le pays des rêves, mon amour
Personne ne peut ternir ton image. Je viendrai te rendre visite bientôt
Avec de beaux rêves dans mon cœur et avec une cuillère en argent
Pour que je puisse savourer ta cuisine et siroter ton cocktail tropical
En plongeant très fond dans les yeux de ta fleur si **** et belle
Notre Porto Rico est une île mythologique pour les rêveurs
Notre Porto Rico est un archipel tropical pour les amoureux.

Copyright © Novembre 2024, Hébert Logerie, Tous droits réservés.
Hébert Logerie est l'auteur de nombreux recueils de poésie.
Translation in French of ' Our Puerto Rico'.
Hebert Logerie Nov 2024
¡Oh! No, nunca deberían hablar de Puerto Rico
Borinquén, Porto Rico de una manera tan malvada
Puerto Rico nada en el mar Caribe y el Océano Atlántico
Con otras bellas islas como Cuba, Haití y Jamaica
Puerto Rico es un hermoso archipiélago caribeño
Con altas montañas. ¡Oh! Sí, maravilloso Puerto Rico
Tiene un cielo azul y blanco perfecto, bosques tropicales
Playas de agua cristalina, y es una de las mejores
Puerto Rico nunca puede ser 'una isla flotante de basura'
Es hermosa con mucho potencial. En esta época
Algunos payasos o comediantes locos deben tener muchos nervios
Para insultar a una Boricua tan dulce con una población amistosa
Iré a Puerto Rico pronto a buscar a mi bella Santa
Mi Alma, mi Reina. Voy a convertirme en artista para pintar
La sonrisa de esta isla paradisíaca. Borinquén querida, mi amor
Javier Solís tiene razón. Eres la tierra de los sueños, mi amor
Nadie puede empañar tu imagen. Te visitaré pronto
Con lindos sueños en mi corazón y con una cuchara de plata
Para poder disfrutar de tu cocina y empaparme de tu cóctel tropical
Mientras me sumerjo en los ojos de mi deslumbrante y **** ángel
Nuestro Puerto Rico es una isla mitológica para soñadores
Nuestro Puerto Rico es un archipiélago tropical para enamorados.

PD Traducción de ‘ Our Puerto Rico’ en español.

Copyright © Noviembre 2024, Hébert Logerie, Todos los derechos reservados.
Hébert Logerie es autor de numerosos poemarios.
Puerto Rico is not '' a floating island of garbage'.
Hebert Logerie Nov 2024
Oh! No, they should never talk about Borinquén
Puerto Rico, Porto Rico in such an evil fashion
PR swims in the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea
With other exquisite islands like Cuba, Jamaica, and Haiti
Puerto Rico is a gorgeous Caribbean Archipelago
With high mountains. Oh! Yes, wonderful Puerto Rico
Has perfect blue and white sky, tropical rainforests
Crystal clear water beaches, and she’s one of the best
Puerto Rico can never be ‘a floating island of garbage’
She’s lovely with a lot of potential. In this day and age
Some crazy clowns or comedians must have a lot of nerves
To insult such a sweet Boricua with friendly peoples
I’ll be going to Puerto Rico soon to search for my stunning Saint
My Santa, my Queen. I’m going to become an artist to paint
The smile of this paradise island. Borinquén dear, my love
Javier Solis is right. You are the land of dreams, my love
No one can tarnish your unique image. I will visit you soon
With lovely dreams in my heart and with a silver spoon
So I can enjoy your cuisine and seep up your tropical cocktail
While diving deep into the eyes of my dazzling and **** angel
Our Puerto Rico is a mythological Island for dreamers
Our Puerto Rico is a tropical Archipelago for lovers.

Copyright © November 2024, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved.
Hébert Logerie is the author of numerous collections of poetry.
This poem is my response to this crazy comedian.
If I can escape to my Utopia
Connect with my own bliss
Create my own Arcadia
A Wonderland of Happiness
A Tropical Island get away
Palm Trees, Coconuts and more
A Fantasy Island of my own
So, what am I waiting for!!
I so just want to Get Away and
Save my Troubles for another Day
No  more worries it would be so nice
To Get away to my Paradise
If I had the opportunity, I wouldn't think Twice
Of this being my Paradise
My, my, my, "What A Sight!!"
This would DEFINITELY be my Paradise!!!

By: B.R.
Date: 10/15/2022
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2024
after Alexandra Leaving, a song by Leonard Cohen


to go where?

to a city self-consuming in madness,
giving every excuse to stay, and yet,
it came to me just now when the poet
must be leaving his redoubt, with doubt,
and return to the concrete and anomie
of a different kind of splendid isolation

when the last leaf meanders slow down
to the battlefield, and the falling terminado,
and the tree branches are stick figures, each
finger pointing skyward in an j’accusing manner,
accussing & conceding defeat, begging for mercy,
their pleadings too much for me to bare and bury

when green has been wiped clean, and deleted
from the dictionary of colors, my moth eaten soul,
can no longer be granted a stay of execution by
merely looking at the landscape and seascape
to admire their friendly contrasting schemes,
their installation in me of the awe of a visual
quietude, that was an astonishing injection
not truly appreciated till now, too late and
still early, the awe colorations of nature’s vibrancy

The gods have come, my soul hoisted upon their
broad shoulders, the dead-appearing tree branches
can no longer keep their poet safe, hold him back from
meeting his fate; now, he too is a leaving but
floating upward, unlike like the fallen crowds that have
come to rest upon the soil that born them, now to be buried,
all saying: Goodbye Island Poet leaving,

Island Poet
has no poem, no good understanding, no vision,
had no plan, no foresight, only a hope against hope,
that safety was/is not seasonal, Van Morrison reminds,
“These are the days of endless summer,”are memories,
to be held onto tightly, until when if I pass muster, angels
will return to my island abode, where my natural friends
will greet me again, with a flowering and new births,
and The Island Poet can once again revel in ideas in words like
future, sanity, when boarding the ferry with a one way ticket smile.
From a Labor Day  funereal so long ago,
yet forever permanent…nml
Louise Mar 2024
I know you've heard things about me...
This and that, here and there...
And I also know you're a little scared,
could be of me, or of my beauty maybe...
This and this and this
Yet I know that as scared as you are,
you're also curious about my mysteries...
That and that and that
But if you take a chance on me,
if you step into my shores and feel my breeze,
you'll find that I'm just a beautiful island,
I could even be the best you'll ever see,
nothing more and nothing grand...
yet I could be the paradise you've never been
and I could have everything you'll ever need.
I could leave you exhilarated
with my magic, sunsets and seabed...
And you would leave me sparkling brand new,
like my oceans have never been this clear and blue.
This and that,
here and there,
I want you here now
and I want you near.
A love letter from Siquijor the island herself, to you dear reader... 🏝✨️🔥

In this poem, I've personified Siquijor as if the island wrote this very poem. Inspired by the age-old scary tales and "rumors" surrounding Siquijor Island, this poem encourages readers to come visit the island despite all of these rumors and stereotypes, calling to you and urging you to come closer, like a siren's song...
Louise Feb 2024
I miss her.
Me in the island.
The me that's carefree,
doesn't care about schedules,
about no rules,
eats healthier, sleeps better,
wears flowers on her hair
instead of carrying burdens in her head,
dances like no one's watching
and sings like no one has ever hurt her,
laughs her heart out
and hugs people and means it.
I miss the person that I was on the island;
she was everything I'm not
or I cannot be at home and in reality.

I miss her and I'm gonna keep missing her...
until I meet her again.
Summer is finally near... 🌞
Carlo C Gomez Feb 2024
You're an island in the anodyne brisk.

You're a holm of lonesomeness.

Your divers in deep diorama
sink like boats.

There's coins and clothing
and troubling notes
left by a female passenger
imprisoned on watery shore.

Run aground,
you harbor regret,
and speak in tongues of folklore.

If I had an ocean I'd give you to it.

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