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Francie Lynch Oct 2019
I heard a voice
call out:

Are you home?

(perhaps it came
from within)

A stranger's voice
that's called

I am

I am Home!


This temple of dissipation.
Emilie Vang Jun 2019
I’m trapped inside nothingness and I am left defenseless.
It seems to be pitch black as I open and close my eyes, there is nothing to be seen.
To be specific, it’s Vantablack.
It’s one of the darkest substance that’s known and it absorbs 99.96% of visible light.
You, you are my .04% when I’ve lost hope.
You, you are the thing that keeps me going.
I know the faith of mine has been wavering.
But you, you God are the reason I’m fighting to find my .04% chance of light again.
Abhijeeth Feb 2019
**** I feel lonely,
everyone is a phoney.
Nobody understands me,
nobody can stand me.

All I see is fake smiles,
big words full of lies,
big world full of liars,
pretenders and deniers.

Go on, keep pretending,
like your life has meaning.
Go on, carry on with the fake praise,
pretending to care is the new craze.

When the going gets tough man,
the pretenders forget you, ****.
You are all alone in this world,
most bitter truth I have ever heard.

Maybe I am being a bit harsh,
maybe my words are a bit rash.
But **** I feel lonely,
I have no one who loves me.
Hannah Christina Jul 2018
Sometimes a voice in your head will tell you that you are a disappointment.  Look that thing in the eye and say, "You're a disappointment!"

Then realize that you are still shouting negative things at yourself in the mirror.  Second thought, don't.  Please don't take advice like this from me.
Poetry is ART.
Hannah Zedaker Dec 2017
I haven’t been this happy in quite some time.
I still feel tinges of pain
But they never last long.
They no longer feel the same.

They’re distant you see,
far from the depths of my heart
For the holes that echoed cavernous, fill with webs, holding together what once fell apart.
And I smile.

Because I’m happy
Not obligated
or covering up something more raw and real
but genuinely happy
that’s part of his appeal

These webs catch feelings,
ones of warmth
a calming peace
Those little arachnid legs
will wrap carefully these from greatest to the least
and store them away
deep in the depths of my heart
to call upon those memories
when I feel I'm to fall apart

Hopefully the light lasts
even in my darkest of days
and the butterflies he's hatched
scare the moths aways


they'll fly leaving the fields bright and clear,
and comforting darkness
sent off to disappear  
But yet, we all know
that moths attract to light in dark
but maybe I'll learn to love them,
as the Entomologist holds my heart.
Tyler Zuniga Dec 2017
**** around
too many thoughts in my head
they need to breath
they need to be
i’ve turned my anxiety inside out
and broken through the wall.

substance user  
feeling abuser

i am the ghastly ideas that
pace under your bed at night
the man in the corner at a
short glance.
feel my pain because i have none left.
clear skies reflect white lies
i don’t want to change my brown eyes
They say life's a bliss.
But what if
When you play the words, you stiff.
For a gift of tongue, you're not blessed.

Your opinion, unheard.
Your point, misinterpreted.
Your side, neglected.
Your existence, taken for granted.

Who says it's happiness;
When life itself is the maximum limit?
When you battle for your right?
The right to express what's in - deep.

It's a continuous struggle when you're your own foe.
It's an everyday cry of your unuttered woes.
Wiser Apr 2015
On my shoulder,
a raven rest.
Her talons pierce my skin,
as I hold her weight.

No one sees the raven,
I hide her very well.
The raven can never fly away,
She is bound to me.

The raven wants to be seen,
Be heard.
She screeches beside my ear,
She drives away my sanity.

The raven has been with me,
For awhile now.
At first she was small,
And barely noticeable.

As time went on,
The raven grew.
Her size grew along with her strength,
And also her desperation.

The raven wants to be free.
She wants to fly away,
To some place else,
And leave me behind.

Why did the raven come?
Why can't the raven leave?
Is the raven even real?
Am I insane?

I am the raven.
She is me.
I am she.
The raven is me.
The raven is representing the internal conflict someone is having about being theirself and being who they really are.
Rhianecdote Nov 2014
Of man be there two.
One holder of mirror whilst other a scryer,
renders mirror to glass pierces through.
Where one speaks the other is silenced,
mere whisper acknowledged in this interchanging feud.
So in this blurred intersection,
where there is no reflection
Then what man of man be the truth?

What man of man be the truth
as he stands here split in two?
Be it what he thinks or what he do
that makes the man?
This single man in double view.
A multi facet that will reveal itself in time due.

A facet only glimpsed in certain light,
gone unnoticed by friends.
One and the same in this game of life
where does one begin and one end,
when it is only in the battle that they raise their head?
See the chimera for what it truly is,
this lone Mr a Hydra instead.

Each flitters between life and the scythe
as they fight for control.
Each condemned to the darkness
as the other negotiates sole lease of this soul.
But Death haunts the two because the two
form the whole.

And so this dual begins
without rules and birthed in sin.
Begun with one who seeks to release his debase desires
that lie un-mired in mind,
  confined to an imaginary state,
where he can ******,  slander unheard
but then he plays with fate.

He plays with fate, when he opens the bottle,
hands himself to the primal,
unprimed for the battle that lay ahead.
That lay in head and heart and will;
one's will that will leave one dead.

But for now each has his role.
One takes the guise of a Jackal
in cunning he seeks to conceal the other,
his brother in hiding,
in sin he hides him inside him
but he will not be silenced.
The fiend longs for this angels confession
and will teach wings a lesson in flight
as he makes his escape in dark and in light.

So this would be angel tries in vain
to press the other down, so  that he can remain
but he's wingless and in pain, feeling the strain of
restraints  that will no longer contain
the hate that dominates as the other pushes free,
pushes to be this man's sole identity.

This poor soul thought he could enslave that which was caged
and to the beast he did open the door
but it was this angel that lost his wings
mauled by a beast that would not sing to his tune, just roar.
Each sacrificed for the other
as this man of man ends his days
cold on the floor.

For man can not negotiate with fate.
And when One cannot take rule
the pair will end their days together
in the dual.
Inspired by R.L Stevensons 'Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde' I feel that we all have split personality's to a certain extent and it can cause internal conflict. We are all different things to different people, we all have our private self's that exist in mind and our public self's that exist in personality and it can be hard to balance at times. Sometimes I just wonder if a true self actually exists.

— The End —