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I feel like a ****
I feel that Bae is furious
I feel all I do to her is irk
Yet, it still remain curious

Bae says she is far from livid
She says that she never is mad
At points in time I feel timid
I feel like I've done something bad

But still, I remember the blithe times
Although I get worried, she's cute
And although I feel I commit crimes
I know it's just sarcastic, endearing dispute

And so no one is melancholy
I have no reason to be glum
Because there is no felony
Oh, Bae, why am I so dumb? ;P

Bae, you make me so very joyful
I won't forget you till the end of time
I feel utterly greatful
And I'm sorry I have run out of rhymes
I remember when you loved
That my lips tasted like
Little White Lies And Cigarettes
When my lies were meant
To keep from breaking your heart
And my cigarettes
Were dedicated to someone else's name
Rolling off my lips
Death-throws Mar 2015
tonight i cut an angel,

her heart in my palm beating away. her words echoing in my brain, theyd been there all along, such beautiful soft words, words that mattered, words that cared , words that helped , words that pushed me up and  onwards

tonight i cut an angel,

her trust was as strong as steel in me, even when mine felt soft as yarn, she allways believed and faught for me without sense and without judgment
even when her sword was too dull to cut and too heavy to swing
her armor was so broken there was no point in wearing it,
but she wore it for me

tonight i cut an angel,

she is more beautiful then i deserve,more caring then i thaught possible, but frailer then rice paper.
she will allways love me, even when i hurt her, she would stand and smile and sow the hole in her heart closed again

tonight i cut an angel,

she wanted what was best, she knew what was best, she allways had and allways would, but my heart was beating to fast, my head was to strong. i screamed and faught and squeezed razors into the heart in my palm
tonight i cut an angel.

and now ill pray that to god he will send her back

Creep Mar 2015
We were all together once.
A wall of friends, ready to help each other
to slay and protect.
The Fab Five/The Passionate Pentagon...
The Dark Side.
What happened to us?
What we once were,
we are no more,
and we look back at the Dark Side
like the same way we reminisce old memories-
but we are not old memories.
We will always be the Fab Five,
The Dark Side.
We are tied together
by bonds unseen but there.

But yet we are all reaching out,
stretching our flimsy arms to everyone around us
people who never were a part of us,
longing to be held and heard-
to not be forgotten.

There is no need for that.
I promise you,
you are not forgotten, and never will be.
So maybe...maybe let's try again, eh?
Let's get the old gang together
remember we exist to each other,
take away all the walls built up between the bonds,
all the anguish squished in between us,
and let's
My old gang and I....we're falling apart. We used to be together always, and now we barely talk. We need a reunion tbh... I'm sorry I haven't been there for you guys, I've been so caught up in my mind, in my own selfish needs. Je suis desolee, mes amis. Let's talk about stupid teachers and school, and laugh about eating each other, and about being the passionate pentagon that praises the good lord heine, aight? Let's remember the bonds again...We should use Skype, and meet up after school to hangout sometime soon, or what little we have left will be gone.

Talk ***** to me
by jason derulo
all of me
by john legend
Jason Mar 2015
I didn't know
I don't know how to act
How to show you how I feel
But do I even want to show you how I feel
Or should I show you how I felt
I don't know
I didn't know how you felt
Or how you feel right now
All I know is how I feel right now
And right now all I want it for you to be happy
And I am willing to do whatever it takes for you to truly be happy
Kendall Feb 2015
Clover Feb 2015
How do I tell someone I love that they have to go home?
Kayden T Widmer Feb 2015
My dearest one
The trials you do go through.
For my mind if fractured;
My Soul, tattered
My heart; all but dust.

Yet with your infinately gentle touch,
Your kind and patient heart,
You seem determined to pick up those jagged pieces,
And with the utmost care,
Make me whole again.

Many times I will trying to thank you
Many times I will try to prove my love.
Over and over again, yet my words are never enough.
And Still, You cheer me on,
Holding my hand and keeping me safe.

You are my dearest love
And I pray you never tire of me.
This was Written for the Love my me life and my boyfriend back on Dec 26th, 2014.
Creep Feb 2015
The knife I once used
to protect myself from harm,
my friend,
it came back
and murdered me mercilessly.

I should have known it was only thirsty for bloodshed,
and wasn't truly anything good for me.
thinking of someone (not u, kiyu.)
sorry I'm writing like ****, and writing in general. I'm just kinda... ******-ish. and going through stuff. so yea.

take me out
by franz Ferdinand
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