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Nilia Loh Aug 2020
Made to fight against each other,
In this battle for us to suffer.
Shedding blood sweat and tears,
For someone with a bitter taste.
Sacrificing everything I have,
Turning all of it to ash.
There you'll sit in your little throne,
With your little puppets to play.
All the dead bodies waltzing in your ball,
Those that have given their all.
Even if my life was surrendered,
You're still so self centred.
Never will you look at me,
Never will you care about me,
Even if I've given all of me.
You know what hurt me the most, Larry's last words dying on the phone, "make it better with your dad, you know you love him son" those words stuck in my head the scars have begun, dont Think I'm writing for fun, cuz I tried, you turned your back like it was a lie, Larry's last wish I'd defied, he didn't know the real you, was that a factor, through his eyes, you were a caring chapter, the very next page and I was the laughter, the very next day was disaster, Larry had passed, I didn't do what he had asked, when I told him I would, deep in my mind I was hopeing I could, deep in my thoughts he words are still put, deep in my heart I hate you for good

Farther, mother, Brother, sis, someone pull me from abyss,
Larry im sorry soul, i tried for you but now i fold,
Farther, mother, Brother, sis, someone pull me from abyss,
Larry im sorry bro, i tried for you and i can't let go.
I kept this write to myself for a few years now but it's been 3 years now and it just hit me hard tonight.
Ikurah Aug 2020
sadness or love?

sad love !
Sky Jul 2020
the more I endure
the more it hurts
the more I smile
the better it gets
because every smile
has the power
to uplift the pain and sorrows
keeping smiling please, smile your way through it all and never give in to the pain that lingers within....
audreyboren Jul 2020
it hurts to see you forget me
no actually im happy that you forget me
cause im the one who cause you pain
when you knew that you can't hold on to me
a n y m o r e
Khyati Jul 2020
Oops! something went wrong
Looks like your order request for 4 tonnes of happiness
has been declined (yet again).
Better luck next time!
Woah and then they say "have a nice day"
Khyati Jul 2020
And when they say,
"I'll be there for you, always"
They mean
"I'll be there for you, always
just not when you actually need me"
Khyati Jul 2020
It isn't the "how are you?"(s) that hurt
But the disguised pain,
behind the "I'm fine" (s) that impale!
Trust me, its really difficult to say "I'm okay" when you simply aren't! :(
Yashashvi Jul 2020
Throwing down the band on her hand
She said, "it all ends here"
who said the only reason for pain is love, believe it or not friendship hurts more than anything when it's done whole heartedly
alexa Jul 2020
it hurts.

i don’t know what but i can feel it.

all the time,
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