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Phosphorimental Oct 2014
love takes a
#life, but be not
#sad for,
#pain gives
#depression respite, but more that
#death, gives life
#poetry, so that in times of trouble it's
#you I see, as a
#heart in a lighthouse for a
#poem lost at sea
I took the top ten trending tags from Hello Poetry and let each word become the start of a verse/line. In a matter of 90 seconds, this came out.   I did this hastily - so I'm sure some of you will amaze me with your #tag inspired insight.  Welcome to Hash Tag Poetry!!!
Katie Sep 2014
it's been a circus blur
a whirlwind of uncertainty
smothers me with unfamiliarity
vintage friends have become foreign territory
been burning incense for some clarity
just hoping to find a little prosperity
Katie Sep 2014
"I just can't even"
no you really ******* can
I pinky promise
that is is more than possible
for you to finish
your ******* sentence
and I can barely finish a poem
I feel troubled,
at war with myself, at war with fate.
Master of my own destiny?
I wish, I miss

A million dollars is not enough,
A billion, maybe.
Yet longing for something money cant buy.

My demons haunt me, faultering.
The duality in which I exist
contracts and pulls at the soul, yet the heart only wants

Ready to face the pain of rejection,
the dooming blow of heartache.
The darkness which will claim another piece of me.
Is it worth it.

Who knows,
all the matters is
Tamaira Johnson Aug 2014
I get ready to go
I sigh as I step
the day has turned to a chore
I don't want to do anything anymore

but then

as I step outside I see
a flower
the air is warmer
the birds are singing
the grass is green
and the day is better


all of a sudden the whole world around me lights up
with colour.
Tamaira Johnson Aug 2014
my feet shift the darkened sand
leaving footprints in their place
the water brushes against my legs
and wind blows in my face
as the seagulls cry aloud
i continue my steady pace
then sand blows in my eyes suddenly
and I run as if in a race
the ocean has chased me away today
but tomorrow i will be back to this place.
Tamaira Johnson Aug 2014
Night is so silent
Blackness so cold.
With a whisper I shatter
All that had grown old.
Sunset is peaceful
Silence is bliss
But when that is gone
There is a gaping abyss.
Coldness surrounds me
As dark as black death
I give up for
Night is the day’s death.
Tamaira Johnson Aug 2014
people say
that magic is a great thing
something so rarely seen
it isn't known to exist.

however, I disagree.

magic is everywhere
it is seen in everything.

the dew glazed over the grass
the bright sunrise against a dying sky
waterfalls cascading down over rocks
the gentle breeze blowing a forest full of trees
the ocean roaring against a sandy beach
mountains bright against the  sky.

there is magic in EVERYTHING .
Tamaira Johnson Aug 2014
There is a side to us which is hidden from all.
It nearly always creeps and crawls.
In darkness it is hidden from sight.
It only comes out when touching the light.
Only then will people see this dark side,
It contrasts the light, then runs and hides.
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