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Hannah Mary Jun 2014
my tears are evaporating into the cloudy surface that bubbles around my brain. With an overcast of grief and sadness, how do I see the sun's rays?
my brain is cemented into my head and can't escape because that is where it was made to be. But what if I want my brain to float freely through blue skies and the cotton clouds? It can not fly through gray clouds, for my brain will not be able to see anything.
the gray clouds create more fear and laughs as the thunder shakes my conscience and the lighting cracks the surface of my wilted brain.
these storms surrounding the currents of thoughts cause the lines that carry those currents to be broken
these storms will not leave until my brain can escape. But through all of the flurries that will never leave, how can it escape?
Wrote this after my heart was slightly broken.
Jason Nel Jun 2014
Lingering eye contact.
Love at first sight?
A look of desire, "You're in pain."
Tears fall as I realize that love is lost at first shake and I rip my clothes at clutch.
Sweet embrace, fake and laced with pain of use.
You use me, but I let you.
But your love is never enough, I'm never enough.
I have to be tough.

Infatuation burned my right hand.
You're a permanent scar of dominance.
What can I do to let you know?
You can call me, "Babe."
Eyes and embrace take my soul to a deep blue.
A grip of pain, a cuff on attraction.
I read my Bible.
I see us in the spaces, I see us in the love God made for us.
And I pray.
Saturated by infatuation of your ***.
I ******' need you baby.
But does God agree?

Betrayed by the beauty of life and attracted by sin.
I can smell your body.
Spatial matter infiltrates the truth.
Your truth, ours too.
Drenched in optimistic beautiful lies, fill me with false hope and due dates to the end of the world.
I'm so happy?

I drift off and daydream of death's sweet kiss.
Strange thoughts turn to reality, strange days too.
Like these, Babe.
Days like these daydream of reality where I don't exist and neither do you.
We are beautiful together when we are nothing.
The passing trucks, loaded guns and pills never helped anyone and you are my suicide.

I pass through the light and air, I breathe.
I'm not daydreaming anymore and I thank you for taking me, finally.
I pray to meet you at the gates of light and I will be waiting.
I will always be waiting.
I will always talk to you.
I will always be second best.
But I will always be the best, because life is dark and life is light and I am neither and I am Gray.
Abby Lynn Jun 2014
The sky is falling
To rest in china blue shards on the cracked pavement.
The icy shrapnel is like eggshells
And the human race is left to wander barefoot.
The sky is gray
Because the ground is blue.
But from a distance, the crumbled sky-ground
Turns from azure to the red-violet of a cloudy sunset.
As the human race walks barefoot
They bleed ruby and merlot with every step.
The ground is purple
Because their feet are red.
the lone survivor is on
his raft at sea
creaking and swaying
in a tide that can't decide
calmness or turbulence

the sun is out yet
the clouds are endless
together in their gray
unison like a blanket
of dust

his eyes greet the waters naught
but opaque and black
were it not for the navy streams
from the poor muddled light
Might add to it.  Wanted to make a more metaphorical poem.
I don't feel human.
I destroy too much,
Too much to think I am human:
Less than human.
I will break.
I have been broken too long.

Will anybody show me
How to be human again?
Don't say goodbye even though
I'm not here:
I'm in my shadow,
My mistakes deceiving the light in me.
Perfection is friend I made
When I was born to this world.

I'm less human
The more I remain here.
Can't you see
With your own eyes?
The beauty is ebbing away
And I live in a darker gray.
I can't tell if this demon is
Mine, or if it controls me.

Stay with me until the night is gone,
This nightmare has just begun.
Let's go back and diminish
The pains that are of today.
Sing to me until the soft wings of sleep
Suffocate the demon in my mind.
Show me how to be human again,
Like you would if you were mine.
Inspired by "Human" By Gabrielle Aplin and "Till I fall Asleep" By Jayme Dee

Agelast Definition: A person who never laughs
Ahhhhffrrggg May 2014
I feel like I'm turning into a grey can of paint.
Y'see, pretty much everything is either black or white to me.
But for a long time, I've been noticing that I'm more stuck in this grey parabole in the middle. I'm always saying things like, "I do know, but I don't know" and, "I want it but I really don't want it". It's all very confusing and my ability to make decisions is diminishing each day I go on like this...
It's making everything seem more and more impossible...
Most days, I'm mixing slightly more with the black than the white (and vice versa). These days aren't so bad- if you've been this state for as long as I have.
Then there's the days when I am the most perfectly balanced grey you could ever lay your eyes upon; there's almost beauty in my misfortune and depleting mental stability. Days like those- a day like this...
A day like this can demolish your spirit in milliseconds. A day like this can stop you from seeing the most vibrant autumn leaves strewn across the earth, as your eyes have now turned to grey. A day like this can let your demons burst out from hiding in the cavities of your mind and start gnawing at things they shouldn't. A day like this makes you not care that all of this is happening to you, just as long as you're still as dull as your cigarette's smoke.
Erin Hankemeier May 2014
The roses aren't as pretty
The sun isn't quite as high
The birds don't sing as sweet of a lullaby
The stars are a little bit faded
The clouds are just a little more gray
And it feels like things won't ever be the same

Heaven got another angel the night you left this world behind
Heaven got a little better the day that it took you away from me
I'm missing you tonight
I'll see you again sometime
For now, I'll close my eyes
And dream of heaven tonight

The beaches aren't as lovely
The sky isn't quite as blue
Still, they're sweetened by the memory of you
The rain is a little bit colder
The fire is never quite as warm
Still, it seems that heaven isn't all that far

Heaven got another angel the night you left this world behind
Heaven got a little better the day that it took you away from me
I'm missing you tonight
I'll see you again sometime
For now, I'll close my eyes
And dream of heaven tonight

I'm spending a little more time now with the things that mean a little bit more
I'm noticing the wonders of this world
I love with a little more hope now
I live with a little more peace
Cause I understand how precious life can be

Heaven got another angel the night you left this world behind
Heaven got a little better the day that it took you away from me
I'm missing you tonight
I'll see you again sometime
For now, I'll close my eyes
And dream of Heaven tonight
This song I found on Youtube a while ago. I cry every time I hear this song. Gordon True's voice is mesmerizing and beautiful. This song is about a man who lost a loved one. He says that nothing will ever be the same on Earth, but Heaven got another Angel that day. He misses her, but he knows that he will see her soon. So for now, he will close his eyes and dream of heaven. Later he realizes, the world is still beautiful. He is filled with hope and peace. He now understands how precious life is.

I recited this piece a few years ago for a speech competition. Everybody in the room was in tears. Everybody has loved people who have passed on, but knowing you will see them again makes everything better. during my performance, I thought of my loved ones, and I started crying in the middle of my performance, but I finished with my head held high and mind filled with wonder. I also finished with a perfect score, but the score did not matter much to me.

Here is the link to the Youtube video:

Anonymously me May 2014
Gray is a color that's not white nor black
it's not dark but not light
It's a mixture of two
Black... No maybe blue?
Gray is mysterious
Depressing at some moments
Modern at the next
Gray has no where to be placed
Gray is Gray
and there's nothing you can do.
Today I feel like gray,
A dark shadow in a
Colorless world.
The shadowy rainbows
Stretch across
A shady sunset.
Gray-- Shadow-- Me.
Almost alone in a gray-toned
Maybe I want to be alone--
Gray sunlight washing over me,
Bathing the landscape in
Bland light.
Not blue, red, yellow.
A colorless gray.
A gray that speaks soft words
And sings low and sweet--
The fuzzy gray down of a bird.
But gray,
Dreary-- never delightful,
But not so dark--
There is still light.
I am gray;
That is how I feel.
Petrified in a cloudy color,
A stony face.
A lost wish in the darkness.
The soft gray sweeps over all

Will you be there?
Saxify Definition: to turn something into stone
Invocation Apr 2014
I feel as though I've lost my emotions
But gained perspective.

I found new ways to be healthy
I found myself
I have finally attained a grasp on reality
and in the meantime
I haven't changed
I just lost the passionate flair for everything dear
Where is my mind? My mind is rooted firmly to the ground
Prepping food
Gaming, starving, bleeding
I revisit my past pains and try them on like scarves in the mirror
Does this still look any good on me now that I've changed?
The cuts have changed
Or maybe I have
The deeper the better
That's why they call me a hipster

I prefer "bohemian"

I can't feel attraction
There goes my heart, falling asleep when I needed it most
Please don't judge me, I wanted to behave
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