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Beleif Aug 2016
O' music box,
With many strings,
Why imprison me?
Why cast your blades across the steely sky?
I must away, but you force me to stay.

When I was a boy, I saw unleashed upon you,
With my young eyes,
A proud disease.

My friend was sick; I could not heal him,
So all I could was smash and bash him.
He would not die, I did not cry,
For I was lost to my own music making box.

"Father, what is this gift? A toy?"
Asked I the living wandering boy.
"How does it work?"
Like death, my youngest self should have foreseen.
Part III of Songs of Loss, book II of Unwinding Steely Strings.

The toy he wears upon his mind is the burden he'll bear until the end of time.
'This is my favorite park,'
I tell you, your hand holding mine
We're stealing kisses in the dark
You laugh as you look around
At the broken trunks and fallen leaves
Nothing but dirt decorating the ground
'I've seen prettier places,'
You reply as you imagine daisies,
Freshly cut grass and paradise
'It's about the memories,'
I say, hand falling to my side
You look away as you try to hide
The confusion, clear in your eyes
You don't get it and you seem content
To never look back, live in the moment
Even though in the same park we both stand,
While flashbacks play through my head
To you, it's just another piece of land
No matter how much we share, my darling,
My nostalgic heart you'll never understand

by John Smallshaw in Uncategorized


Would I feel free if I were a tree?

To feel the wind?

To feel the rain upon my naked skin?

To write the leaves upon my many arms?

To hear the beetles crawl?

To watch the caterpillars fall into butterflies?

To watch the forest as it dies?

And when the axe bit

Would I scream?

Would I feel free

When I fell?

Read by the presenter on Talk Sport radio at about 5.11am..14/12/10.My first ever poem to be read by the

magical media……. Revised and elongated 26/06/11.
LJDC May 2016
You're the faintest memory,
But the strongest one.
Ended without a sorry,
Also ended with none.

You're the prologue,
That broke me so bad,
You're the epilogue,
Of the days we had.

You're a short chapter,
But the most memorable one.
What sorrow more sweeter?
When to you I never won.
First love never dies... a small flame that cannot be put out.
Ysa Pa Apr 2016
And as you left that quick
You became my favorite mnemonic
That I am alive and loving
That I'm breathless but still breathing
The way you made me recall
Is both my mountain-top and pitfall
The way I was reminded
Is too hurting, too conceited
But, you are my favorite pain
Reminding me I'm alive through fiery rain
Making me feel by pulling heart strings
Pain reminds of life through stings
Every single detail has your shadow
Reminding me of us, everywhere I go
You made it seem so easy to forget everything
You made it feel like those times meant nothing
That what we had mattered only to me
Now all those we shared resonate with agony
As you abandoned me without hesitation
I arrived with a dreadful realization
You justified why storms are named...
After people, since they can damage just the same
L Marie Mar 2016
Her hands smelt sweet
As they were clammy with sweat
And she wrapped them gently
Around my nose and mouth.
She stood behind me
Protecting me with ferocity
And I leaned in, heavy
Against her thin frame.
He was coming now,
His tall shadow cast out
By the light from the hall.
I shivered, she whispered,
“When I say go, run.”
I nodded, my body frozen
And it couldn’t have been
More than a few seconds
Until I heard her yell
And before I knew it, I was
Sprinting, abandoning her,
And I heard her scream loud,
As though she was being mauled
By a wild beast and I whimpered.

“TAG, YOU’RE IT!” he yelled.
The game was over, so
I turned around and ran back,
Only to begin another round.
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