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Euphie Jan 2019
He was a curious lad,
       with a broad chest and strong shoulders.
        His eyes were a deep brown,
        his jaw line sharp and defined.
        He loved action,
        he also loved adventure.
        But most of all he loved to run
        his hand along my legs,
        making me flush in all his
        favorite places.
Kewayne Wadley Jan 2019
At times I can be very indecisive.
One minute I can know exactly what I am doing.
Or know exactly what I want.
Then the next have no idea.
Especially having
All of my favorite things presented to me at once.
I admit.
It gets troublesome.
One decision seeming to be better than the next.
Venturing from one height to the next.
Each of my favorite things jumbled into one
big idea that seems to good to be true.
Eventually I make a decision
If by some chance I am dreaming don't pinch me.
Let me enjoy all of my favorite things in complete chaos.
While I pause for moments longer.
Taking in the sight of all my favorite things.
Stare back at me in contemplation.
While any and everything sounds good.
Long as I am with you everything gets that much better.
Knowing that all of my favorite things consist of you
Dalcanne Louise Dec 2018
In a vast land
there are flowers
that grow aesthetically.

Beauty captivates one's soul,
leaving behind
all the rot.

In the growth of all,
the one that captivates
are always been picked.

"It's for everyone,"
but seems only for a specific.
You know all the words,
but not applied.
Paige Error Nov 2018
I shared with you my favorite things.
Not tangable stuff like diamond rings
But things that showed you who I am
Cause you were harmless as a lamb

I shared with you my favorite movie
It became yours too as if to prove we
Were meant to be together all along
Especially when we sang that song
I could tell our love was strong

I shared with you my favorite book
We read together in our little nook
Our secret part of the library
And though at first you were wary
I knew it was you I’d want to marry

I shared with you my deepest fears
how loneliness had stung with tears
and you just held me in your arms
Threatening death to whoever harms
Me. While I fell for all your charms

I shared with you all of my heart
Knowing for sure you are the best part
Of everything that came in life
That with you I could forget my strife
And become your humble, loving wife.

You took from my my favorite things
I wish it had only been the rings
I haven’t watched that movie since
And when I read I always wince
Cause on my heart you left some prints
And that was my love you decided to mince

yes it seems you left some scars
Yet I’m not mad the blame was ours
To share because I made a mistake
And the worst decision I have yet to make
Is never saying sorry and just leaving you to ache.
Dani Nov 2018
A skippity hop and muddy socks
Sail boats and rain coats
Semis and dump trucks
Bubble baths with ducks
Throwing a ball I love it all!!
***** feet and a sweet treat
Firefighters and quad riders
Lights and sirens and jolly lions
Puppy heroes and horses with wings
These are a few of my favorite things
Written for my almost 3 year old daughter. Her favorite things! She has a firetruck and says "I am a firewoman!" Paw Patrol and My Little pony are the last few references there. She is my whole world!
Bryce Nov 2018
The air is wool
It is the shavings of innocence
It is the blood of atomic love
It is a momentary transience

I am a ticketeer
I own nothing but slips of paper
popcorn between the seats
rotting into kernels of knowledge to sleep with

She was and is the secret sucrose
a mysterious chemical, dreaming of becoming
Something that means more than just syrup
or unappetizing things

The earth was a open casket, nothing to hide
the soils and dreams of a ancient soul that had nothing to abide
She and I, lost amidst the widows
holding onto a dream of new life

Coupling together, we sought the stars
We stared through mirrors at ourselves in rings
Saturn and Mars
They the abodes of future eyes and ours

Not ready to see these things, chosen by god the in-between
Lost in the leaves and the lungs of her tree
I spoke to her, asking her what was
She replied rather callous that there was no love

Let's go on and shear the stars
let's take of their light and share with what's ours
Alight the funeral pyres and bait
God to give us the gifts He had never taken

Darling, I know I'm not the most beautiful thing
but I have gifts to share that don't hold in skin
they are never wrinkled, never tired, never lost of their youth
They are sweet simple liquor that will intoxicate with truth


I am a tired Deseret dreaming of a new faith
I seek a maiden in which to build the estate
We can make the paradise of Eden on this plane
We can touch the golden calf and make it obey

Give to me your love and trust
I will give my ****** lust
My eternal heart, my corpse of dust
And push towards the solemn Eden of husks
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