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Agnes de Lods Mar 15
When the eye fails to recognize colors,
and the ear ceases to catch sounds,
when the mind doesn’t weave words
into something coherent,
and the body, shrunken,
no longer flinches to escape fear.

Then, my life, let me sit in a cozy chair,
wrapped in warm light,
and once again,
let me dive deep into the idealized past.

I will return without regret
to those faces, voices, and places.
I will wait, sitting in my pain,

This departure will take a long while,
before I stamp my one-way ticket,
and everything becomes simple,

One day,
the stream of my consciousness
will dissolve into nothingness.

Then, my soul, let me—
in a gentler version than it was in reality—
settle discreetly and painlessly
in the memories of those dear to me.

I want to be nothing more
than a gentle touch of endless,
patient love.
A quiet presence,
a whisper of boundless solace.
Ronney Aug 2022
For all that I am aches.
For all I must forsake.
It is the unfortunate. Destined fate.
The final moment, we do not wake.
When the time comes, you will break.
When the time comes, let go of keepsake.
When the time comes, rebuild and remake.
Knowing you go on gives peace in mind.
Knowing you will be strong keeps my spirit alive.
If these are my last words to be made known.
Let it be known I am overcome in an abundance of love.
Let be known that the abundance of Love I return.
For eternity x infinity.
In experiencing and witnessing the passing of loved ones iv been prompted to think on the things that I would want for my family/friends to know in the final hours.

In working as a Nurse Iv seen many deaths and the heartache that happens from all sides. There is the pain in letting go. There is the suffering when you refuse to and also when you finally do. Sometimes when its time you will know.

But, in those final moments what I most often see is that from each side (That of the person dying and those experiencing the loss) each find comfort in being there for one another and witnessing that one is not alone, that the other will be in peace and the other taken care of.
Acina Joy Dec 2019
After you, I've had the urge
to finally cut my hair
that ended beneath my waist
and looked good with
shoulders bare.

The length of it stretched on
and it reminded me of you.
The same endless cycle,
you'd always split off
into two.

Colours have faded now,
leaving the carcass of a strand.
A fraud of what it truly was,
growing under your demands.

But I face the mirror now,
as scissors went where you've dwelt.
My mother hacked away my hair
until I looked more like myself.
I got a hair cu t XD
Van Xuan Sep 2019
The only word I hate
Because it is always said
When a person leaves me behind
And never return.
Glenn Currier Sep 2019
Here I am in the middle of your days
before the summer has said goodbye
and the brown beauty of fall has arrived.
It is easy to forget to notice your
persistent pink exuberance of crepe myrtle
to escape the warmth of your winds
for the coolness of the den.

There is still time to grow
before autumn ushers in the first snow.
Being in your midst makes me mellow
slows me and gives me time to re-member
those I’ve loved in the midst of you, September,
time to listen to you in the songs of birds
hear the wisdom of your words
on the peaceful cusp of Libra and Virgo.

Speak to me September
blow your breath upon the ember
of this era in my journey
let not the sparks still remaining
be lost in the cross fires
and anxiety of these days.
In your haste to bid farewell to summer
forget not my moments of wonder
let me hear your thunder
and please before you leave me
speak to me in your deep warm voice
and resurrect me from the wasteland
of this languorous slumber.
Dhimss Jun 2019
You fare thee well only to those you wanna see again.
I hope to come back soon enough.
This is, good bye.
Desire Dec 2018
I didn't
get to say
goodbye :(
Paul Aurelius Feb 2018
Exiled in the darkest of nights
a traversing light I suddenly see
I hastily hid in fear
yet staring in awe, in wonder I gazed

I tried to tame the light
it tamed me instead
giving me tears
as it continued its way
Chloe Feb 2018
The bustle of wheels and shoes across marble
are muted by the high ceilings
of the great Arrival Hall.

Underneath its fluorescent skies
a long back river flows
winding around the headlands
of counters and
disappearing into x-ray caverns.

The smell of suitcases hangs in the air like
morning mist pooling around ankles.
Not quite fading with the passing of day,
but mingling with wafts of fresh coffee
-and jet fuel.

From somewhere in the distance a chapel bell chimes,
announcing that Passengers of Flight AQ284 can
board the plane in ten minutes time.

the Passengers flock to their gate with
the dependency of cattle to the bell
and trickle, single file
through a metal esophagus and into

a Silver Dragon that flies at midnight
taking off from a starlit path
and into the cold dark night
its echoing, parting roar
speaks of farewells and
bright futures
distant lands

so very


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