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Harry Roberts Sep 2018
Having A Day In The Sun On The Town,
Reclaiming My Throne & Shining My Crown,
Been Down In The Dumps & Hunted By Hounds,
No Sound In The Mire Or Light To Surround.

You Make Your Own Gold From The Metal You Smelt,
You Strategise With Cards You've Been Dealt,
Moving The Pieces The Pawns Have Been Used,
Using Your Cards Up It's Like Their Abused.

Know No Ones Holy I'm ******* With Him,
Satan My Husband The Original Sin,
I'm Deformed Further Than The Children Of The Nephilim,
An Imbalance To Gaia I Defy The Globes Spin.

Using The Energy Built From Within,
I've Lead A Whole Glaring These ******* Won't Win,
I'm More Than My Instincts & Meaningless Sin,
Gin Mothers Ruin In Tears You Will Swim.
Harry Roberts - Original Sin © 03/09/18
Lyn-Purcell Sep 2018

Many years and tears pass
till we stare and rise
from the ashes
of love

Just a short poem before I hit the hay.
Tommorow is interview day! me...
Lyn ***
Lyn-Purcell Sep 2018

Sitting in the shade of ****** lilies, is
          the blessed beauty, the Heart of Summer
Her skin, shimmering russet  
Her eyes, molten gold            
           Her lips, pouty rose buds                  
  Her hair, a slick raven halo      
Her body, curvaceous and slender
Flaunted by her diaphanous lilac robe

Through her sculpted nose, she inhales the
warm clime; her feet upon the verdure.
As she walks through the gardens,  the
flowers burst into blooms, trumpets
to the song of working honey bees.
Ahead is a lake, clear, crystal and celestine,
stars dance and wink upon the surface.

She picks the daisies and adorns it in
her hair, thinking of her great empery.
Here in the palms of light and love, there
is no sin and no pain.
She hears the ringing bells of
nature, the song of wings.
'For I love all life and light,' she smiles, 'and more,
I will bring.'

First freeverse of Summer! ^-^
Lyn ***
Lyn-Purcell Sep 2018

Dance through the realm of
space and time, gliding
through the stars and
jumping over moon, sun and more

The hem of sunlit dress flutters as
the skies comes alive
with clouds of swallowtails;
sweet shimmering shards of diamonds

Let us spiral around
and laugh in symphony
Reach out our hands
Come, meet me at the outskirts
of Andromeda

My lips await you

Letting the mind wander! ^-^
Lyn ***
Lyn-Purcell Sep 2018
My quill is prepared
To write another free-verse
About reigning Queens

Celestine beings
Four poems for four seasons
Inks of many hues

Ever so child-like
With my head high in the clouds
So fantastical

The light shines so bright
I trust my wandering mind
A smile on my face
Another free-verse series in the works!
Basically like my Lily in the Snow series, but in four parts and dedicated to the seasons!
I'll let you know when it's about to be released ;)
Be back soon!
Lyn ***
Syv Elena Aug 2018
I like to create worlds
I like to write stories
It never gets old
At least not for me

It's hard for me to write down
what's all in my head
But I'm going to try right now
Else this poem would be over instead

I have one world with not yet a name
With six places all in a game
It's set in 2064 where VR took off
But because of a virus the game didn't last long

Inside the game the players were stuck
They build their home with a little bit of luck
They made sure to steer clear of siren bay
Because sirens always wanted to play

To the water kingdom you will go
Where the area is filled with snow
To the player's very own home
Where hospitality will definitely show

The virus added code
So a person had an episode
Dragons were no longer allowed
Where dragon shapeshifters were about

To the fire kingdom you will walk
If you want to be amidst a civil war
Dragons are facing extinction
Even though this is still fiction

The virus spread a disease
That killed people with ease
But after awhile the people took another breath
It seemed they had escaped the black death

To the earth kingdom you will journey
If you don't think zombies are scary
Though they rather be called the living dead
Because they still got morals in their rotting head

The virus rewrote the code
So a different model would load
And because of that
Everyone in Myrr changed in a cat

To the air kingdom you will travel
If mechanics is something you can handle
There are only a few robots and humans
Because a cat still doesnt have opposable thumbs

The virus encoded a speech
Where it called the king "My liege"
It made up a prophecy about religion
Where he had to sacrifice 12 elven women

To the light kingdom you will advance
If you want to see a game of chance
Where the virus picked out 12 innocent girls
To live among the stars as pearls

And lastly the virus took form as an elf
So for the last time it could personally raise hell
Together with its encoded lover
They stole a treasure like no other

To the kingdom of darkness you will proceed
If you wish to intercede
You know what the virus has done
You know what it has become

Else you can enjoy the show
That happens down below
The virus will set everything in motion
with nothing more than a single notion

With the virus's last breath it will curse the king
His wife's death in labor and a cursed twin
His first born gone and the second afraid
It is she who is this story's aide

Now you know a bit of a world I've made
I still have more than 50 characters who need a place
Maybe soon I will be done
And then I wonder what it will become
Eyithen Aug 2018
If my life was a book
Would anyone read it?
Would it be happy or sad?
Romance or Action?

If my life were a book
Would it be like a John Green Novel?
Or would it be morphed into Fantasy?
Would it be filled with Mystery like a Nancy Drew volume?
Or filled with Drama?
I think i would be a trilogy; possibly more,
Because one book won't even cover a day's worth of thoughts.

If my life were a book
Would it be made of experiences and feelings?
Contemplating the small stuff
and finding the beauty in everything?
Would it be like Narnia?
Everything metaphorical
Filled with personification and anthropomorphism.

If my life were a book
Would my inner demons become monsters or a curse?
Would my love interest be a charming prince?
A rouge outlaw? Or someone i would least expect?

If my life were a book
I can only hope it would be a great adventure.
One with foreign lands and exotic animals.
One that defies gravity
And goes against everything we can imagine

If my life were a book, if one were to read it,
They would learn more about me in a hundred pieces of paper
Then they could in a day.

If my life were a book
One could possibly know me better then i know myself
Because we often reveal more than we intend to without ever knowing it ourselves.
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2018

She walks in the shade of the night,
the archways entwined with vines;
green and black. Her feet gently slaps
the cobblestones, ice cold beneath her soles.

Her mind wanders as she stares at the
moon before falling upon the calm
azure seat. Boats wade out in the water,
perhaps the people on-board are ride into
a new world.

How the winds howl.
How the birds coo.
How the stars shines.
How her dreams cry.

Just letting my mind wander.
SoZaka Aug 2018
A life lived in a dream
if ever a heavenly sight could bring me to stir
asleep on a plume of Neptune
dimensions away from here

of three eyes of which I see
not one sees  through my confusion
too dense a haze surrounds me
to spot the closest star
much less the farthest one away
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2018
The air filled with laughter and cheers, leaving me
and Ainhara on the hill
"Oh dear," my handmaid smiles. "It appears it will be a long night.
Parting Paul from our sweet Esshi will prove difficult."
"Difficult but not impossible," I chime. "Come, Ainhara,
let us enjoy the rest of the night!"
'My wish came true tonight,' I beam.
'I will always remember this fantastic gala...' as I enter
the main dining hall with all my friends from near and far,
all my friends of many cultures as we join in laughter, in
glee, ever hopeful for the future of our thriving Kingdoms.
With every sip of wine, every nibble of the fine
dishes, all of our bonds have strengthened.
So now, let us be like the lanterns,
and rises together, sailing through the horizons
to touch the Heavens above.
Eager for the adventures ahead...
This marks the last chapter of the Gala series!
I do hope everyone enjoyed it, I had a blast writing it.
Thank you so much everyone for the support!
It truly means to the world to me,
To Queen Donna and King Dean of Vesian,
I wish you all the happiness in the world.
Congratulations again on your marriage
and to the Great Lady of Haikus, happy belated birthday!
Tomorrow, I'll be sure to put it all in a collection for
you. I hope you enjoyed the series! ^-^
Stay blessed everyone and much love!
Queen Lyn ***
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