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Ivan 5d
she is the exception
when my only rule in life
is not
Amanda Kay Burke Jun 2024
For a woman I am a decent driver

Enough to hold wheel
You once told me

Argument admissable

That mastery majority of female species lacks

Like testosterone and equality

I am evidence that there is an exception to every rule
I hate when people stereotype women as bad drivers but then I see so many ****** drivers behind the wheel who end up being female and I shake my head and sigh because the clique is correct and the majority of women reinforce that idea... Tsk tsk...
Dreamer May 2020
I am not a fan of capturing ,be it living
Or non-living may it be photos or fish
But you are an exception dear
Drop in the Sea Apr 2019
Your parent couldn't walk this way
This doesn't mean , you cannot too
everyone is unique,no exceptional
So Maybe there's no way for you

But why do not try to find it
If you know when to stop
To not continue an endless story
Leading just to broken heart
Poolza Jan 2019
We were so close that I heard you breathing
So close that I could smell your sweet breath

You'd casually stare at me
And all I could see
Were your eyes

I reach to share my love

But the bell rang
Poolza Jan 2019
The way you look at me
The way you talk
Makes my heart melt

The way you run
The way you did anything
Made me fall for you

But this love is forbidden
I'm not supposed to like you

Even if I told you
What if you don't like me too?
Our relationship would be no more
I won't get to see you

I'll just bottle it up
and never ever tell you

Unless, you like me too.
Samreena Lodhi Sep 2018
For us, life holds;
countless enigmas,
uncertainty of existence,
certain exceptions,
bulks of expectations,
improbable concoctions,
perfect nothingness,
imperfect pains,
high level dreams.
don't you think!
Brevity of human life,
ephemeral stay in this world,
is more simple and lucid.
Simplicity and Lucidity,
is all that life can give.
i was reading multiple quotes and made the poem out of the main words.
rey Jun 2018
Say I’m only yours
And please be honest, baby.
Don’t play with my heart.

© Regan
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