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xmxrgxncy Jan 2016
I am who you long to see
Yet who you will never cease to be

I am what you envy most
But I am more dead than a ghost

I am little, small and weak
Yet I do more, much more than speak

In my eyes I hold the key
But to get it, you must first unsee

For days of cold when lights grow dim
I am yours- I am him.
Brent Kincaid Dec 2015
The conservative element in DC
Has something else as priority.
It sure is not you, nor is it me.
It’s a much more powerful constituency:
Those who pull strings do not care
Unless you are a multi-millionaire
And contribute to their greedy cause
Like some kind of Santa Claus.

They keep on doing what they’re doing
******* who they were *******
I would explain it all if I could
But sometimes words do no good.
Behind all the gobbledy ****
Someone is not playing by the book.
Winning with lies is what they are trying
To make the true facts look like lying.

They keep you so confused that you
You believe what they want you to,
So you won’t see behind their wiles
To bring their larcenous ***** to trial.
Dignifying public rumors of buggery
You look away from skullduggery.
A few insignificant happenstances
Eclipse treasonous circumstances.

You ***** about gays and abortion
While conservatives commit extortion
And persecution in Jesus’ name.
To them it’s all a ratings game.
If you don’t care what people feel
You lose all track of what is real.
You turn into a tool for deception;
A dupe of sleight-of-hand misdirection.

As long as things are as they are
We’ll get run over by the clown car
Which is the Congress currently seated.
And as long as they remain undefeated
The rules will leave the deck stacked.
Nobody in DC will have our backs.
Why should they care about our whim
When the way it is benefits them?

We need one item, one bill rules
Or we end up the same beaten fools.
We need campaign funding to be equal
Or each election becomes a sequel
To what happened with Gore and Bush
When backdoor politics bit us in the ****.
The only way change will ever come around
Is to take the loopholes from these clowns.
Shivendra Om Jul 2015
Love your duplicity

(your unfolded closeness
makes me react
with uncertainty)

—you are my pain and my delight
(a delayed action)

—you are my cold passion
(a kind subtlety)

—you are my nice thorn
(a future unborn)

—you are the venture I fear
(a welcomed intensity)

You are Life, oh beloved,
in its purest form
by Luca Shivendra Om
(C) Luca Shivendra Om
Amitav Radiance May 2015
When everything’s disguised
It becomes an arduous task
Defining reality through veneer
One does not know the reality
Which appearance to believe
Mirrored are the duplicity
One sees the fabricated image
Disguised we become to ourselves
Till it becomes a reality, we live with
Francie Lynch Apr 2015
Small people aren't measured
By their height;
That's not right!
We dread
The small-minded;
The bigots,
The ones of two minds -
The one they share,
And one they hide behind.
One face we see,
The one to please.
One hand held out,
The other unseen,
Fingers crossed.
They're high in stature,
But small,
In matters.
DD Apr 2015
You made me feel,
Like i was yours,
All vicious dreams,
That now are lost.

You're gone with them,
They're all with you,
And I am there,
(Still loving you)
And here untrue.

To all the souls,
Deceiving lies...
I'll run forever,
Until they die.

And throw down dirt,
Burying those thoughts,
No longer hurt...
No longer lost...
Andrew M Bell Feb 2015
Bipartisanship, whatever

the key nowadays is

cooperative collaboration

I sell the rail

You buy the rail

Let’s call the whole thing off

Centre left centre right

sent her round the bend

Get with the program

Facebook Face Time whatever
Copyright Andrew M. Bell. The poet wishes to acknowledge Presto in whose pages this poem first appeared.
You left under the cloak of night, again.
To return with your excuse as to why you are late.
What once was harmless, is now unfair, unjust, heartless.
Not on me or you, but her, the one that truly loves you.
I'm the harlot, the iniquity in your life, wickedness personified.
I remove your garments, deal with your hardness and
send you back to her, the promise you made to her broken.
I listen to your moans and return you whole to her.
I'm a social worker, a lover, a comfort, a *****.
You are a client, a bore, a job, a *****.
Our consciousness of what we do is monstrous, yet we do it over again.
I don't love you, you don't love me.
I'm a night deposit banking facility.
You drop off a deposit, leave, and go home.
What lies do you tell her?
Does she believe you?
Is paying for me cheaper than a divorce?
We both are heartless under the cover of darkness
The wine glasses stand sentinel,
to last night.
Candles burnt out,
wax cold pooled
on the dining table.
Remnants of the supper
testament to our hunger and
for each other, as lovers.
The house is cold now
like my anger.
Last night,
You told me we were over
You'd fallen for another
younger lover.
Last night my anger was red like the wine
in the sentinel glasses.
Now cold, daylight brings a clarity,
time to start the cleaning.
I'll sweep the table's items into the bin.
I'll keep nothing touched by him.
I'll then take a bath to recover and figure out
what to do with you.
You can't lie on the floor forever.
PrttyBrd May 2014
In Your smile is born my very breath
I give you all i have to give
Your lies have brought about my death
For trust has no place left to live
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