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Àŧùl Aug 2019
A beautiful saga of love and longing,
Turns now towards its completion,
Ultimately turning into achievement,
Love gets stronger like black coffee.

A melodious voice says my name,
Not fearing the society or religion,
Demanding only love from me.

Jelling deliciously is this pudding,
Excellent is this sweet romance,
Neither shameful nor shameless,
Indians from two different religions,
Few attempt what we plan for us,
Alive for each other and our families.

Living for the good of all life on Earth,
I love her and she loves me back,
Veil of her face is an elegant blue,
Elegant are her eyes from the slit,
Deriving pleasure from my imagination.

How we must get together,
A married couple is by hard work,
People do get old and die together,
People otherwise die in loneliness,
I am so blessed in this togetherness,
Love me you do in an untouched way,
Yet I feel you by my side in my life.

Evening the odds through honesty,
Victory is definite for both of us,
Even for peace, it will be a union,
Reason will only be love, our love.

Actually, I think that we shall do it,
Fatwas will never work against us,
Threats will be there but relax,
Except the Maulvi, none will bother,
Rest of them, our love will smother.

Truthfulness in your kind young face,
Heavenly is the sight to behold,
Earnestly we must get married,
Irate letters we shall then face,
Rising higher in the heavenly eyes.

Marriage is not just a wonderful word,
Also it is a beautiful permanent bond,
Rings in our fingers will mean more,
Rings and a Mangalsootra as well,
In our dreamland, we are together,
Atypical life we shall celebrate,
Gleefully we shall see our babies,
Eternal gifts by this love story of ours.
A romantic acrostic.
Lived happily ever after their marriage.
My HP Poem #1756
©Atul Kaushal
Eloisa Jul 2019
Thank you
You never disappoint
You met me in my fantasy last night
I woke up on your shores
with your soft rosy lips on mine
~Happy morning
Eloisa Jul 2019
My dreamland’s gateway
opens up a gorgeous field of flowers
And there at its center proudly sways
In stripy purplish-pink is a handsome wildflower
I do adore those wild and free
though I love all kinds of blooms and hold no preference
And when I saw him in his fragrant sanctuary
I felt a kind of reverence
And among those beauty of its kind
I surely won’t forget
The sweetest moment when he smiled
The wondrous time when we’ve first met
Eloisa Jun 2019
He came like a wind,
whispered music in my ears,
swiftly brushed my lips,
then brought cold creeps to my skin,
lulled me and just disappeared.
Just a dream
Eloisa Jun 2019
A portrait of love
In the realm of fantasy
Our hearts beat in sync
Rainbow paints on a canvas
Only us, in bed, naked
Ruby May 2019
tap - drips, reminding
sounds of past lovers and how they still linger on
tiles - a bond, strong
not even your creator can pick you off from where they stand
and how they try
the tap drips offbeat
from the tiles, which I stand
making it hard for me to go to a peaceful dreamland
the baths ocean - hugs me, serenity
Mili Vada Apr 2019
I imagine, believe - focus
I flare, ignite - deliver
I stare, slip - Lose it
I woke up
Merinda Feb 2019
Welcome to the dreamland
Beautiful world with rainbow sand
Create dreams with peterpan
Fly away the universe with snowman
Counting the stars from one 'till ten
Close your eyes and just take my hand
Dream what you wanna dream and believe if you can
Don't give up 'till the end
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