On September 9-11 the Twin Towers were smashed, into by two planes that were destined to crash.
New York City was attacked, causing camotion and panic.
The people tried to deal with the madness, and cope with the sadness, but the number one consensus is the impact was tragic.
Fire men ran in, with the hope to save some lives. Not knowing for their courageous effort, that this would be the day they die. True Hero's showed their colors, as they rushed the stairs that day. Fire fighters turned fear to courage, as their sacrifice was made.
The burning towers collapsed, as people were crushed by the structures metal beams. Clouds of dust consumed the sky, with smoke and loose debris. While screams for help went unheard and bodies lined the street.
The action of two highjacked planes, as they were guided and used against us. Caused a collision course and loss of life, that was undoubtedly tremendous.
Hate against our country, was shown by disregard for human life. These cowards couldn't die alone, they needed passengers on their final flight.
Poem by:KLoyal Est:01-2014