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A Simillacrum Oct 2018
Give me brushes and
something colorful
not tested on
a thing
with a heartbeat
and watch me go!
I love me.
I know how
I like      to look.
Think that this
face is
for you?
Think again.
Think that      This Face
is for you      and your. . .
Think again.
Think again.
aj Oct 2018
I prayed that you find hope inside disaster

I prayed that if disaster struck
at least maybe you learn from the inevidable

I prayed for the power to protect you
I prayed to forgiven; I failed

I prayed that I would stop worshiping you as if you hailed from the sky

I prayed to those unknown deities
I prayed they would stop taunting me with you

I prayed that maybe I would stop making wishes for you
I prayed that I would not care as much about you

I prayed that angles would stop playing tricks
I prayed their soft tongues and laughing frames would stop placing their creations upon my path like golden gifts on display

but I am on my knees and sitting still
praying that I would stop worshiping you

(you are a blessing
that I've been condemned to)

The harbinger of happiness comes when you least suspect.
When he's here you don't know what he'll affect.
You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll forget about pain.
That comes later, with his absence, and you'll need him again.
He fills you with joy, and ecstatically so.
You've been affected in ways you don't even know.
Your brain will turn to mush,
the thoughts in your head will all come to a hush.
None of that matters, because you're experiencing ecstasy.
It'll feel like you're on a cloud, so happy and carefree.
Tears of joy are common, your heart will feel as if it'll burst out your chest.
There's nothing in this world that will make you feel more blessed.
Pain will leave your life, when he's come for you.
You'll beg him not to leave, but he's only passing through.
It'll be the best day of your life, you'll never want him to leave.
But when he does, a whole day you'll need to grieve.
Praggya Joshi Sep 2018
I hallowed your name
Adored you
With every breath
That escaped
from my lips
In the dawning glow
That reflected
On your burnished skin
As well as
in my paradisaic dreams
And cherished thoughts
Every day
Carefully aligned
The chords of my heart
To the sonorous melodies
That resonated
Somewhere from your core
Weaved an intimately
vital connection
From my soul
For my existence
With my trembling hands
Tirelessly knelt before
Your sparkling facade
Never once looked
Past its exquisite splendour
Asked nothing from you
Except for your undying affection
But all you did
Was bequeath me
An undying fear and suspicion
When you recklessly
And loconically
Made me realise
That i was
Relentlessly worshipping
A heartless demon
Instead of a deity
For such a dangerously
Long duration
With all of my strength
Julieta Aurelio Jul 2018
I have been in skin of wolf all my kitten life
Your sister is getting an attack, help her surrender
Your ****** is bleeding
Save the world red
Unite the blood of Eve and perform monthly
have daily routine of keeping melanated to the cleanest groom
oil your crown
oil your skin
wash your bedding
do your thing
have it your way
you are royal
you are royal
bow your head
give thanks
and conquer
                    I have been in the skin of wolf all my kitten life
                    never little
                    never naïve
                    never broken
                    a shapeshifting ******
                    with eyes of enchanting love and paws that hold power
                    of goddesses and queens before I
                    spoke myself into reality
                    wrapped with stars on my spine and the moon and mars as my eyes
I have always seen the wolf inside my kitten skin all my life
wrapped in grace some call it woman
wrapped in mastery some call god
Mother Mary
surrendered to love,
fully submitted into intuition.
I am every. I am all.
Hilla254 Jul 2018
Light and darkness,
Lies on our souls,
Pure actions,
Acclaimed by,
Purest of intentions,
Makes us whole,
ill biased actions,
Consumes The light,
Makes us wither,
Drown, succumb to The darkness.

You'll never be As beautiful,
As you are now,
We shall never re-live this moment,
But will be Forever Stored up in our minds,
As memories,
My life, your life,
A insignificant speck of dust,
In The vast universe.

Do what Makes you happy,
Don't invest in regrets,
Cherish every moment,
Savour every breath,
Every moment,
Can be The last,
Or The best,
For god's reside up,
Up in our head's.
Knowledge is worthless to those who Don't understand Or value it.
Lyn-Purcell Jun 2018
Myths and legends I find
always have some truth
to them

And there are those who
create their own myths
and legends

That sort of immortality
shines for a special
starlit few

Who were never before
and never again
How we continue to deifying humans who become myths in the culture.
Who become icons and have an immortality that will stand the very test of time... that sort of star power is saved for the starlit few
Whose light will never be forgotten.

For me, I have a small group of celebs who fit this mould.
Be back soon!
Lyn x
She's watching me
but she's never said a word
I know not her face
her touch
her aroma
I've only seen her eyes,
in the stars
for years
and I'll never know why,
her beauty claims the heavens
her light cures the blind
and robs sight from the foolish
I've stared too long
transfixed and fiendish, for just a taste
I would make love to her even if she has no body
I would kiss her splendor with my words
caress her aches with fragrant whispers
charm the bones of her imagination with tender glances
and consummate our bonding with admonitions of love.

I need no more than words
to know she loves me,
if she would but speak
yet she only stares...
Her smile is the constellations, I know
and her breath is the sigh of the sun
her arms are the rings of Saturn
and her ******* the moons of Jupiter
yet, I am but a man
I cannot make love to these things
so I pen this yearning,
Sitting under her, the Cosmos,
with passion, I enjoy the view.
This is one of those poems that I wasn't sure was coming.
It started out a little slow, searching, but I found the rhythm and I'm enjoying the re-reads.

I'm trying to avoid those gushing poem-notes so short and sweet this time.


a dogma
that inter-
nuncio drew
sultry where
gotham despite
arms was
proctor of
circle that
could emboss
pathos in
guise of
rouge that
flew in
grace still
an alkaloid
with quantum
effect beyond
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