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Zywa Jan 24
At most I myself

catch what I mean, with you it's --

Novel "Buitenstaanders" ("Outsiders", 1983, Renate Dorrestein), § 1

Collection "Wean Di"
Zywa Jan 16
Whatever you say

to somebody else, you say --

to yourself as well.
"Maurits en de feiten" ("Maurits and the facts", 1986, Gerrit Krol), § 2

Collection "On the fly"
Zywa Jan 15
They don't understand

me, so I just say something --

Novel "Maurits en de feiten" ("Maurits and the facts", 1986, Gerrit Krol), Prologue

Collection "On the fly"
Zywa Jan 14
At regular times

a message comes, stating: this --

connection exists.
Old computer communication
Also applies to acquaintances

Novel "Een Fries huilt niet" ("A Frisian does not cry", 1980, Gerrit Krol), chapter 2.4

Collection "Rasping ants"
Zywa Dec 2023
Love does prove itself

in attentively hearing --

of what is not said.
Novel "De gebeurtenis" ("The event", 2022, Peter Terrin), chapter Juliette (3) #1

Collection "Loves Tricks Gains Pains in the 20s"
Zywa Dec 2023
They can be loving:

father talks to the dog and --

my son lures the cat.
Poem "Children Coming Home From School" - 2 (1990, Louise Glück)

Collection "Em Brace"
Mrs Timetable Dec 2023
I was never jealous of you
I was jealous of the people
Who were blessed
To be near you
"Im so jealous".. One of those things that can be expressed a certain way but also misunderstood
Sara Brummer Nov 2023

Words – Pandora’s box of emotion,
sounds shaken loose, music
summoning the listener, the magic
of a voice freed.

Words, soft or violent, escape--
loved, hated invented or real,
power of unmuzzled thought
with tensions that threaten
to undo.

Shouts or whispers, secrets
or prayers, rising to a sky
of rosy quartz, kissed by
a passing breeze or slapped
by a storm.

Feeling the rhythm of mood,
surfing on a sea unchained,
communing with the universe.
A soul’s burst of light illuminating
instants of life’s mysteries and
the mist filling the space between
AmazingsanPoetry Sep 2023
Oh, so truthful  and genuine the world would have been if everyone had the ability to hearing their own words..
Words and world communication gaps and effects
Zywa Sep 2023

counter voices and dancing:

a language tumult.
"La Caravane de la Poésie" in 1999 - With Chenjerai Hove (Zimbabwe 1956-2015), Werewere Liking (Cameroon 1950), Amina Saïd (Tunis 1953), and Thierno Seydou Sall (Sénégal) among others, Antjie Krog (South Africa 1952) recites poems in Kayes (Mali), where the audience communicates with her with "a change of tongue"

Tale "A Change of tongue" (2003, Antjie Krog)

Collection "SoulSenseSun"
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