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Fheyra May 2020
My Spirit, I dropped
My neck, how tragic!—
Oh, why was I doomed?—
What a shame of love,—
Beset me for living
How poor was my trial?—
That king caught me— Just to be his vice!
Surely, I was a noble queen—
'Til the justice defied me..

Coined by 30 years,— Now deriving for 25 years,
This automatic era seemed haste for me,— Where people work less with limbs,— And more with chained machines
All tenses are verbose,— of such faint vision;— When all the dots meet,—
Perhaps, gallops are faster than wheels.
Whenever I daze in my reflection,
I morbidly feel the bruised mark on my pelvis,— whence Homer penetrated it,— And this slit scar on my nape— of my husband's infidelity
Oh fate, may thou all wrath in flames..

I was not an outlaw!—
Thou all praised a sculpture,—
And smashed it, when it was bore!
Thou bidded swears— To a bedswerver's norms!
My downfall revealed thy disgraced offerings— Traitors!

—My poor, poor queen— Do not weep,
    For I shall be great,— This lady will
    dissect the hypocrites, and clothe
    the faithful—
    I shall be the image of your tragedy
    and glory
    This is the order of my commitment
    I am a ponent;
    I am a defender.

Quote our testament:
"We art the culprits and victims of our own plot. If an admiring rogue invades thy core, it shall weakened thou as culprit into an ever victim— To be held in judgment, and to be both perceived as no innocent."

—The conviction of worldly accomplices,
    This shall be the vengeance of an obsolete sentence.—

Altaira, with me,—
Thou art neither a corpse—
Nor a bit of ash;
'Tis the time for ruling
Your Majesty—
Cheers to the jury..
This is the final sequence! The whole story was about a woman having her past life regression, and in her pasf life, she was a queen who was betrayed and beheaded. The rage of the queen still lives in her body, but her present self knows that she should be persistent to provide justice for herself, and to her country.

Remember from "Rituals and Joviality", the Spirit is the voice of the Psychologist that helped her meditate and see her past life. The "Saith the name of an Altar maiden" line referred to a command, for her fo say the word, "Altar", because it resembles the name of her past self, which is "Altaira".

Now finally, she became a judge in the end.
Justice is served.
Roda Mahmud May 2020
I'm not hard to please, all i need is loyalty, love and ears that actually listen, when speaking becomes too much of a burden, a man that will read between the lines, in order for our minds to intertwine.
Dorcas May 2020
I feel really angry and stupid..
It's aching that you became my regret.
Up till now, I still wonder what exactly you were afraid of, for real, cause it definitely wasn't commitment.
I never thought uncertainty would be this painful but that's little compared to what you felt about my communication and trust issues and I'm really sorry about that, I really am.

I really have a lot to say, so much and I'm going to because there's no other person to say it to than you and I don't want to keep harboring my pain just to feed my ego.
I just let go of someone I really loved and still love but I feel uncertain about loosing him
Ray Dunn Apr 2020
putting on a ring
is a battle cry
Nat Lipstadt Apr 2020
~for yocum~

the quality of commitment is not
restrained by quantity, nor by size,
impressed by nylon sheerest volume,
avoirdupois grams, Imperial weight,
steeled feathers, immeasurable, one ton
tips no true scale into red lined sincerity

the necessary respectful silences it requires,
the social nearness of geo-distancing,
all need prodigal acceptance,
like a long lost son, welcomed without questioning

we flawed, banded by many weaknesses, poorly confessed,
yet, no excuses tendered, to it, long ago surrendered,
but understand this, constancy is  not judged
by the frequency of our waves, but by the fervor of an

undertow of unwavering constancy

one that unceasingly rages, beneath superficial, steady waves,
and through the thickened, roughed old skin separating atmospheres,
I have grasped your heartened essence man,
found its depths, blessed it with words, you’ve never fathomed

surely you will growl at this, claiming obfuscation,
excuses not in your vocabulary, nor should it be,
though you require the steady reassurance of frequent brevity

so and yet, but and still,

I deny your claims, what you think, incorrect,
cause I know my heart, and well it kens what lays in thine,
what’s in yours is in mine, deep planted, a full nut grove flowering,
your complaints, mine as well, all part parceled, with grace accepted

for what is friendship but the path
through parted seas, joining two borders,
the best part of that is the landed connectivity,
leading to where we two ends,
meet in laughing two-gether
old fools, younger-then-than-now,
committed, grumpy men.
JK Cabresos Apr 2020
build your defenses
as infrangible as

great wall of china
along the himalayan
mountain range

𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘪 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦
𝘵𝘰 𝘢𝘭𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘧𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘴
Copyright ©️ 2020
Mayara Giorno Apr 2020
A righteous man cannot stand for adversity
when his daughters weep for the contrary.

A righteous man should not back away from the dragon or it’s flames
and allow his daughters to be swallowed up in war.

A righteous man
knows no good or bad
          no right or wrong.

He knows of responsibility
He knows of compassion
He knows of understanding
He knows of commitment

My father stands before the dragon.
akshat kaushal Apr 2020
Something that can make relations or break relations
Something that can gain trust or break the bond with ******
Something that's part of humanity
Something that's found in every liar's profanity

What's the costs of loyalty in human
Lust? Affection? or another beautiful woman?
Thousands promise, very few keeps
Foundation for relation, if missed you may roll on bounty steeps

For poker heart, it takes years n years to prove them
For boasters, it takes hours of conversation to captivate the stem
For cheaters, few pretentious days can do the harm
Once it's done, no medicine in this world can stop the storm

Victims of such chiseler are left awestruck
Left with some broken promises shattered hopes in gooey swamp stuck
No emotions to believe, No gesture to make
Life no more seems the same, everything seems fake

Burn old bridges if that what it costs
Disloyalty will be mankind's biggest lost
From being pretentious to being a cheat, that's what loyalty bounds
With a hairline difference between keeping heart and keeping heart all sound
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