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Carlo C Gomez Oct 2019
She waits in the shade
Of a best-loved oak,
Where he once carved their names inside a heart:
"This means forever."

The heart needs tending
--she visits from year-to-year.
Her security, a vow.
His constraint, a contract.
She made to open the door but he detained her,
A perjury.
Pruning stems, branching
--cognitively speaking--
Dead or alive.

The landscape has changed:
This place no longer holds water.
Listen now for love's addendum,
Measured in the signal-to-noise ratio.
(You'll hear it all the time).

Oh, painfully leafless gray meadow.
Sufferance is a viable timekeeper,
When it storms the weak run for shelter.
Sabrina Nov 2019
I've hurt you
You've hurt me
We've spoken hours into the night
I have heard you voice fill with delight
When speaking to me
Perhaps maybe,
we were meant to be
Though we may have fallen
At a bad time
I desperately wish to say I love you,
and I don't know why
I do not know why these words wish to slip past my lips
So desperately
But I keep them hidden, deep within my soul
As I try to lose my feelings for you
Though I suppose that isn't easy,
It's just not how it goes.
So I'll have another crush, but I've seen the way you look at me
Like I'm the best thing ever, even though I've hurt you so badly
You love me, don't you?
You've said those words to me
Though, I will always ask without hesitation
"Why me?"
Because I believe I am unworthy
A connection, you say we have
Perhaps you're not incorrect
Though I do believe
We've met at a bad time
So if it was meant to be, then trust me
One day we will be at that altar
Saying our vows
Even though right now,
I'm sure you wish you've never met me.
do you even love me anymore? Perhaps I'm delusional
Well, I've always been delusional.
Colyskie Nov 2019
Not a mundane scenario
Each moment has its worth and value
Every intricate line and hue
Down every avenue
Lies everything that is undeniably true

No phenomenon could explain
How the twists and turns become sane
The authenticity still remains
Neither strangled nor chained
Ambiguity has been crashed down, certainty is regained

A semi-closed door that opened once more
The turning of tables that never happened before
One click and it all comes down into the core
Nothing ever is left unsure
Everything's so pure and forever endures

Now nothing is going astray
It only shows the right way
Close at hand even a thousand miles away
Stronger and longer it stays 
Intertwined to infinity each day
Chandra S Nov 2019
Liberty is the highest decree.
Independence and opportunity -
the finest, paramount glee.

Certainly indeed!

But are we really
moving towards being free?
Or is it brazen entitlement
that we blatantly feed?


You ask of the next catastrophe.

Mass irresponsibility:
that is sadly what
it will be
That is sadly what it will be.
Inspired by: This day and age where freedom is often misconstrued as freedom from obligation and a license to be reckless, indulgent, casual, uncommitted.
Akvpoems Nov 2019
To love is to prepare oneself for everything unexpected.

Good or bad, we have to accept it

To love is to stick to commitment
Not in an hour, a day but a lifetime.
I'll go back to this message I day.
Sharon Talbot Nov 2019
All of my life I waited
For you.
Walking on a path sometimes,
Or wandering in a mountain wood.
Even escaping to the tropics,
To let the sun burn my desire for you
This way or that.
But each time I looked behind,
There you still were,
Not fully formed at first,  
But a shadow.
Or sometimes light.
Then there was a sense
Of possibility, hiding in the air
That shivered around you,
But caused my course to veer  
Ever so slightly toward you,
Like ancient footprints in rock,
Deciding for me.
I never believed in Fate
Until I met you,
Standing in the doorway
Of a cottage, outlined  
With October’s warming sun.
I did not see your face then
But I knew.
And decades after
The same certainty abides,
Alongside any other gales
Of emotion or  
Temperate joy.
Around you a brilliance
Hovers in my soul.
Where you walk
Beyond my sight,  
My eyes still see you
And my love  
Follows in your path.
Inspired by my husband.
lovelywildflower Oct 2019
i'm committed to you and only you. no one else matters.
Liz Carlson Sep 2019
i've been left so many times,
i'm just waiting for that moment to come with you.

i trust you more than most people,
yet i still expect that of you.

i have this urge to leave
before you leave me,
why can't i just stay?
am i afraid to see what will happen?
alexya Sep 2019
I've try my **** hardest to feel loved, accepted.

I lead people to fall in love, and leave them because I can. Even though I promised them different.

I complain about boys, but the boys aren't the problem it's me. I'm the one who makes these problems for myself because it's easier to push everyone away and deal with those consequences as they come, rather than to accept my forever fate. I say it's because I'm young, I can't find the one. I know all the right things to say, so they'll stick around, even after i've left them in the dust too many times, but I do know not to say love. It confuses them, and me.

I know love isn't in my heart, never has. Heartbreak started before I was born. When my father didn't want me, my mother couldn't have truly wanted me, after all she was 16, everyone around me was burdened by me before I even opened my eyes.

I hear it a lot, "you look, remind me of your mother" "You remind me so much of myself" "My mini me" You have the same issues, depression, bipolar, trust issues, and failure to commit, it's pretty insignificant, but it's lurking there, in my head. Scratch that it all races through my veins, and I'm surrounded by it, as everyone I know is infected by it too.

It commitment even real? As far as I know, it's something I couldn't even imagine. I have these people trying to get at me, claiming, "Let it be just me and you baby" but every time I fall for those lies, I can't help to start chasing a different one, more and more.

Picking up that bottle seems like second nature. Along with my issues, I was blessed with addiction, that's racing through my veins more than commitment isn't. I'm told not to let it get out of hand, after all I've seen what it does to people. But I can't help but find myself longing for the next time I can feel the warmth of that liquid as it slides down my throat. Longing for the next time I can place that skinny piece of paper between my fingers, lighting it as the smoke slithers down to find my lungs, inhaling to insure it's doing it's job, then exhaling to see the smoke dance around the air that's consuming me. Longing for the next time I can feel happiness. Longing for the next time I can punch something to release my anger, because we all know I can't do it creatively.
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