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Liis Belle Oct 2015
I hold a photograph, black and white
Up in front of me, and connect the lines
The structure of the buildings, the trees, and the pavement
The bridge and its railings, the shop window and canopy
And the scene in front of me, the one I’m living in
It’s beautiful and lively, full of real colour and light
With tourists looking down at maps, taking their photographs
Children running around with cones of ice cream in their hands
Cars rolling by, going off to a tall glass building somewhere
Advertisements on the street show the next thing we should buy

But the photograph I hold in my hand, it tells a different story
Of a crippled economy and time when life was a horror movie
The buildings were mere shadows, lurking like dark prisons
Soldiers marched through streets, gripping their separate guns
They shoot when they see fit, when they see the enemy
How do we know he’s an enemy? Well, he’s from a different country
And their blood stains the pavement; the clouds roll black in the skies
The fires of bombs illuminate the cities like swarms of fireflies
And from this picture I hold, it all looks black and white
But you and I both know this happened in perfect colour
People lived and died through it, the horror and the bloodshed
The terror of concentration camps, and blackouts every night

Just because it’s finished, and more than half a century has passed
Just because they rebuilt everything, and buried the dead bodies
Just because it’s now black and white, a history subject at school
It does not mean it didn’t happen to real people in real places
And while we divert our eyes and try to forget
Let’s just take a minute to remember.
You know those pictures people take where they're holding photographs from 50+ years ago and align it to the current buildings/place? I saw a collection of them with war being the subject, so I made this poem :)
Skaidrum Jun 2015
Ancient games
tell tales of dust.  |||   A story drawn
from the lips of two poets.


It's the wits that ****, not Queens of ivory or ink. *
Charged with
coal strokes, scraping up the lies.
Pawns & Knights slip between the grasp of the sun, leaking into
   lion jaws of Leo.
Shifting these granite plates, ignoring the Rooks common price of aslant.
Here we have slain kin, crescent traitors that backstab the night and battlefield.
Closed doors and trap floors, trade me a tie, swindling your tactic ruts.
Reality never got the noose around our necks, check turned into manslaughter, and kingdoms ripped asunder by the roar of Jupiter
Get up, get up, get away from these liars, they can't have your rank or your fire.
Peak a notion, this match is spared by a luft.
Toss away the pride buried 'neath your dusty skin, it don't matter no more if   death has you by the lips.
Silence is a language too in our eyes of earth.
Take my hand, knott your soul into this downfall, and brace yourself for the wreckage in our bones.
The Sword of Sorrows will fall 'pon your shoulders, not to slay thee, but to dub thee a new day.
The drums of war will knit the lyrics in the sky,
"The mighty sharpen their fangs, the weak sharpen their wisdom"
I'm tired of your wishbones, and golden scales, give me the hard-earned truth.
Hot coals of honesty may you tread upon, shadow-bitten remorseful may you be, don't stray off the course of Ursa major.
The North star isn't the one I follow
It's the moon with all of it's phases,
Eclipsing and crescent, tipping the sky with it's beauty.
Now let this sink further than any soul has ever sunk,
no man could ever
rule the moon.
Shoot on command,

You could drag me to hell and back and those words wouldn't mean anything.
Let this downfall become a *downfell,

Because last I checked
"Wolves worship the moon"
and I have broke it's reflection in the water
                               ­        .

A collab between
The Dragon Prince & Skaidrum.

I'll give most credit to
Kalum here.

© Copywrite The Dragon Prince & Skaidrum
farahD Mar 2015
The universe,
Has been created,
By love,
For love.

Ever think,
Of solving problems,
With love.

More and more,
Leal Knowone Feb 2015
Say a prayer for the farmer
who has been long pushed away
walk until you find your comfort
in night's fog of minds maze
Ask forgiveness for hypocrisy
as we look into this dark sky
remember blood shed paves way
our souls will never ever die
A dying breed, that the world is killing
Isha Kumar Jan 2015
An axe.
A sword.
The horse
He rode.

A bow.
An arrow.
His heart
of sorrow.

His armour
and shield
in the

That loss of
His comrade's

Weapons did
Decisions were

Heavy was His
with all the

Years were
till the war's

He returned finally
to his love.
Looked towards the sky
there flew a dove.
Maria Imran Dec 2014
Today, I want to weep.
It's giving me pain. And this much pain I cannot handle. I haven't felt it like this before. What is this?
They killed them. They killed children! 84 of them! They killed school kids! Those beasts. Those animals. Those heartless, inhumane murderers. They killed innocent creatures, they took lives. Lives of so many.
And what am I to do? What are you to do? What is anyone to do?

Why are people talking about lands and religions? Why aren't they seeing what the families are going through? Won't they learn a filthy promise is nothing but that-- a filthy promise? Those ******* liars. Those politicians and haters scoring points, what even is this?

And that's how this will end, like ever. Drink tea, relax, watch movies maybe?
I know this isn't your poetry stuff. But I needed to write this. Terrible state.
Mitel Chakma Dec 2014
Today, around 10 am of 20 Feb 2010.
For me, new time stared, then.
No wind blowing on the hill.
And no bird chirping.
Instead, bullets shooting –
And shouting, screaming, fulfill.
No places for me to escape.
Houses, shelters burnt to ashes.

Mountain of "Furomon", "Jamoshuk" standing with its glory.
Rugged street, crossing river, ivy tress lost its beauty.
Instead, obscured bodies laid down on the road.
Blood! Blood! Everywhere.
Someone command burn the house
And someone screaming
Help! Help! Please Help!
My father is chopped!
By chance, a sound from the crowd.
FIRE Ta! Ta! Ta! (Sound of gun)
Then blood and blood there, again somebody laid down.

No water swoops down from the white stream.
No gleaming hilly lady appears on the crag of hills.
No footprints laid down on the street of bazaar.
Even no midnight fisher man’s song on the "Karnafully" River.

No mother can still stop her screaming.
Not even my sister can stop her tear.
Ceaseless moan of them softly echoed in "CHT’s" air.

No wind of change for thousand years more.
No smile on their face, not even song of hope.
No law and right, no identity for us.
Whom are we waiting for?
I don’t even know what for.
"CHT’s" = "Chittagong Hill Tracts consists of three hill districts in Bangladesh. "Furomon",  "Jamoshuk" = name of the hill in Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh.  "Karnafully" = name of a river.
aviisevil Jul 2014
If you don't want me to be right,
I can't give in and be wrong
I am weak, maybe so
But what have you achieved
by being strong ?
This hand of love,
May not stand against your storm
But i must not thirst your blood,
Like you do for mine
Or these wounds won't heal
Till the end of time
But you'll never hear me,
All you've ever heard
Is a battle song,
And our scars have stretched on
Between the space,
for far too long.

We're the same,
You and me
Then why is it so hard,
for you to love me?

We live the same pain
Why not the same love
All we need is us,
To heal 'tis broken world.

Be blind to the seen,
Deaf to the screams
As you feed your own brothers,
To the **** machine.

If you can't see me,
Doesn't mean I'm blind
What will it take,
To leave every scar behind
For it'll always rust,
beneath the surface
We'll be turned to dust
And one day we'll both fade
Consumed by our ignorance,
Ignorance always fed our hate
Always ready to inflict war,
In the blank of every page
To remind us of our vengeance,
The misplaced sense of righteousness
What will you find,
In the annihilation of my soul
Your emptiness?

We're the same,
You and me
Then why is it so hard,
for you to love me?

We live the same pain
Why not the same love
All we need is us,
To heal 'tis broken world.

Be blind to the seen,
Deaf to the screams
As you feed your own brothers,
To the **** machine.

If you don't love me
Is it too much to ask,
Not to hate
How far will you last,
Before your monsters
Turn on you instead
I'm no saint,
But I'll still take your bait
To follow your lead,
And break down the walls you made
Douse myself in your flavour,
To taste your shade
Live in your nightmare
And find my self awake
Would you feel the same,
If i wanted an eye for eye
Would you
Then love me,
If i wanted a partition in the sky ?

We're the same,
You and me
Then why is it so hard,
for you to love me?

We live the same pain
Why not the same love
All we need is us,
To heal 'tis broken world.

Be blind to the seen,
Deaf to the screams
As you feed your own brothers,
To the **** machine.
Notes (optional)
Nasir Jan Jun 2014
Mortal coil, tinfoil hat
Crack open my skull
with a baseball bat
See into my mind
Cross the line-
The boundary of no return
If this disturbs you
then walk away
Ignorance is bliss
behind your rose colored shades
So rise up, join your fellow man,
one by one, hand in hand,
You too can drown
in a pool of blood,
for the price of dying
to protect the ones you love.
In conversation about
the realities of War
a salient observation
surfaced again and
yet again - that current
creators of film or TV
images favour clean,
so fail the filth test
that for troops and those
who tend them once
bullets & shells have
wrought their harm
scar everywhere with
muck & misery - such
crisp white pinafores
and hair so carefully
coiffeured just never
figured - real warfare
harrows like The Victors
& D-Day scenes which
open Saving Private Ryan
as bloodily as any wound.

(c) C J Heyworth June 2014
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