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the queen is always
very busy
and seldom takes a
rest from her

if she didn't keep
producing more
there would be few
to pollinate the

her tireless efforts are
rarely if ever given a
yet without her fecundity
no honey could be

we human beings should
offer our praise to the
as she's never ceases her work
on the propagation
Emily Apr 2020
Hello there busy Bee
Buzz around and pollinate this tree
Oh! And make some sweet honey for Me!
Michael R Burch Apr 2020
by michael r. burch

love was a little treble thing—
prone to sing
and (sometimes) to sting

Keywords/Tags: love, bee, honeybee, treble, song, sing, singer, sting, stinger, barb, poison
K Balachandran Jan 2020
A honeybee stings hard.
It draws back its sword and speeds;
Did it harm itself?
Carlo C Gomez Jan 2020
Okay honey
Let's spell pollinate
With a bit of math
Anther + stigma = fertilization
Let's pollinate for a spell
Under the quilt
Then over the river
And through the woods
Without any cover we go
Making babies in summertime
May we reap
What we sow
Isaac Nov 2019
and we wonder why bees sting

we get a glimpse of a bullet
yellow and black
flying towards us

and we swat it away

maybe that
floating pill you’ve been running away
from since the beginning
of your existence
holds something behind
its bold sunshine and darkness

maybe we should
take some time
to listen to the whispers of
the “horde” of coloured
pebbles raining down

and listen to the
muted flap of their
heart beat of their

and just maybe
just maybe

the bee won’t sting
we all see the bee differently

but we all know it’s there

maybe it’s time to stop running
Shofi Ahmed Nov 2019
Shining on the peak
The sun on top of the tree
for how long will it be
keeping the day floating
on the bright side of the quay
will delight the sight of the bee
before it takes its daily dip?
Back into the night will it flee
there it may have left the key!
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