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LannaEvolved Jan 2021
Sparks never go unnoticed by
2 distinctive souls

Their idiosyncrasies are irreplaceable forms of matter that continue to live on
no matter the distance imposed

We finally have
what we’ve known
And it’s all we
When we laid next to our souls

Do you ever wonder how it knows?

Body on body
Heart on soul
Soul on soul

It flows.
Lie your body down
to rest
on the pillow that is our

You and me bleed the same life

There’s no way to know
But we feel how it knows
To be the jewel in the stone
Hugging the dream
Even in its throes

It’s called touching souls

Body on body
Heart on soul
Soul on soul
It took me decades to find my soul and my soulmate, even though I’ve always known that it  was possible to find such a thing, it wasn’t expressed until now.
Grateful it all turned out the way it has.
M R White Dec 2020
I am from the sea. Always slick and taunting.
The pull that radiates from me, will be irresistible.
You will not know what to do in my grasp. As I chop you up,
And throw you side to side. You will be consumed by the utter chaos that plagues me.
I will keep you warm, luring you further.
I am loving, kind and warm. All a man wants and craves.
You will build a home out of me. I will feed you plenty. Warm you every night.
But I warn you, you mustn't get comfortable.
And you mustn't forget who I am. I am from the sea.
I will pull you under, and before you know, I will have you drowned.  
You shan't forget that water erodes and tires.
I am all a man wants and craves.
I will become a home for you.
I will pull you under, and drown you in my sea.
Shannon Soeganda Dec 2020
I may be foulmouthed to the core,

let alone when we have our very own

\\ tête-à-tête //

but honey---

I know my heart is genuine.
Hit me up after your Saturn Return, girl.
Chad Young Nov 2020
'Abdu'l-Baha said that all current forms of astrology
are bogus,
but said that the stars do affect us,
because He wanted to make us try and understand
the sky for ourselves.

The sky is as the mind, cognition, in change.
While earth is as the body, structure, little change.
The sun moves the fastest from day to day,
so it is the heart, the essence.
The moon moves slower, but still relatively fast.
It is as "the breath, the Spirit," He said.
Mercury is the fastest planet in the sky.
It is as "water, the baptism of knowledge," He said.
All the other planets move at about the same speed
up there.
The constellations are as designs and spaces,
crystals, if you will,
by which we see.
The movement of the stars from century to century
is like the circadian rhythm.

See clearly
and find out for yourself
using a star map.
This is all done within reason
and mirrors many elements of
other ancient astrology.
Sky & Telescope website
Mitch Prax Nov 2020
You are Virgo,
and I am a Gemini.
I want you to know
that I want you and I.
mark soltero Oct 2020
pick me apart
dissect the person who ive grown to become
i do it for everyone
in order to satisfy the thought of me
share of me with others
so that i can avert my true fears
mark soltero Oct 2020
look at me and lie
use me till i have nothing to give
leave your scars under my skin
because when it’s over
i’ll be able to live
delusional grandeur is my peace
so just leave
get away
leave me here
i wasn’t meant to make it dear
mark soltero Sep 2020
in the dead of night
it always feels like
self hate leaves doubtful residue within me
it’s led me to deny god
how could he do such a thing to me
feelings equate the inferno of my past
to the blaze of my home
often thinking about how i did this
it’s my acceptance of less than love
that has created the deadly persona
practiced divination
to find the answers
of my self doubt
the stars say they shine for me
something in me doesn’t believe them
in me
the liar resides
happiness isn’t allowed
he’s dying though
i might be free soon
Madeline Hatter Aug 2020
I am not a sailor.
I desire to run.
Confine me not to a puddle dependent on the wind.
Direct me to the forest, the hills, and I will create my own draft,
as I speed across the ground,
flying over earth to distances greater than the confines of your wet berth.
No, I relish a solid state of matter beneath my feet.
I am a fire sign.
Warning: do not get wet.
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