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M Mohon Jul 2017
There's a demon on my shoulder,
Ain't no angels here tonight,
And he's pointing to the pistol
Saying, "This will make it right.

Just wrap your hand around the grip
And place your finger on the trigger.
Put your memories behind ya, boy.
Your problems just get bigger.

Why you want to live this life?
I see its wearing on you mentally.
You give it all you got, but still
You just ain't got the **** you need.

To make it here you have to be
A soldier for the wickedness.
Kindness only weakens you.
Just take a look at what it did.

You say you'll help and there you go
Same old ****, the same routine.
Stomach full of knots and bile and
Words full of a childish dream.

Release that pain, that load you bear
And give in to the undertow.
Nevermind who's left behind
Just let me take your soul below.

The gun is loaded, hammer cocked,
The bullets in the chamber.
The only thing you need to do is put it
In you man, no brainer!

See what I did, I slipped it in!
A joke before you pass the buck.
Laugh it up cuz when your done
Ain't no one gonna give a ****!

Look around! See what I see?
Ain't noone here who can relate.
No one to call, no one to blame,
And that graveside visit's kinda late.

So, tell me again what is this worth,
This so called life in which you live?
Takers coming at you
All directions and you simply give?!

Give em this and give em that,
"Oh you're hurting, let me help!"
Only movies have a hero!
You ain't one, you just a whelp!

*******, that's what you are!
A loser with no common sense.
How many times you take this ride?
Around and round we go again.

So do us both a favor,
Don't make me make another visit.
This is the time to end this game
Just do it fast mid....

Sentence."  Hahahaha
Star BG Jul 2017
Angels, guides, and ancestors
gather with focus and intention
to aid those in human form.

Their here, with loving light to assist
when clouds block ones inner sight.

They come, in day and night
as wind blows and new energies
anchor on earth.

Their here, to remind
that all are children of divinity
blessed on the pathway of love.

Blessed to walk holding hands with source
that radiates inside everything.

StarBG © 2017
I inspired self with the awareness of the angels, arch angels, guides ancestors and beings of light from universe that were present to assist our journeys. Do call upon them and they will help you move in a peaceful life.
Stanley Wilkin Jul 2017
In this contorted frame, badger-like scurrying,
Scrabbling for prey, in the midst of fratricidal disputes-
The dead lingering like ruptured sores-
The dead dripping like candy from Christmas trees,
Our lives meandering, our thoughts remain.

In this dry season drunken men walk like dragons
Scales roaring with white flame:
Fangs like industrial weapons
Formed into one ghastly metaphor, belching shells from darkened trenches
Beating out wafer-thin souls in Basra.
Here Hell soared like a Heaven of scimitars and virgins; angry youths
In Tennessee praying savagely to a dead god-
Lost limbs their accumulated homage
Laid on the altars with terrifying grief.

In the deserts the sun sinks more rapidly, or appears to,
In the deserts wars leave permanent evidence,
Carbonised debris, skeletonised trucks, gutted tanks with flaring giblets;
In the deserts wars are rarely tidied away.
The only thing to rot is flesh.


The street in which they live is regularly cleaned,
Dustbins are emptied once a week. No one there
Hears the rumbling in the basements,
The cold sound of torture puncturing existence,
The fleeting sound of knives sharpening on blunt throats,
Children laughing in back gardens
Bullets whistling through winter weather,
The incoherent dragon feasting on rats.

The postman never calls. He gave up this route
A year ago, fed up of walking in shadows
Dripping with slime. Now, the doorbells chime,
But no one is there.
No one answers.

Tuesday morning an archangel called. No one was home.
He left a card waggling his wings
In frustration. Oh, how the archangel missed god,
Dumped here among the heathen
In an urban utopia-wanting so much to die.
The beatitudes of heaven, of choirs, of clouds, of shame,
Closed to him for infinity,
God rapping his pure finger-tips on celestial glass coloured
Green and blue, resembling his third best creation.

The archangel, like all his kind, had grown bored
And had taken to drugs
To alleviate the perpetual drone of eternity,
Committing genocide occasionally to relieve his despair,
Seducing women when that paled
Creating new religions, once every five hundred years,
When feeling particularly wicked.

Like god, he did not know how to die.

Around god’s head the angels flew
Searching for nits.  Swatting them with his
Infinite, multi-coloured hand
They flew through the darkening universe
Smashed through the earth,
Ending up at the nuclear core searching endlessly for Hell,
While their ominous creator
Smiled. They’d never clocked his humour
After a billion years. Everything he did,
He did in jest.
envydean Jul 2017
Wings useless

Falling hard

Limbs painful

Calling out

A hand

Green eyes
… Dean
who doesn't like some painful destielness...
nim Jun 2017
The only thing known to me is,
I need her.

I've been lost
I had wandered some places
No man wanted to hear about
Oh, and I've sinned
Gave my soul to the devil...

But, my devil was
In a black cocktail dress
Untamed hair falling across her back
Diabolic sparks in her eyes
I knew one thing.
She had to be mine.

Listen to my tale, and
Don't do the things I've done
Committed crimes
Against myself,
Against love.

There was this thing
About her, that drove me crazy
She was stubborn, yet gorgeous
Beautifully catastrophical
She really was a daughter
Of a man with an ancient lamp
From the myths and legends,
The fallen angel who brings the light.

She once told me:
"Count your sins, and add up
Your own very flaws
And look at the skies.
One star for a sin of yours,
One for a bad act
One for your flaws
But the stars still shine bright
Because they don't care
What've you done.
Immerse out of your nightmare
Because everything you held true
Is a pure lie.
You don't have to be perfect
Because, look up and tell me
Does one star make
Such a big difference?"

She embraced me
And I embraced her
Pressed my lips against hers
As she pulled out the worst in me.
She was a rebel,
She was out of line,
She was stubborn and direct
Purely fierce.
Oh, but I wished she was.

No man should survive
The living collapse of Heaven and Hell
Should I quit from her, my soul
Will be soon dead

If I tear her apart from me,
I won't last long.
Oh, what a sin of yours
That you've given your soul to the devil

I can't help but remember her eyes
Following me silently
My heart hurts when she's not around
I'm addicted to that
One thing she has
In this poem, a man tells a story about how he fell in love with the devil's daughter and gave his soul away.
Star BG Jun 2017
I move from the visible that expands heart-
a warm breeze, the sunrise, shooting stars
a babies laugh, and a good cry.

I move to the invisible that gives comfort-
my guides that assist, ancestors that support
and angels that fly with endless unconditional love.
To alien beings that wish to remind me we are sacred.

I move from the visible to invisible and back to  visible with love, with gratitude knowing I am a gift.

StarBG © 2017
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