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Nov 2015 · 1.8k
suicidal twitch Nov 2015
My friend is bi-gender.
I'm not sure whether to say him or her,
But I really don't want to offend him/her...

After a lot of research about it,
And countless nights of no sleep, I'll admit.
I've finally come to a conclusion, I won't throw a fit.

At first I was scared,
I was scared that no one cared,
But then I saw your smile, and how you looked prepared,
"I've come to my decision!" I had declared.

I'm oh so very proud of my double gendered friend,
It still amazes me to no end.
Although others will say that you pretend,
I'll stay by your side as the days begin to blend.
Shout out to my bi-gender friend!
Nov 2015 · 1.2k
Logical explanations
suicidal twitch Nov 2015
There's a logical explanation for evey problem of mine that arises,
The universe runs on a set of fated laws leaving no room for surprises,
This morning I put on a mask that was indeed fake,
And now it seems like that mask of mine shall soon break.
Eh... I dunno...
Oct 2015 · 927
The Host
suicidal twitch Oct 2015
My "job" at school isn't important,
But its more important than most,
I do what others refuse too, who can't,
I don't take orders from the Host.

The Host makes girls spread rumours.
The Host makes girls fight.
The Host tries to make me do humour.
But the Host can't make me do anything,
Much to my delight!

I was meant to be a messenger,
The simplest of my type,
I still am with gears turning and stirring
But I was fitted with too much hype.

They can't really blame me for silly things,
Or when things go wrong,
The can try blame me for spreading my wings,
But this position just feels so wrong...

I was simply meant to be messenger,
But know I'm like a ghost,
I'll trundle down these hallways,
Always defying the Host...
Basically my whole school acts like this...
Sep 2015 · 10.6k
suicidal twitch Sep 2015
She's done it! She's free!
But now that "She" is a "He"!
I'm proud of Him. As should be!
For now he smiles in glee!

He's jolly again, grins from ear to ear!
I can't help but shed a tear.
I'll support you always my darling dear.
Even when the bullies sneer.

Bu my Hannah is now a Ryan.
Once a woman, now a man.
You're doing what I can't;
You're restarting your life and its just began.

I'm so proud of you.
But you already knew.
I'll support you through and through,
Even when life becomes anew.
My best friend came out as being transgender, and I'm supporting him every step of the way!
Sep 2015 · 999
To Hell We Go
suicidal twitch Sep 2015
I may look weak.
I may look pathetic.
And I may look gullible.
But if you insult me,
My friends,
Or even my family.
I'm not afraid to mutilate you.
I may go to hell for my indecency.
But get this;
If I go to hell, I'm dragging you with me.
Jul 2015 · 800
Just Be Friends
suicidal twitch Jul 2015
It hurt when you said that I was "to blame"
Many had said it was such a shame
What we had was great
But still I knew it wouldn't last
Because I saw the look in your eyes as I past
When you gave me the message
My heart broke in two
I thought that day
That I meant nothing to you
But over time while my heart started healing
I realised something that changed my life completely
We had a friendship
That no one could break
Even if it was more then my heart could take
I thought if I avoid you, I wouldn't be reminded
Of the love we had, that had subsided
But the pain has gone now
And replaced with happiness
Because even if you broke my heart
Our friendship could never die
Even if all I am saying sounds like a lie
All I am asking
Is for your forgiveness
To start again
But as good friends?
Written by my ex, she was a beauty, but I loved her more like a sister.
(bluefirewolffie on deviant art)
suicidal twitch Jul 2015
And in this courtroom
So filled with Four Nations
The Sun held her head up high,
Lighting the way for their tales and psalms:

I am the King of Spades.
Righteous ambition is my goal.
The bravery of the Spades is made known to others
Only through such matters.
Perseverance is our path to Victory
Endurance, our greatest desire.
We, the Spades, partner with Father Time
To belong as a mighty people
Forever more.

I am the Queen of Diamonds
The splendor and enjoyment of Life's beauty is my passion.
A Diamond's journey is a one of glorious awe
That no one can compare.
Loveliness surrounds this pretty people
And the Artist shall forever be pleased by them.
Our perception of artistry leaves most in awe
And this fact is forever the passion we strive for.

I am the Queen of Clovers
Survival is the sole lifestyle of the Clovers
In this wretched and unforgiving world
The Clovers must stay strong
Holding the clubs of the ancients,
We prevail
Onward shall we extend our power
The Clovers will remain
Forever the mightiest.

I am the King of Hearts.
The rapid spread of emotional ties
Is what us Hearts long for.
Threads of fate surround our people
Binding them to one another.
Love, lust, infatuation
Oh, these are the things that steady our nation!
So filled with Faith, Hope and Love
Our Hearts shan't fail us
As passion will never cease
To flow in our veins
—ah, yes!
This is the way of the Hearts.

And in this courtroom
So filled with Four Nations
The Sun laid down her head
Whilst the Moon finally awoke and,
Smiled his light onto them below.
This was made by my fanfiction friend called Sam-Chan who gave it to me! :3
Jun 2015 · 1.9k
Your heart is...
suicidal twitch Jun 2015
Like a cloud in the sky,
Like a shattered reflection,
Like a school girl who's shy,
Like an object bulit to perfection.

Like a diamond in the rough.

Like a cup of coffee,
Like a rhythm of a song,
Like a piece of sticky toffee,
Like a calculator that's never wrong.

Like a yin-yang symbol.

Like a piece of art,
Like a glittery birthday card,
Like a scientific bar chart,
Like a royal guard.

Like everybody else's heart.
Except its yours.
Apr 2015 · 628
Helping a Stranger
suicidal twitch Apr 2015
As old as she was, she could still stand
Not many would ask, "do you want a hand?"
Still I promise, though I do try
She still stands there, willing to defy
She isn't as grumpy as you might think
Though the things she would say, could make your heart sink
But why tell us this? You might apprehend
This is because, I'm her only friend
Disclaimer: The poem belongs to bluefirewolffie on devaintart. I own nothing.
Feb 2015 · 628
suicidal twitch Feb 2015
They didn't notice her receding,
A gunshot went off in the night,
They didn't notice her receding,
The news it gave was a sad sight.
Feb 2015 · 1.3k
suicidal twitch Feb 2015
Valentine's day is close,
I can see it one the wall,
But I don't have a velentine,
So I'll go home and bawl!
Happy Valentine's day
Feb 2015 · 483
What am I doing?!
suicidal twitch Feb 2015
Sitting on the toilet,
Yeah this isn't fun,
After 30 long minutes,
I have a sore ***...?
Why did I do this...
Dec 2014 · 1.3k
Sad emotions feed
suicidal twitch Dec 2014
Everything needs to feed.
Animals, trees, humans... everything.
Even sad emotions need to feed.
Anger, anguish, hatred.
They need to feed.
But, sad emotions feed off of people.
They aren't infected like the happy ones.
They attack.
They start off slowly,
Attacking the mind bit by bit,
They then make their way in further,
Attacking more sensitive parts,
Like the emotion part, friendship part,
And family part.
They dissect your mind.
Breaking it away.
They feed off your hope to resurface.
But there is no need for that bit of hope.
Because they will continue to feed.
Deeper they will venture and feed.
Laughing as they go.
Feeding, feeding, feeding...
And in the end,
They will succeed,
No other emotion will be there.
Those other emotions left you long ago.
Only a mask for you to hide behind.
And those sad emotions will continue to feed.
Until you are just an empty shell,
An empty shell of what you once was.
Until you are left with nothing,
And vanish...
And soon, they will spread to another person,
Another person like you.
They'll become an empty shell,
Just like you.
And those sad emotions will keep on feeding,
Laughing as they go,
Feeding, feeding, feeding...
In the end,
They will feed,
And they did succeed...
-le shrug-
Nov 2014 · 1.6k
Your face is red Senpai
suicidal twitch Nov 2014
You face is red,
And I have sass,
Senpai get over here,
And **** my ***.
Based off the song "Senpai **** my ***" from Pewdiepie on youtube! XD couldn't resist!
Nov 2014 · 474
Hands Off
suicidal twitch Nov 2014
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Hands off my man,
Or I'll **** you!
Nov 2014 · 1.4k
Alphabet Spring
suicidal twitch Nov 2014
Alphabet Spring

A is for acorns
B is for baby lambs
C is for chicks
D is for drip drops
E is for Easter
F is for frog spawn
G is for grass
H is for hedgehogs
I is for ice cream
J is for joyful
K is for kites
L is for light evenings
M is for morning mist
N is for new beginnings
O is for owlets
P is for primrose
Q is for queen bee
R is for rabbits
S is for sunshine
T is for tilling
U is for unicorns
V is for vegetables
W is for willows
X is for Xmas is over
Y is for yay
Z is for zebra
Made with my family
Nov 2014 · 1.1k
Alphabet Christmas
suicidal twitch Nov 2014
Alphabet Christmas

A is for advent calendars
B is for boxes
C is for carols
D is for donkey
E is for everyone
F is for festive
G is for gifts
H is for happy
I is for icicles
J is for joy
K is for kings
L is for love
M is for merry
N is for Noel
O is for orange
P is for presents
Q is for quiet
R is for reindeer
S is for St. Nicolas
T is for Turkey
U is for under the tree
V is for visiting
W is for wine
X is for Xmas
Y is for Yuletide
Z is for Zzzzzzzz
Made with my family
suicidal twitch Nov 2014
I'm running up the stairs,
And into your room,
But when I finally get there,
I'm riding a broom!
suicidal twitch Oct 2014
We aren't friends
We were never friends
I only hung out with you
Because I was lonely
You would call me names
Ignore me
Forget me
And even bully me
But not now
You lying there
Looking at me with dying eyes
Pleading for help
For mercy
For forgiveness
But you're too late
Too late by 7 years
7 years ago I might have
But that was when I was young
And foolish
And naive
But I've grown up
I've grown cold
To not forget
To not have mercy
And to not forgive
And you know why?
Because you made me this way
You've created this monster
And now its come to play
So say goodnight
And rest your head
Because you won't wake up again...
Oct 2014 · 591
Funny little poem!
suicidal twitch Oct 2014
My name is Mr. Sillifant,
And I have three pet elephants,
And a bear ate them all,
He fell ill cause they were so fat,
And suddenly he just went splat,
And I laughed,
Copied from a friend in maths class! XD
It was too funny!
Oct 2014 · 6.3k
What I like
suicidal twitch Oct 2014
I like Homestuck,
Donald Duck,
Ancient Greek Gaea,
APH Hetalia,
Marzia and Pewdiepie,
Random bow ties,
Doctor Who,
That colour of greenish blue,
Sherlock Holmes,
Garden gnomes,
Boy/boy ****,
Sweet tea,
Left 4 dead,
Books I've read,
When I laughed,
Ender's Game,
Notre Dame,
World War One,
World War Two,
Mouse and shrew,
Bugsy Malone,
Jam scones,
Birthday cake,
Milk shake,
Drawing art,
Taking part,
Shopping spree,
Sleeping in,
West Berlin,
Random songs,
When bells go ****,
Stars shine,
My blood line,
All my friends,
The latest trends,
Yuri much,
And such and such,
A prediction,
Marshall Lee,
My touchscreen phone,
I could go on,
But that's too long,
But my favourite is,
Hello poetry - so don't diss!!
Finally finished darlings!
Sep 2014 · 637
Alphabet Deaths
suicidal twitch Sep 2014
Warning! Contains death, gore, and blood! You have been warned!*

A is for Adam who was stabbed by a nail,
B is for Brian who drank too much ale,
C is for Chloe who got kicked by a mule,
D is for Danny who was trampled by a bull,
E is for Eric who swallowed a bee,
F is for Finley who drowned in the sea,
G is for Gordon who fell from a cliff,
H is for Holly who said she'd be back in a jiff,
I is for Ivanna who sunk in the mud,
J is for Jeff who fell with a thud,
K is for Karl who was smushed by a train,
L is for Lucy who was beat by a cane,
M is for Mike who was flattened by a log,
N is for Nate who got lost in the fog,
O is for Oliver who was crushed by snow,
P is for Patrick who was killed by his foe,
Q is for Quincy who slit his own throat,
R is for Rocco who was rammed by a goat,
S is for Sam who was attacked by bears,
T is for Tammy who had too many scares,
U is for Una who got shot in the head,
V is for Victoria who severely bled,
W is for Will who died in his sleep,
X is for Xavier who's heart wouldn't beep,
Y is for Yaz who starved herself,
Z is for Zach who broke through an ice shelf.
Made it up with my family!
Sep 2014 · 2.4k
suicidal twitch Sep 2014
Two different people, two different attitudes, one true friendship,
Two people who both consort,
Who will find new places to trip,
They turn to each other for support,
They'll be there when the road ends,
Or when they've hit a wall,
Or when the road bends,
But they'll never fall,
They'll only stop when time itself ends,
Or when its the end of their life
And when they need to make amends,
They'll never have a strife.
But their story lingers on,
And the version that is drawn,
Has death...
Just some homework for school I had to do!
Jul 2014 · 593
suicidal twitch Jul 2014
My stomach full of butterflies,
My face painted with a blush,
With my eyes on my prize,
Oh please, its just a small crush!
Jun 2014 · 571
Drifting alone
suicidal twitch Jun 2014
I sometimes close my eyes, and drift into nothing.
I breath softly at the quietness it will bring.
I would open my eyes, only to see white.
Time would stop, no day or night.
Just me drifting to places unknown.
Just me drifting, all alone.
May 2014 · 456
Something happy?
suicidal twitch May 2014
What is something happy?

Being calm with your friends and family,
Living somewhere with normality,
Finding a place with no tragedy,
Being able to see the galaxy,
Being yourself with no insanity,
Not allowed to love the same sexuality,
Able to win something with satisfactorily,
Living with the same sanity?

That wouldn't be happy, that'd be be boring!
We are all different and unique from each other! Don't let people who act all the same get you down! You're original and cannot be replaced!
May 2014 · 1.5k
suicidal twitch May 2014
Grey eyes looking so dull,
A ****** hole through your skull,
But it wasn't your fault,
That your life just came to a halt.

Dressed in an oversized pinny,
But in fact you were quite skinny,
They always called you fat,
It wasn't your fault you went splat.

Rope tied around your neck,
You're looking like such a wreck,
As you stepped off the wooden rack,
It wasn't your fault your neck went crack.

*A knife slid across your wrist,
They hardly knew you exist,
As it cuts through your vein,
Its not your fault you died in pain.
Apr 2014 · 1.3k
suicidal twitch Apr 2014
Sudden coldness fills me deep,
My thick warm clothes vanished in the frost,
Losing consciousness I start to weep,
Collapsing to the ground cold and lost.
Apr 2014 · 359
I watch. Again.
suicidal twitch Apr 2014
I watch as them guys leave me alone. Again.
Why do they do this to me? Will they ever understand?

I watch as they leave me alone in the rain. Again.
Was I born to be alone? To be an outcast?

I watch as the don't invite me over. Again.
Am I here to not have friends? To be by myself?

I seethe with anger as I watch them ignore me. Again.
Is it wrong to want them dead? To **** them with my bare hands?

I breath rapidly as I pick up the knife. For the first time.
Am I willing to do this? They are my friends, right?

I laugh as I repeatedly stab each on to death. For the last time.
I was willing to do this! They were never my friends!

I wake up from that dream.
And I watch.
I watch them. Again.
Apr 2014 · 414
All because of you
suicidal twitch Apr 2014
I was scared. You wouldn't leave me alone. You never left me alone.
You had no right to walk back into my life. You disgusted me.
I thought you changed. Turns out you were a horrible liar.
You acted as if you owned me. I didn't like it but you didn't care.
When I said, 'I don't love you', you laughed as if I was joking. I never joke about something that serious. And you knew that.
You never understood the word 'no'. I would tell you 'no' all the time. But you most likely thought I was saying yes. Funny that.
I hated you. But, it doesn't explain why I'm texting 'I love you' right now.
You promised to never leave me again. But you did. And now, you're saying the same promise to me again.

Because of you, my life is ruined and my heart broken beyond repair......
*All because of you....
Mar 2014 · 1.1k
CoLd BlOoDeD mUrDeReR
suicidal twitch Mar 2014
I was always the invisible one,
Walking like a spirit amongst others,
They would hurt me just for fun,
But no one expected me to become a cOlD bLoOdEd MuRdErEr...

The murders started slowly,
Each night another would be gone,
You could call this unholy,
But when being a mUrDeReR it doesn't matter...

I would sneak into their rooms,
Blooded knife raised and brought down into their stomachs,
Afterwards they would be buried in their tombs,
The MuRdErEr would smile insanely whilst being invisible...

Eventually the murderer would be caught,
Taken away to never see the light of day,
They would ask me questions and what I thought,
But all I said was,

*'I bEcAmE a CoLd BlOoDeD mUdErEr...'
Mar 2014 · 450
I love him
suicidal twitch Mar 2014
I let my hidden tears run down my cheeks,
Why do I let myself be bullied by those freaks?

As I swallow myself in years of pain,
Will anything be the same again?

My eyes clenched shut to stop the visions,
Who picked out my decisions?

I can't deny that I love him,
If he left would my world turn dim?

I can't live in this world of hate,
Is this really going to be my fate?

He doesn't truly understand that I love him so,
Then why do I bother with love when my heart is already broken?
Mar 2014 · 623
suicidal twitch Mar 2014
Ever seen a cat get hit by a car?
You hear a SMACK,
And then nothing.
Just silent mewls,
Yelling for help.

I've seen that happen,
The blood mixing with rain water.
The sight blurred by my tears,
The sound of my choked sobs echoing in through the darkness.

Dead it was dead.
Died of shock? Blood loss? I don't know.
But all I know is that it was dead.
Princess was killed.
A hit and run act.

R.I.P Princess.
Last year at  9:00pm on a Friday, my brother's friend had his pet cat hit by a car...
Mar 2014 · 394
Please Stay
suicidal twitch Mar 2014
Were you not haPpy with me?
Did you not hear my pLeas?
Why did you lEave?
Will you come bAck?
Will you diSappear again?
Will you forgEt me?

I could make you Smile again,
I could love you Too,
I could bring you bAck,
We could be together forever mY love,

*ToGeThEr FoReVeR!
Mar 2014 · 452
Awake and Alive
suicidal twitch Mar 2014
I am awake and alive,
And tomorrow I shall thrive,
Because whatever gets in my way,
I will have the nerve to stay.

I am awake and alive,
And tomorrow I shall survive,
Because whatever gets halfway,
I will make sure they decay.

I am not awake and alive,
And there will be no tomorrow,
Because whatever got halfway,
Just murdered me today.
Mar 2014 · 397
Murder waiting to happen
suicidal twitch Mar 2014
Eyes darting round, so wide and scared,
This mustn't happen, you're unprepared.
All you loved gone and dead,
All so quiet you can hear him tread.

step step step

He's getting closer, not long now,
Sweat is dripping from your brow,
You're terrified, heart beating fast,
If you don't go now, you're not going to last.

step step step

Oh so close, not very far,
You can smell the smoke from his cigar,
With one last breath you start to run,
With one pull of the trigger and you're done.


Your pain filled body hits the floor,
Now you know you are done for,
With colour fading from you eyes,
You whisper your last goodbyes.


That last bullet through your head,
Now you know you are dead,
As he left your blood soaked body alone,
He whispered, 'You tried to run? Should've known...'

step step step

As he walked away, rain started to pour,
Leaving you on the now cold, wet floor,
Now your dead body was cold and misshapen,
You knew it was ****** waiting to happen.
Mar 2014 · 380
suicidal twitch Mar 2014
My body gone into shut down,
Face so peaceful not even a frown,
Calm breaths sound so deep,
You better be quiet, for I am asleep.
Mar 2014 · 456
The Best Poems!
suicidal twitch Mar 2014
I wanted to write a poem,
I didn't know were to start,
But I realised that the best poems,
Come from the heart!
Any one can be a poet!
Mar 2014 · 459
suicidal twitch Mar 2014
Your lifeless body on the floor,
Thick, red blood all over the wall,
Once alive but now no more,
You were too perfect, you had to fall
Mar 2014 · 896
suicidal twitch Mar 2014
Wind whipping at my face,
'You're such a big disgrace!',
Because of their name calling,
I am now falling.
Mar 2014 · 620
suicidal twitch Mar 2014
Skin turns a horrible black,
Its melting from my back,
Twisted screams of agony,
What a horrid tragedy.
Mar 2014 · 547
suicidal twitch Mar 2014
Screams slipping from their tongues,
Landed with a sloppy 'dive',
Cold water enters my lungs,
If it weren't for them, I'd still be alive.
Mar 2014 · 1.9k
suicidal twitch Mar 2014
Gun to my head,
Knife to my skin,
Mind filled with dread,
Wearing an insane grin.


My life no more,
Gone for good,
I'm lying on the floor,
I was only MiSuNdErStOoD...

*'I was only different'
We're all misunderstood and different
Yet, that's what makes us unique!
Mar 2014 · 1.0k
suicidal twitch Mar 2014
I think I'm suicidal,
Long sleeves to hide it all,
Empty promises shout out their calls,
Whilst walking down silent halls.

Sharp knifes kept in my room,
Lies carved on my tomb,
Blood splattered roses in full bloom,
Whilst darker shadows loom.

Guns kept in my bag,
They think I'm starting to brag,
Healed cuts start to snag,
They call me rude names like '***'.

They won't leave me alone,
I'm walking towards the danger zone,
Newly bruised skin on shattered bones,
Their voices mock me like repetive drones.

They don't give me time to think this through,
I can't stay any longer I'm turning blue,
I start when the clock strikes two,
This is the last of me its true.

As the clock strikes,
I jump...
And I keep falling...
No more name calling...
I'm free...
So I guess I was suicidal after all...
This is for a friend of mine who used to be suicidal because of bullying throughout her life because she was ginger.

— The End —