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Snigdha Banerjee Apr 2015
I want a home without walls -
I want the prison of your fierce embrace

One of us hears pretty lies,
the other swears they're true..
One of us measures time
in wrinkles, lines and sags.
The other quantifies
with kisses, laughs and shags.
One of us in the mirror
sees a sorry story.
The other only beauty
there, splendid in its glory
Thoughts enamor me no end
they tug at my soul
In their depth i blend.
Snigdha Banerjee Apr 2015
To every soul who offered me joy,
Comforting and cajoling,
To you, I am grateful.
To every soul who taught me hurt,
Gifting me lessons of woe,
To you, I am grateful.

To every soul who loved me,
Your love is my beacon,
I have discovered you in that warmth,
I have beheld you in that luminescence,  
To you, I am grateful.

To every soul who abandoned me,
You have nudged me on
Nearer and surer, to my grand source.
To you, I am grateful.

Whether I may realize,
Whether I may trust,
I have found the supreme Radiance
In this universe
Just as simply as I opened my eyes.
To you, I am grateful.
I am grateful  about everything ! trust me this feeling is just wonderful
Snigdha Banerjee Apr 2015
The blaze of sunshine touches my face
As I woke up with thoughts I can't erase
And then outside the window,
The view I start to gaze
Trying to solve the mystery in all utter amaze
I don't know what I feel
The birth that blessed us on that day
Meant far beyond what words could say
What once was two now is three
Our long awaited family  is all that i can see
Finally the silence speaks
Reality that slowly creeps
Exiting things one can't ignore
Surrendering to what's in store
Tears through laughter
Smiles through fear
No more wonder
At last she's here !
Daughter's are Precious !
Once a Father shared his lovely experience about how he felt when he had a girl child ...............................................................................................
I thought of expressing his wonderful unforgettable experience in form of this poem.
Snigdha Banerjee Apr 2015
Once I was pretty sad
but my dad
made me feel glad
We walked down a street
while he said ;
There is someone I would like you to meet
& not a moment soon
I got my first balloon
How overwhelmed was I !
over exited & fantasied !
A bit confused !
I wasn't sure
How this was to be used
Little did I notice
my tears faded fast
I ran here and there
completely forgetting about the past
But alas !
Less I knew
My new friend could fly
He got lost into the sky
As he drifted out of sight
I wished I could have hold it tight
My eyes filled with tears
Dad wrapped me in his arms
To remind me he was here !
I still love balloons ! cause at times it reminds me of this particular instance :)
Snigdha Banerjee Apr 2015
I am thinking of you right now
That's nothing special
I thought of you today
& That is nothing new
I thought of you yesterday
and days before that too
I think of you in silence
I often speak your name
All I have are memories and your picture in frame
You are so dear that I cant apart
God has you in his arms &
I have you in my heart
I lost my maternal grandma last year (22-October-2014)
my eyes swelled up with tears as  I recollected she loved to see me smile and praised my laughter My tears faded away and expressed itself through these lines .
Snigdha Banerjee Apr 2015
I Love Feelings
I love it when excitement blesses me.
When my heart beats quickly
and I feel adrenaline flowing through me.
happy and sad !
at times beautifully mad
In love, oblivious
Confused and conspicuous.
How can this be?
What's happening inside of me?
I just want to feel completely free.
Questioned Again n' again !!!!
Oh I feel so ‪#‎Insane‬
Snigdha Banerjee Apr 2015
Joy is walking in the soft morning mist
looking for the sun ;
Joy is seeing love in the eyes of the one you care for ;
Joy is in watching the giggling child ;
Joy is in the knowledge gained by opening your mind ;
Joy is in chatting with the wind ;
Joy is in wearing an old sweater which once belonged to him ;
Joy is in finding happiness when everything is not right ;
Joy in in the star shining so bright ;
Joy is in forgetting stress ;
Joy is in coming out of mess;
Joy is in living ;
Joy is in dying ;
Joy is in the peaks of mighty mountains ;
Joy is in the echos of rain ;
Joy is running in all my veins;
Joy is all this & much more
Joy is a thing to explore
If I ever find words to describe joy
I have always hoped
It would turn out to be Me  !!!
After all these years; I still explore my mind for Joy !
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