I lost you, no we lost you
We have missed you, we will miss you.
We have lost your wiley, witty, sarcastic humor.
So creative, we lost your bass voice sound as deep and strong as Gabriel's trumpet.
Always time for us, even when there wasn't.
But why?
Why, why, why, why, WHY?!?
Why didn't you love yourself like we loved you?
You let it get bad, then worse, until it was too late.
You had left us...
I asked you for to see the doctor...
You put it off, not for a day. It was weeks...
I am hurt, you are missed so...
Missed so much...
I will go on, but the world is that much darker...
I apologize. This isn't really a poem, more an attempt to release and try to understand the loss of a friend years later.