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 Apr 2017 sjh
Indigo Morrison
"i think I lost my halo
trying to make sure you were breathing
trying to attach you to the sun
i know i lost some of my energy
my vibe aint high like before
but i was trying to bring you with me
i was trying to build a silver lining
out of the breaks within your heart
but you wouldn't forget the pain
you wouldn't let go of her
and she does not love you
and holding on doesn't make it real baby
i. am. real. baby.

you saw me bending for you
and you couldn't even hold me
you shattered my heart
and you took so much light with you when you did

i was a vacation to you
something you could indulge in
something you allow yourself out of curiosity but never stay long enough to work for
but i am no Vegas
               no Miami
               no Jamaica
               no Puerto Rico
I am the ******* moon
you always come back to
I am not the train baby
I am the station
and I'm not only darkness;
a place to hide
I am light
something you open for
and give back to

so next time you find
you can't take your eyes off the sun
give in because you are ready
because you are whole
and you have something to give back
to this universe
not because you are scared
and you need  
                        all this gold
                        all this honey
                                                 to fill you.
 Apr 2017 sjh
morning glory
 Apr 2017 sjh
morning glory
Have you ever stared death straight on, in the eyes of the one whom you loved?                        

I cannot steal her anguish or her scars. I can't stop the blood from flowing.

How do you continue to breathe when your angel has been ****** to hell?

What if these shaky hands cannot grasp all that she contains?

Flowers aren't often meant to bloom in winter; you did nothing wrong.

Selfishness overcomes compassion and obsession is mistaken for love.

Death makes no man wait, and I can't stop the aim of a trigger that has already been pulled.
she's dying, she's dying
 Dec 2015 sjh
raine cooper
some people never leave.
they're always inside you,
crushing your glass bones,
and setting fire to your paper heart
 Dec 2015 sjh
raine cooper
 Dec 2015 sjh
raine cooper
you cannot burn down history
it's not made of wood,
but hearts, skin,
and that empty feeling in your chest
 Mar 2015 sjh
that you were "all in"
then why are your toes
barely wet
and i'm already
 Feb 2015 sjh
Roberta Day
I need to trust in love and not make a fuss
when a day or week passes without reassurance
  that what was said is still believed
when I have no reason to disbelieve
I just love too deep and when you don't exercise
you're weak and I've repressed my heart for
so long it yearns hard when it's unguarded
Ultimately, the fence falls because I've been rocking
on it too long and then I'm uncertain where to stand
I want to lean on you but worry you've had enough
of being somebody's crutch
I just want what we all desire;
an unhidden connection with someone
who loves me as much as or more than I do them
It is said patience is a virtue
but who cares about high morals anymore
when commitaphobes run abound
because everyone's at least once given their hearts
to someone on the opposite spectrum
to leave them in pieces by misdirection
But like a 10,000 piece puzzle, with time
and patience, it can be put together again
If all hearts are broken or closed off completely,
how will I ever find one to reciprocate my love so freely?
 Feb 2015 sjh
Kate Irons
i remember
 Feb 2015 sjh
Kate Irons
1:25 AM and i can still feel your breath on my shoulder when you would beg me to stay
 Dec 2014 sjh
Kate Irons
open road
 Dec 2014 sjh
Kate Irons
Sometimes I drive fast
to feel what it's like
to be alive again

— The End —