You call me to step out on the ledge
"I will catch you, I'll make good on my pledge"
And Lord I trust you, but I'm filled with fear
'Cause I can't see you even though I know you're near
Come to the edge and be not unbelieving, but believe
So, slowly I approach the edge of the unknown
You push me and, into the air, I find myself thrown
Expecting to fall, expecting to die
Surprised to find that, instead, I fly!
It takes faith to walk upon the waters of the ocean
It takes faith to learn that kind of deep devotion
It takes faith to trust when the senses fail
And faith that, through it all, life and love prevail
It takes faith when we step across that line
That He will lift us up and all will be fine
It takes faith, it takes patience, it takes love
But we will rise up on wings like eagles and learn to fly above
Lord, you call us to the edge and ask us to jump. We can't always see you. Help us to trust and have faith that you are always there and will never let us down. Fear often holds us back from reaching our full potential and some fear is healthy. It helps keep us safe and out of danger, but sometimes we need a little push. You know just what we need Lord and when. Push us just a little, help us have that faith, and trust (and just a little bit of pixie dust?), take that leap of faith and learn to fly! we ask this and all things in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen