M/London UK Beauty is pure. The idea is to be pure too, to see it through!
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Summer is loading full just one bit more London is On!
Busy bus only 20 miles per hour tube it take the underground!
Meet down the various clouds though the sun oft picks on the gray paintbrush the bumble bees fly on bright path daffodils are yellow eyes are black and white.
The colour plate is full down the cloud go by underground!
Just the least just a pinch is magic stirs the seven seas!
Your pretty little beauty spot is big indeed! Piques the waxing moon revealing new skin. Ah therein the day at the end of the day dips into the depth of the blue never sleeps roams in starry dreams!
Neither Earth or sky is deep or high. The first light drops upon the rose. The secret is secret no more sings the nightingale interpreting the dream down the whole lit up sky yet a twilight comes on the way.
Just a glance of you wraps the entire show away, towards depths so profound and heights so high yet unseen by any eye!
Today is my birthday my family enjoys a matter of joy. For this day my mother added one more new boost in the fold of time or one more leaf falls at the end in the autumn or indeed on more nightingale it’s for time to unfold!
I for one a date of birth still not in the know makes me pondering when my mind was born!