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 Jun 2019 Kaiden A Ward
Your hazel eyes
Are an artist's palette:
Green and grey, golden and brown.
If I stared long enough
I would get lost
In your pool of colours
And never be found.
 Jun 2019 Kaiden A Ward
“Have you ever been in love?”She asked
“I don’t think so,” he replied

If you were in love you would know it
Because it’s different
Different that your average crush
Or your summertime fling

You care so much and you don’t realize what you got yourself into
Until it’s too late
Until you’ve fallen

“I fell in love once,” she said.
He was a kind smart wonderful boy
And I loved him
But he didn’t love me

There’s a reason why we call it falling in love
Not rising
It’s the art of the fall
You don’t know if someone will catch you
you don’t know how bad it’s going to hurt

But sometimes we can be so so careful
And still fall
 Jun 2019 Kaiden A Ward
Do whatever makes you happy

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Your silence
My ears
 Jun 2019 Kaiden A Ward
It was never the night that scared me,
The trees hold the darkness,
that terrifies me.
Nothing is scary by itself. The by factors, aid the element of fear

The most damaging and deceitful lies

are the ones we tell ourselves

Written: April 20, 2019

All rights reserved.
The Billowing
Is my second language
It's my
Native tongue

"Billowing Risk" -JP
 Jun 2019 Kaiden A Ward
Poet X
after a day long enough
that could be mistaken for a week,
I lay my ear to your chest
your heartbeat has to be my
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