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Feb 2015 · 2.9k
Written Truths
Shanay Love Feb 2015
Write about me
Hold the pencil (as if)
It were my waist
Whisper of your mishaps
as  if I were a page

And as your guilt trips
exude the  bitterness
of your heart...
allow me to explain
why you're in my thoughts

Graphite can decipher
yet so little
To write about you
(Your feelings aloof)
Would  be the story
at minimal

So, I hold the Pencil
Loosely, without claim
I refuse to explain lust
Next Time I write,
It'll be about us
I wrote this during my instructional focus class.  Its about this boy... He writes too; hopefully , one day it'll be about us.  For now, we'll be friends until he can forget about his ex.  I doubt it.
Sep 2014 · 904
Humbled Before Him
Shanay Love Sep 2014
I Humble Myself,
My knees on the ground
Silence before his greatness
My head is bowed
Riches cannot protect us
All will be destroyed
But my God is merciful,
leaving the good untouched.
Jul 2014 · 3.4k
Any Less Beautiful.
Shanay Love Jul 2014
laid with oblivion;
We didn't love
with the same intentions.

The softness of my
skin roughened;
Your touch lacked

The whisper of my
voice grew volume;
His voice lost consolation.

       But Please,

Acknowledge me,
Even if I become
any less beautiful,

Jun 2014 · 8.2k
Having This Dance
Shanay Love Jun 2014
The off-beat flow
of your feet
seduced  me;
The crowd scattered.

We were alone with
our thoughts and intentions,
But only silence
escaped our lips
failing to mention
our love.
This guy and I danced together but we failed to execute what we had hoped for.
Jun 2014 · 3.8k
Lust Will Demolish
Shanay Love Jun 2014
Not once, have I tasted the thickness
of your lips.
nor have I felt a shallow hug
lacking passion.

I have only closed my eyes
and dreamed of us
in the darkness of my
bleak imagination.

I have feared
the intensity of your stare
but missed the scarcity
of your comforting voice

But dear,
this lust will only demolish us.

     ever so slowly
        in the comfort of our own
Jun 2014 · 1.3k
In My Pretending
Shanay Love Jun 2014
Embellishing our
in the euphoria of our
artificial affections
spoil me;
until Reality straitens
my smile
Mar 2014 · 1.1k
Ignominious Lovers
Shanay Love Mar 2014
How standard and usual
A pathetic attraction
Oblivious of two
Ignominious lovers

I crave diligence
While ignorant to the thoughts
and intensions of his mind
Save me, Lord, from destruction
  just this once,
For his heart can match perfectly with mine

How typical and useless
rejecting our relations
despite wanting his effort
to love me, dearly

I crave remembrance
ignorant to the thoughts
and intentions of his mind
Save me, Jesus, from repulsion
  just this once,
For my feelings I can no longer hide

How standard and usual
A pathetic attraction
oblivious of two
Ignominious lovers;
blind in the love shared
for each other
This poem is about two lovers shamed of their attraction because it is hidden and unsaid. The girl in this poem wonders about his feelings while explaining her own .
Dec 2013 · 1.3k
Her Once Beautiful
Shanay Love Dec 2013
Her once beautiful
brown skin
is now only
captivating the
negativity ruining
her limited life

Each moment
is once again
shadowed by a
We ever so
Happily label truth

Never would she claim
such a place
rewarding our evilness
with money
to further enhance
our mistakes

This is why
She cant bear
to withstand
a creature so bruised
with cuts and pain
that once was so beautiful
Dec 2013 · 760
Shanay Love Dec 2013
I refuse to forget...

A woman who was judged
and rewarded false ownership
for they
will never understand
the purpose of your
short presence
like I
When reading this recall a person who is misunderstood: read this poem with sympathy and understanding toward that person, please.
Nov 2013 · 597
Days Like This (in Space)
Shanay Love Nov 2013
Days like this,
where sorrow exist,
I want to goto space
Sit upon the moon
admire bright stars
and erase my swolen

Maybe then,
in a place of darkness,
and hope,
I won't feel so alone

I'd drift in space
passing motionless objects,
hoping to find someone
of the same sadness

Maybe then,
in conversation
and story telling,
I won't feel so abandoned
I wrote this poem when I learned a valuable lesson: Sometimes, you can't help but be what people expect.
Nov 2013 · 1.2k
Temporary Attraction
Shanay Love Nov 2013
our hands attach
almost refusing to part
Forever, I blush
the moment he looks
claiming me as
the pretty girl
butterflies in my tummy
I adorn the moments
If only they'd last forever
He leaves my sweaty palm
for the red head
I secretly despise
The butterflies are replaced
with a bitter sadness
as she walks away
with my lover
Nov 2013 · 2.0k
All I Want is Love
Shanay Love Nov 2013
If love is perfect
Why do I suffer
My heart only wants his

two months
I've been single
I finally surrender,
no longer needing loves'
painful affection

I'm desperate, but young
dependent, but strong
and all I want want
is TRUE love
Nov 2013 · 471
I don't know
Shanay Love Nov 2013
I could forever
be captivated
by your beautiful
brown eyes

How I dream
of knowing
how good your
lips taste

But holding your hand
we part too soon
I plead more time
but am left unwanted
Nov 2013 · 842
Can Never Be Replaced
Shanay Love Nov 2013
The gentle hugs you’d give
The way your arms wrapped
around me as to a blanket
leaving your colognes’ scent

My covers could never
hold me as tightly as you

The thickness of your lips
interfered with my cheek
I could only blush
of the nomadic past

My pillow could never
Kiss me as you did

The sweat on your palm
holding mine, you were nervous
The last whisper of your voice
It was simply perfect

  Could never be replaced by sorrow
Can never be relived by memories
Nov 2013 · 3.8k
Shanay Love Nov 2013
weakens the soul of those
who are blinded by destruction
of  the  world.

manipulates the concept of life
while painting the limited world
with  strife

is simply Earth in its place
consuming the good
that  sadly  effaced
Oct 2013 · 694
Steal My Sorrow
Shanay Love Oct 2013
Turn my sorrow into gold
Mending my broken heart
put love in every single stitch
As you sew what's torn apart

kiss away my silent screams
expunge unbearable pain
Stroke my face and pretend,
those horrid words never came
Oct 2013 · 476
In remembrance
Shanay Love Oct 2013
From the meadows we would walk
to the laughter you would bring
From the ground up above
to the dirt down beneath

Those nights you were comfort
The days you were just mine
To the rain that poured
on your casket that night

I saw the feeling in your eyes
of hope and relief
I heard the last words you spoke
Reminding me you love me

I touched the body
with a soul now resting
I cried the last time
I could feel your presence
My great grandmother was the only bond to keep my family together. Her death, July 14, 2010, was the worst day of my life. To this very day I remain distracted by her disappearance. While praying to meet her in peace one day.
Oct 2013 · 789
War Make Up: Unfinished
Shanay Love Oct 2013
With acrylic paints of every color
mainly reds and greens
she creates her makeup...
resembling a war scheme

Bold black lines
applied under her eyes
an intimidating look
hidden fear, silent cries

All these components
creates a harrowing disquise
she drowns her beauty in makeup
(didn't finish sorry)
Oct 2013 · 688
An Open View
Shanay Love Oct 2013
An open view
from the tallest window
could'nt reveal my prince
Patiently, I would wait
stumbling upon heartreak
only to find closed doors

An open view
with extrordinary heights
Would never offer
a love TRULY right
only to find a bitter sensation

The tallest window
it's farthest views
leaves me forlone
with a love unused
Sep 2013 · 632
She is...
Shanay Love Sep 2013
She is only a predator
devouring the sour flesh of those
who are gulable to her illusion

She is only lust
the image your mind potrays
abusing her beauty
Like the plastic it is

She is  poison
You avoid to drink
Left upon a table
Within your reach

You  grasp the cup tightly
with one sip you were  gone
mesmerized by the dangers
of being with her
Sep 2013 · 542
So I Fell
Shanay Love Sep 2013
So I fell for you
Off the cliff of the hill
into an everlasting love
Forever would I feel
your sensation

So I fell for you
Hoping to land in your arms
that would comfort me into long terms
But I was wrong

I fell into affliction
Which was subliminally hidden
In the words you’d smuggle

Borrowing my time
You’d laugh from pity
I’d try to climb up
But the fall had me weakened

Exhausted I lay
With nothing but my choice
Then you left;
abandoned the promise
and what you felt

I uncontrolably cried
A river that could feed two
But I felt stupidity
When I fell for you
Sep 2013 · 679
Wicked War
Shanay Love Sep 2013
Love is a wicked war hiding it’s affliction
toying with the vulnerable
Who fulfill its destructive missions
Many side effects are given
Which are hidden in its label
So love becomes a drug
Creating the disabled

Its forlorn passion to weaken those in pain
Are only always winning
When they play this wicked game
Making the poor weak
And the rich much wealth
It plays its deceiving way
Injecting those who seek help
Sep 2013 · 526
This Dream
Shanay Love Sep 2013
I remember the shadow
that followed my sorrow
It promised me happiness
I only smiled

I remember the tears
that fell like rain
how your lies would
fill the seams

I remember when I loved you
But then it started to fade
I could hardly remember
The remnants of my dream

— The End —