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 Nov 2018 Serenity
Dear rotting heart...
Did you really think sweet perfume could hide where you've been?
Or that a veil could possibly shield your sin?
Your scars need tending to
You were at one point whole
But something has happened to it
Pierced your soul
Is it all that bad to be made new again?
Or are there other things you wish to attend?
Is it worth it?
The end
 Nov 2018 Serenity
I'm a hopeless romantic
I dream of fun nights out on the town
Meaningful conversations under the stars
And a passionate kiss shared in the rain
I'm a hopeless romantic
I believe in marriage
And growing old together
And being attentive to each others needs
I'm a hopeless romantic
Longing to be seen in a way
That others have never dared to do
Afraid of losing their fantasies
I'm a hopeless romantic
But more than that
I am human
And a complex one I might add
Not so easily figured out
But what's the fun in that?
I'm a hopeless romantic
Loyal and caring
Wanting to know who my partner is
And how I can help them accomplish their
Goals and dreams
A hopeless romantic
Yes that's me
 Jul 2018 Serenity
Those eyes
Those ****** eyes
As much as I hate to admit
They give me butterflies

If I could
I would want you to stop existing
I am feeling all these emotions
But I swear I'm resisting

You're not even the last thing I want
Not someone I would trust
I have to stop thinking
I know that I must

Isn't it crazy?
To fall for someone who looks like a heartbreak
But you make me want you
My mind goes numb, my hands shake

I guess it's okay
To think about you sometimes
Just to make myself satisfied
I tell my heart all these lies

I can see it in your eyes
The wilderness speaking for itself
The assurance that you can get anything
Like a game, without any help

I really want you to know
Not everyone is easy to buy
I don't care how pretty you are
If behind my smile, you can't hear me cry

You're fire –a beautiful fire
And I'm not ready to burn
I am more than what you see
But I notice, it's none of your concern
 Nov 2017 Serenity
harlon rivers
The nakedness of winter lies heavy upon
the tolling Sunday quietude
Shed  leaves perish into yesterday
and the dream of another
dawning  someday wanes

The  sun ― lay low
the drudging  ashen  skyline  
Barerd emerald moss scaffolds
draw much more distantness
to the pallid shadowed horizon

The evergreens step forth,
roots grasping sacred heart,
soil  and  rock
In the swelling aloneness
you can feel the grain
of  the  heartwood
rooted in your soul

There are no hard feelings
but there's an enduring ache,
like a tree with a rotting limb
languishing  within
its blackened bark sacrifice

It's not just the grinding time
that slips away begrudgingly;
more of the same takes a toll 
as if another unrung belfry hour
in an empty bell tower
without a song rang out in vain,

peeling  reflections
of reluctant hours  c r a w l  by
in the insensible apathy

A so called holiday passes ―
its footprint bears down
hard  and  deep
as if a paling winter rose
grieves its own passing

A dry wishbone unbroken
lay bare the poignant
truth  it  holds;

it takes two to make
this wish come true

Written by:  harlon rivers
a winter Sunday
11. 26. 2017

Note : alternative title before
accidentally published
by write/ public/default

"Unlucky Wishbone"
 Nov 2017 Serenity
Not yet
 Nov 2017 Serenity
We saw each other tonight. We talked about the ****** living situation you're in because we're no longer living together. We talked about old secret handshakes we had with our siblings and couldn't control the laughter. You asked to take me out to dinner soon, how quickly I wanted to say yes surprised me. I told you I would think about it instead. The way you love me eats me up inside and reminds me of the way I loved when I was younger. So selflessly and heart wrenching at the same time. How it hurt to love something that much, but I couldnt control it. How it felt like my brain was cracking in two and every cell in my body was exploding when they said they no longer wanted to be mine. I feel that way tonight, I feel that terrible pain in my gut that makes me feel like we should have never split up in the first place, that I should just forgive you and tell you to come back home. But I can't, not yet.
I dont know if I ever will.
 Nov 2017 Serenity
**** me and then put me in a coffin
next to that majestic oak.
Look at my pale face while you wrap the lifeless body in a black cloak.
Start a fire, but don’t burn yourself just to hide me in the smoke.
The words on your lips wound my existence, until, on them, i choke:

“Sleep easy, sleep well, my little darling,
soon i’ll be with you, when the stars start falling.
Dream sweet, dream of me, my tender starling,
everything is going to be all right, there will be no more crying.
 Aug 2017 Serenity
Seven days
 Aug 2017 Serenity
Seven days ago you kissed me on my head and told me to never leave you, that I was a the sun and you were the earth

Six days ago you asked me how my day was and I shrugged and smiled and just kissed you so I didn't have to pretend everything was okay

Five days ago you brought up the argument we had last week about that girl from your work and asked if I was still mad about it

Four days ago we made love and I swear it was the most amazing thing I knew this day I could love you forever

Three days ago you texted me and told me you couldn't see me because you had plans with your boys and you haven't seen them in a while

Two days ago I saw you in the background of a mutual friends picture, you were with that girl from your work. Two days ago my heart broke

Yesterday, we fought for hours and you said "I love you" to me more than you have in the past 6 years and I couldn't believe you because how could you love someone but hurt them so bad

Tomorrow, tomorrow I'll wish I had never met you.
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