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Thee **** yout; no wisdom, no respect...                                            

               Tink they're so boombastic, wait and see...

See a raggamuffin, on da street...                                            

Hood up, knife out...

Some **** reggae fools, dis lot...                    

                                                   Tink they can slosh sum' boomba clot...

Me tink NOT!

Not my yout, not my child.
Little Jaco is ten now.
He's a real blessed dude.
He knows his manners,
And he's clean as shween too.

Can't wait a day longer.
Want me yout to be grown.
Want to fly, get high,
And ease up, once we've flown.

Me yout's like me brodda.
Has the face of his motha.

*All I want is for him to be old enough,
So that we can both smoke ****** together.
Jaco, my son; me yout <3
Butterfly  Nov 2018
I'm sorry
Butterfly Nov 2018
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I wasn't a genuine friend.
I'm sorry for always being a problem.
I'm sorry for not meeting yout expectations.
I'm sorry for never learning.
I'm sorry for causing you pain.
I'm sorry for making you feel less than you are.
I'm sorry for being selfish.
I'm sorry for coming into your life in the first place.
I'm sorry for existing.

I was supposed to be your everything.
I'm sorry I couldn't be.
YourNightLight Dec 2018
"I'm walking away,
I'm starting a new.
You could of came with me
but that was on you.
I'll find a new world full of colors.
New memories, new smiles.
One foot after the other,
let bygones be bygones.
You were a beautiful soul,
gave me so much magic & knowledge.
So I'm at peace now with kissing you goodbye.
I'll take the lessons yout gave me & craft a boat that will take me to new heights.
I'll love yout forever but at a distance it's fine.
I'll take back my bruised heart & stich it up with time.
The last grain of sand in my hourglass has fell.
So I was slowly walk away with a heavy heart.
I'm pushing myself forward.
It's a start.
This must have been what you wanted all along,
to drift away & become strangers to one forget the magic I felt.
AzealAngel  Aug 2012
From Afar
AzealAngel Aug 2012
From afar I admire you
your beauty and your grace
the way you push hair behidn your ear that has fallen to your face
your're o so intelligent
the way you speak in class
so bold and without fear
the sparkle for learning in your eyes
that look so pure and clear
All of these things, only perceived by me from afar
I wish to know yout thoughts
likes, dislikes, and hobbies
your opinion on politics
Do you about the trees?
What is your faith?
Do you have pets?
Your favorite book, movie, food.
What is it that you are passionate about?
My dear Brazil
I want to talk to you
To obtain all the answer to every question I wish to ask you
This morning in the rain you were only a few feet away
all alone were you
But my feet, they would not move
So I did not go to you
Instead I watched my Beautiful Brazil place her earphones in her ear
We could have talked and laughed
But we didn't cause I am ruled by fear
Alas, My Beautiful Brazil
I am not your average admirer
No, not at all
But until I gather up the courage
The strength to loose my fear
I'll admire you from afar
My Beautiful Brazil
Yes, its about a
Me love agony, seen?
Me hate baldheads, seen?
Me love collie, seen?
Me hate duppies, seen?
Me love easing up, seen?
Me hate fishes, seen?
Me love *****, seen?
Me hate harbour sharks, seen?
Me love "irie's", seen?
Me hate janga, seen?
Me love kush, seen?
Me hate lagga heads, seen?
Me love mateys, seen?
Me hate nyng'i-nying'i, seen?
Me love o-dokono, seen?
Me hate passa passa, seen?
Me love quashes, seen?
Me hate running belly, seen?
Me love science (witchcraft), seen?
Me hate toto, seen?
Me love uptown goodas, seen?
Me hate vixxin', seen?
Me love wheels, seen?
Me hate da yout, seen?
Me love Zion, seen?

*Me ******' love Zion
I made a poem, seen? "seen?" means "do you understand?", seen?
She don't wanna speak to me.
Me mind is hidden under a cloud of darkness.
Dere's a feelin' of inner struggle.
I must release reggae.


I rise out of me bed in terror.
Me dreamt of a lonely island boy, lost at sea.
Could you imagine, no friends, no food.
No reggae release.


I'm trapped in a reggae box
I can hear me boy screamin', but I can't find 'im.
I call for 'im, "JACO! JACO, MY YOUT!"
I must release de reggae.


The room is a maze, no exit.
Could me premonitions be true?
Could me boy truly be lost?
No reggae release.


Me vision's too cloudy.
All to be seen is rat-like faces, cringing.
Their snouts snort and sneer to a reggae beat.
I must release de reggae.


The floor falls from under me.
A lizard's heavy gizzard appears below.
Crooked, sharp teeth shining tru de dark.
No reggae release.


Colours upon colours.
An indigo man stabs, then rapes a magenta woman.
Until the reds, and greens, and blues, explode from her stomach.
I must release de reggae.


I catch me breath. I'm in me room.

Safe and sound.

Jeez, what a bad trip, still?
Dat was a silly weekend mon. Hehe
Ruheen  Jan 2019
Music To My Ears
Ruheen Jan 2019
How I lose myself in me,
When I hear your melody.
What a lyrical performance,
Like a swan upon the ocean.
Touch the sky, come back down.
No limits when you're around.
Your words are timeless.
Such a beautiful mess.
Even when it's raining emotions.
It's still such a lovely moment.
You leave it out in the open,
Even though you’re broken.
Yout fight all you fears,
You fight all your tears.
I hear you, even when you disappear.
'Cause your voice is music to my ears.
Originally a song (As usual). Figured it could work both ways.
I don't know what compelled me to write this. Maybe it was the amount of healing hearts I've seen. Maybe it was the amount of love.
This is something different because it's not about loneliness. It's about having someone. It's about how much someone means to you. You accept all their flaws even when they don't. You're there for them, always, and their opinion matters to you. They still mean so much to you, even when they're gone.
This is like nothing I've written before. It's sort of....less dark..?
DC raw love  Jan 2015
DC raw love Jan 2015
as i sit here and plot yout every move
i love you and you don't have a clue

i watch you daily
i love your smile

i love these feelings you bring me inside

i can only look, because i'm shy
you don't look back, which angers my eyes

i dream about you, as i look in your window
you go to the store and i open the door

when you go to lunch, i'm always watching
when you kiss another, i get mad as hell

you don't even know me, so why do i feel this way
your something i want, that i can't have

if i can't have you, no one else will
Annie McLaughlin Mar 2016
Tip toe quietly on yout feet
Don't you dare you miss a beat
Make around the floor-set traps
Wide awake as the rest of the world naps
Creak the door open just a slight
Enough to sneak away into the night
Ignore the clatter of bottles and breaths
Soon enough they'll be just deaths
Climb the barrier that separates care
For that courage resides somewhere
Tip toe quietly on your feet
Don't you dare you skip a beat
Meka Boyle  Jan 2011
Meka Boyle Jan 2011
you paint a picture with words
speaking out just to be heard
you think yout fooling me but i've known all along
your everything you say you are
except one thing
your weakness shows as you string me along
i try to believe you
but deep insidee i know you are wrong
wrong about being right
yeah its a complexed contradiction
but what else should i expect
with someone that mixes fantasy with nonfiction

so mirror mirror on the wall
its about time you crumble and fall
and amidst your broke shards of glass
come to realize the past has passed

dwelling in broken memories
your drown in your thoughts
tangeled up in emotion
afriad to admit your caught
like a spider you spin your web
parallel to the cycle spinning in your head
on your worn out path you continue to tread

i dont even know what it means to be
without you
because your always haunting me
taunting me
drawing me into your cycle
its time i break free

so mirror mirror on the wall
its about time you crumble and fall
and amidst your broken shards of glass
come to realize the past has passed

turn over a new leaf
dont look back
or stop in your tracks
determine myths from facts
begin to act
like the adult you are coming to be
look from an outer perspective
begin to see
clearly now
come to think about it
i dont know how
i believed in your self doubt

so mirror mirror on the wall
its about time your shatter and fall
and amidst your broken shards of glass
come to realize the past has passed

come to peace at last
and realize
that despise
isnt a comprimise
when it comes to fate
and that hate
isnt the only way to demonstrate
your emotion

lifes as vast as the ocean
and always in motion
changing with the tide
so swallow your pride
learn how to recognize
a blessing in disguise
end where endings end
after that
know yourself deep within
submerge to the surface of conciousness
and listen
to the voice within
yeah thats really livin

so mirror mirror on the wall
its about time your shatter and fall
and amidst your broken shards of glass
come to realize the past has passed
Are you tired of living in the hood?
Looking around only to see this "flawless" generation getting up to no good?
Are you tired of losing?
Have you been betrayed?
Have you got bags under your eyes because you stay up too late?
Well I tell you this, I do,
I've got a lot on my plate,
Just like you,

Do not judge what your eyes perceive,
No one wants to be judged, certainly not me,
Cos when you look around what do you see?
Do you see love? Nature? Trees?
OPEN YOUR EYES and your ears,
You need to listen, you need to hear,
I am simply a messenger,
I am not GOD,
But this world's turning into an illusion that cannot be solved,

We no longer live in harmony,
That is not what I see when I look around me,

I do not want this earth to die,
She is my mother,
Yours too and yet you peoplr don't even try,

All of you "lost" children out there,
STOP SAYING "Live fast, Die young"
Thats a disguise,
Your trying to hide this horrible truth that has arised,
But if you don't face it!
No one will do it for you!

Our world is dying and while your having a good time dining,
I sit up at night crying,

Because I remember when people had hope,
They didn't give up and they'd simply devote,

The air is filled with car fuels and man-made chemicals,
The trees are chopped made into money,
But we lose because those trees are our filters,
As important as our lungs,
But all you people care about is yout money and your guns,

I want children and so will mine,
I wish they'll be able to breathe in a world that is FINE,

Nowadays children are robots to the system,
Controlled by the media and placed in their position,
Goggle eye'd to the television,
Stuck in a generation growing up too fast,
Only to notice that we're not gonna last,

We're breathing in dirt every day,
The moon is drifting further away,
As for the chemtrails they spray and spray,

And YOU governments sit and have the guts to say,
"Why are so many children today comitting suicide?"
Well MAYBE its because they believe,
Victory's on the other side.

By Larna Kourtis
Aged 14
Peace. ***
Elle C  Oct 2011
Breaking Point;
Elle C Oct 2011
Feel the fire down your neck
Your heart beating like a drum
Flashes of red as they fade to gray
                -the ashes sift away.

Don’t ask for comfort, here you get none
They’ll watch as the flames work through your body
Thundering your pounding lungs
               -desperate to get away.

The heat grows high; where do you go from here?
Encased in flames; you have no chance
No chance to feel the love
               -no chance to get away.

It’s ending so soon, you let you all go
Your soul to be picked over; because you don’t really care
You’ve fallen to low, to see yourself now
               -pick your feet up; fly away

And now it’s all over, as they watch you; laid bare
A pretty red dress, stained with your blood
Your body so broken, so fragile; unmarred
               -locked up tight you can’t get away

They’ll take you away, ashamed of the sight
You think of the sight that kept you alive
As you make your escape; your heart beating like a drum
               -as you run in the dead of night, run away

*Your funeral was held; the empty coffin, buried
As you nurse your wounds in sweet success
Thinking of that face that made you find strength
               - yout pain is taken away

— The End —